Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2024 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2023 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2022 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2020 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2019 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2017 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2016 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2015 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2014 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2013 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; 2009 Massachusetts General Laws ch. 151D sec. 3 – Annual report or other reports by trustees or plan administrators; exemptions; information required; form; filing; time; powers of board; conflicts of interest; restrictions; violations; penalties; proceedings; service of process on nonresidents