Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2023 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines does not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2022 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines does not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2021 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines does not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2020 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines does not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2019 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines does not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2017 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2016 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2015 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2014 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2013 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2012 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions 2009 South Carolina Code 7-13-450. Use of voting machines shall not prohibit use of separate ballots on certain questions