2022 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses. [Repealed.]

2021 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses. [Repealed.]

2020 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses

2019 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses

2017 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses

2016 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses

2014 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses

2013 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses

2009 Nevada Revised Statutes 209.4817 – Committee on Industrial Programs: Creation; members; terms of appointed members; appointment of alternate members; payment of compensation, allowances and travel expenses