2016 West Virginia Code 8-22-18b – Creation of Municipal Pensions Security Fund; transfer of certain powers, duties and functions of Treasurer’s office to Municipal Pensions Oversight Board
(a) The Legislature finds that an important part of oversight of municipal policemen’s and firemen’s pension and relief funds is monitoring the performance required of the various funds to qualify to receive distribution of insurance premium tax revenues provided by section fourteen-d, article three, chapter thirty-three of this code. The duties and functions of the State Treasurer‘s office with respect to monitoring and distribution are transferred from the State Treasurer’s office to the West Virginia Municipal Pensions Oversight Board effective January 1, 2010: Provided, That until the oversight board is fully organized and operating, some duties and functions being performed by the State Treasurer’s office prior to January 1, 2010, may be continued by that office temporarily as necessary to effect an orderly transition of responsibilities and provide for prompt distribution of the insurance premium tax proceeds for expenses of the oversight board and to the municipal policemen’s and firemen’s pension and relief funds.
(b) There is hereby created in the State Treasury a nonexpiring special revenue fund designated the West Virginia Municipal Pensions Security Fund which shall be administered by the West Virginia Municipal Pensions Oversight Board solely for the purposes as provided in this article and article three, chapter thirty-three of this code. All earnings shall accrue to and be retained by the fund unless otherwise provided in this article.
(c) Until the oversight board advises the Insurance Commissioner and the State Treasurer in writing that the oversight board is prepared to receive into and distribute from the West Virginia Municipal Pensions Security Fund premium tax revenues as provided in section fourteen-d, article three, chapter thirty-three of this code and section seven, article twelve-c of said chapter, the commissioner shall continue to transfer the funds into the Municipal Pensions and Protection Fund and the State Treasurer shall continue to disburse funds to the qualifying municipal pension and relief funds, and shall disburse funds as necessary for the establishment and early operation of the oversight board. The Insurance Commissioner, the State Treasurer and oversight board shall share information freely as required for efficient transfer of powers and duties related to the premium tax revenues generated pursuant to chapter thirty-three of this code to be allocated to the municipal policemen’s and firemen’s pension and relief funds. When the oversight board assumes full responsibility to receive funds into and disburse funds from the Municipal Pensions Security Fund, the State Treasurer shall transfer to it all funds remaining in the Municipal Pensions and Protection Fund and close the Municipal Pensions and Protection Fund.