On and after the effective date of this article: (1) No license shall be issued to establish a salvage yard or any part thereof within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems: Provided, That this limitation shall not apply to landfills established and maintained by the state or any county or municipality if such landfill is effectively screened and obscured by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means so as not to be visible from the main traveled way of the system; and (2) no license shall be issued to establish a salvage yard or any part thereof within five hundred feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road, unless the view thereof from such state local service road shall be effectively screened and obscured by fences: Provided, however, That this limitation shall not apply to landfills established and maintained by the state or any county or municipality if such landfill is effectively screened and obscured by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means so as not to be visible from the main traveled way of the system; and (3) no license may be issued allowing a salvage yard within one thousand feet of the nearest occupied private residence, unless waived by the owner of such residence, or within five thousand feet of the nearest occupied private residence which is part of a residential community. The provisions of this paragraph, as amended, shall apply only to salvage yards licensed after April 1, 1988.

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Terms Used In West Virginia Code 17-23-4

  • Commissioner: means the Commissioner of the West Virginia Division of Highways. See West Virginia Code 17-23-2
  • Occupied private residence: means a private residence which is occupied for at least six months each year. See West Virginia Code 17-23-2
  • Owner or operator: includes an individual, firm, partnership, association or corporation or the plural thereof. See West Virginia Code 17-23-2
  • Residential community: means an area wherein five or more occupied private residences are located within any one thousand-foot radius. See West Virginia Code 17-23-2
  • Salvage: means old or scrap brass, copper, iron, steel, other ferrous or nonferrous materials, batteries or rubber and any junked, dismantled or wrecked machinery, machines or motor vehicles or any parts of any junked, dismantled or wrecked machinery, machines or motor vehicles. See West Virginia Code 17-23-2
  • Salvage yard: means any place which is maintained, operated or used for the storing, keeping, buying, selling or processing of salvage, or for the operation and maintenance of a motor vehicle graveyard: Provided, That no salvage yard shall accept, store or process more than one hundred waste tires unless it has all permits necessary to operate a monofill, waste tire processing facility or solid waste facility. See West Virginia Code 17-23-2
  • State: when applied to a part of the United States and not restricted by the context, includes the District of Columbia and the several territories, and the words "United States" also include the said district and territories. See West Virginia Code 2-2-10

The license of any salvage yard duly issued under the former provisions of this article, which salvage yard or any part thereof on the effective date of this article, is: (1) Within one thousand feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems; or is (2) within five hundred feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road; or is (3) within one thousand feet of the nearest occupied private residence or within five thousand feet of the nearest occupied private residence which is part of a residential community, may be renewed only if the view of the said salvage yard and all parts thereof are effectively screened from the adjacent road by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means or a waiver is obtained from the owner of an occupied private residence. The provisions of this paragraph, as amended, shall apply only to salvage yards licensed after April 1, 1988.

Any salvage yard which, on the effective date of this article, is duly licensed under the former provisions of this article may be established or continue to be operated and maintained without screening by natural objects, plantings, fences or other appropriate means so long as any part of such salvage yard is: (1) Not located within one thousand feet of any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified as expressway, trunkline or feeder, or any road within the state road system designated and classified or redesignated and reclassified for the purposes of allocation of federal highway funds as part of the federal-aid interstate or primary systems; or is (2) not located within five hundred feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any state local service road; or is (3) not located within one thousand feet of the nearest residence or within five thousand feet of the nearest occupied private residence which is part of a residential community. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section to the contrary, ownership of a salvage yard duly licensed under the former provisions of this article and continuously maintained and licensed since July 1, 1998, may be sold or otherwise transferred, and the salvage yard shall be eligible for relicensure and may continue to be operated under the same legal requirements that would have been applicable had the change in ownership not occurred.

On or after July 1, 1984, any owner or operator establishing, operating or maintaining a salvage yard for which a license is required under the provisions of this article is hereby required to first obtain an approval permit from the county planning commission, or if the county does not have a county planning commission, from an appropriate office or agency designated by the county commission, in which the salvage yard is located. The county planning commission or designated agency or office shall promulgate such reasonable rules including, but not limited to, determining the effect of the proposed salvage yard on residential, business or commercial property investment and values, establishing a quota for the number of salvage yards in the county, and the social, economic and environmental impact on community growth and development in utilities, health, education, recreation, safety, welfare and convenience, if any, before issuing such approval permit. These rules shall conform to guidelines established in rules promulgated by the commissioner. The fee for the approval permit shall be $25, payable upon the filing of the application on forms to be designated and approved by the county planning commission or designated office or agency.

Upon the granting of an approval permit by the county planning commission, the owner or operator shall then apply to the commissioner for a license to operate. The commissioner may issue a license to the applicant, but only after an approval permit has issued in the first instance and the location of the salvage yard is in compliance with the location requirements of section four of this article. The approval permit requirement of this section does not apply to any owner or operator who has established, or is operating or maintaining, a salvage yard prior to July 1, 1984.