Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2024 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan 2023 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan 2022 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan 2021 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan 2020 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan 2019 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan 2017 Kentucky Statutes 176.440 – State highway engineer to provide cost estimate for any project that legislator desires in six year road plan