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Terms Used In Wisconsin Statutes 23.30

  • Acquire: when used in connection with a grant of power to any person, includes the acquisition by purchase, grant, gift or bequest. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
  • Gift: A voluntary transfer or conveyance of property without consideration, or for less than full and adequate consideration based on fair market value.
  • Highway: includes all public ways and thoroughfares and all bridges upon the same. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
  • Population: means that shown by the most recent regular or special federal census. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
  • Property: includes real and personal property. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
  • State: when applied to states of the United States, includes the District of Columbia, the commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the several territories organized by Congress. See Wisconsin Statutes 990.01
   (1)    Purpose. The purpose of this section is to promote, encourage, coordinate and implement a comprehensive long-range plan to acquire, maintain and develop for public use those areas of the state best adapted to the development of a comprehensive system of state and local outdoor recreation facilities and services in all fields, including, without limitation because of enumeration, parks, forests, camping grounds, fishing and hunting grounds, trails, trail-side campsites and shelters, cross-country ski trails, bridle trails, related historical sites, highway scenic easements, the lower Wisconsin state riverway as defined in s. 30.40 (15), natural areas and local recreation programs, except spectator sports, and to facilitate and encourage the fullest beneficial public use of these areas.
   (2)   Established. The outdoor recreation program is established as a continuing program to financially assist the state and local agency outdoor recreation program, including, without limitation because of enumeration, lake rehabilitation, coho salmon production, wildlife management on county forests, public access, state park and forest recreation areas, fish and game habitat areas, youth conservation camps, creation of new lakes, lake and stream classification, the lower Wisconsin state riverway as defined in s. 30.40 (15), highway scenic easements, natural areas, state aids for local governmental parks and other outdoor recreational facilities, acquisition and development, state aids for county forest recreation areas development, related historic sites, tourist information sites; recreational planning; scenic or wild river preservation and use; and conservation work program.
   (3)   Natural resources board. The natural resources board is the body through which all governmental agencies and nongovernmental agencies may coordinate their policies, plans and activities with regard to Wisconsin outdoor recreation resources. To this end it shall:
      (a)    Consider and recommend to the governor and legislature broad policies and standards to guide the comprehensive development of all outdoor recreation resources in Wisconsin, including, without limitation because of enumeration, outdoor recreation development in relation to state population patterns, low-cost sewage system studies, the several outdoor recreation activities, outdoor recreation development to aid the state recreation industry, and policies and standards to coordinate the respective outdoor recreation development programs of federal, state and local governmental agencies and the recreation programs operated by private enterprise.
      (b)    Coordinate the development of a comprehensive long-range plan for the acquisition and development of areas necessary for a statewide system of recreational facilities. The comprehensive plan shall be based upon the outdoor recreation plans of the several state agencies and local governmental agencies, and shall be coordinated and modified as the board deems necessary to comply with its policies and standards.
      (c)    Recommend to the legislature outdoor recreation program appropriations and allocations which, in conjunction with other financial sources supporting outdoor recreation resources, are necessary to carry out plans coordinated by the board.
      (d)    Consider progress reports from state agencies to determine that all state appropriations for outdoor recreation are being so expended that the policies and plans formulated by the board will be accomplished.
      (f)    Advise federal agencies concerned of the pattern in which all federal outdoor recreation resources financial assistance and loan programs to state and local governmental agencies and to nongovernmental associations and private individuals will most completely implement the policies and plans of the board.
      (g)    Negotiate agreements between agencies concerned when in the board’s judgment there is an overlap of authority or responsibilities in the completion of a project.
      (h)    Accept on behalf of the state and allocate to the appropriate state agency any gifts and grants of money, property or services made for the purposes of outdoor recreation in Wisconsin. The proceeds of such gifts and grants may be expended for the purpose of the gift or grant.