Social Security Benefits

Laws and legal information about social security benefits
Laws and legal information about social security benefits
The federal government provides benefits to disabled individuals. There are two programs: SSDI (Supplemental Security Disability Insurance Benefits) and SSI (Social Security Income). SSDI provides benefits to disabled individuals, their spouses, and dependents. SSI provides benefits to disabled individuals whose income and total assets fall below certain thresholds. Determining Eligibility for BenefitsEligibility differs under the two programs, but the standards for determining whether a person is disabled are similar. A person is considered disabled and eligible for disability benefits when he has a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that can result in death or has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period not less than twelve (12) months.These impairments must so severe that a person can not perform their previous work requirements and considering their "age, education, and work experience, engage in any other type of substantial gainful work existing in the national economy." Read more