West Virginia Code 7A-3-2 – Municipal charter review committee
(a) A municipal charter review committee shall be established within thirty days of the county commission verifying the petition or resolution proposing consolidation.
Terms Used In West Virginia Code 7A-3-2
- Executive session: A portion of the Senate's daily session in which it considers executive business.
(b) A municipal charter review committee consists of the following members:
(1) Two government officials or their designees from each affected municipality appointed by their respective governing bodies;
(2) One county commissioner or his or her designee appointed by the county commission from each county where the affected municipalities are located; and
(3) Two or three public members elected during executive session by the other members to make the number of charter review committee members an odd number.
(c) A municipal charter review committee continues to exist until it is dissolved pursuant to the charter or the final disapproval of the charter.