2023 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2022 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2021 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2020 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2019 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2018 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2016 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2015 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2014 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; mineral production education fund; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure

2013 Kansas Statutes 79-4227. Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; mineral production tax refund fund; special county mineral production tax fund; incentive for technical education fund; tuition for technical education fund; distribution of revenue t

2009 Kansas Statutes 79-4227 – Mineral severance tax; disposition of revenue; distribution of revenue to counties and school districts, procedure