2024 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Center” and “college level equivalent credit examination” defined

2023 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Center” and “college level equivalent credit examination” defined

2022 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Center” defined

2020 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Center” defined

2019 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Center” and “workforce development agency” defined

2017 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Center” and “workforce development agency” defined

2016 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Workforce development agency” defined

2015 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Workforce development agency” defined

2014 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Workforce development agency” defined

2013 Michigan Laws 388.1837b – “Workforce development agency” defined