2024 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2023 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2022 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2021 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2020 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2019 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2017 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2016 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2015 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2014 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility by the …

2013 California Streets and Highways Code 32950 – An authority shall not acquire any existing parking facility…

2010 California Streets and Highways Code 32950

2009 California Streets and Highways Code 32950