2022 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Procedure for voting by mailing ballot; procedure for voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; persons authorized to return mailing ballot; unlawful acts relating to return of mailing ballot; penalty. [Repealed.]

2021 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Procedure for voting by mailing ballot; procedure for voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; persons authorized to return mailing ballot; unlawful acts relating to return of mailing ballot; penalty. [Effec…

2020 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Procedure for voting by mailing ballot; procedure for voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; persons authorized to return mailing ballot; unlawful acts relating to return of mailing ballot; penalty

2019 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter; voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; penalty

2017 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter; voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; penalty

2016 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter; voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; penalty

2014 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter; voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; penalty

2013 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter; voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; penalty

2009 Nevada Revised Statutes 293.353 – Marking and return of mailing ballot by voter; voting in person after receipt of mailing ballot; penalty