Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2023 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2022 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2021 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2020 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2019 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2017 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2016 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2014 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2013 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties 2009 Nevada Revised Statutes 375A.710 – Committee on the Estate Tax Account for the Endowment of the Nevada System of Higher Education: Creation; composition; terms of members; duties