A mortgage or deed of trust of real estate may be recorded and constructive notice of the same and the contents thereof given in the following manner:

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Terms Used In Washington Code 65.08.160

  • Deed: The legal instrument used to transfer title in real property from one person to another.
  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • person: may be construed to include the United States, this state, or any state or territory, or any public or private corporation or limited liability company, as well as an individual. See Washington Code 1.16.080
(1) An instrument containing a form or forms of covenants, conditions, obligations, powers, and other clauses of a mortgage or deed of trust may be recorded in the office of the county auditor of any county and the auditor of such county, upon the request of any person, on tender of the lawful fees therefor, shall record the same. Every such instrument shall be entitled on the face thereof as a “Master form recorded by . . . (name of person causing the instrument to be recorded).” Such instrument need not be acknowledged to be entitled to record.
(2) When any such instrument is recorded, the county auditor shall index such instrument under the name of the person causing it to be recorded in the manner provided for miscellaneous instruments relating to real estate.
(3) Thereafter any of the provisions of such master form instrument may be incorporated by reference in any mortgage or deed of trust of real estate situated within this state, if such reference in the mortgage or deed of trust states that the master form instrument was recorded in the county in which the mortgage or deed of trust is offered for record, the date when and the book and page or pages or recording number where such master form instrument was recorded, and that a copy of such master form instrument was furnished to the person executing the mortgage or deed of trust. The recording of any mortgage or deed of trust which has so incorporated by reference therein any of the provisions of a master form instrument recorded as provided in this section shall have like effect as if such provisions of the master form so incorporated by reference had been set forth fully in the mortgage or deed of trust.
(4) Whenever a mortgage or deed of trust is presented for recording on which is set forth matter purporting to be a copy or reproduction of such master form instrument or of part thereof, identified by its title as provided in subsection (1) of this section and stating the date when it was recorded and the book and page where it was recorded, preceded by the words “do not record” or “not to be recorded,” and plainly separated from the matter to be recorded as a part of the mortgage or deed of trust in such manner that it will not appear upon a photographic reproduction of any page containing any part of the mortgage or deed of trust, such matter shall not be recorded by the county auditor to whom the instrument is presented for recording; in such case the county auditor shall record only the mortgage or deed of trust apart from such matter and shall not be liable for so doing, any other provisions of law to the contrary notwithstanding.


Effective date1999 c 233: See note following RCW 4.28.320.