Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2024 Connecticut General Statutes 3-21aa – General obligation bonds for transportation projects. Authorization of special tax obligation bonds or general obligation bonds deemed to authorize issuance as either special tax obligation bonds or general oblig… 2023 Connecticut General Statutes 3-21aa – General obligation bonds for transportation projects. Authorization of special tax obligation bonds or general obligation bonds deemed to authorize issuance as either special tax obligation bonds or general oblig… 2022 Connecticut General Statutes 3-21aa – General obligation bonds for transportation projects. Authorization of special tax obligation bonds or general obligation bonds deemed to authorize issuance as either special tax obligation bonds or general oblig… 2020 Connecticut General Statutes 3-21aa – General obligation bonds for transportation projects. Authorization of special tax obligation bonds or general obligation bonds deemed to authorize issuance as either special tax obligation bonds or general oblig… 2019 Connecticut General Statutes 3-21aa – General obligation bonds for transportation projects. Authorization of special tax obligation bonds or general obligation bonds deemed to authorize issuance as either special tax obligation bonds or general oblig…