Versions of Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another on LawServer
2024 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2023 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2022 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2021 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2020 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2019 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2018 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2016 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2015 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2014 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2013 Arizona Laws 13-113. Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another
2009 Arizona Laws 13-113 – Conviction or acquittal in one county as bar to prosecution in another