2024 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2023 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2022 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2021 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2020 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2019 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2017 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2016 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2015 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2014 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2013 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2012 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2011 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2010 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program

2008 Florida Statutes 408.7057 – Statewide provider and health plan claim dispute resolution program