2023 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Copyright, patent or other use of state data processing programs, information or materials; disposition of moneys collected

2021 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Copyright, patent or other use of state data processing programs, information or materials; disposition of moneys collected

2019 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Copyright, patent or other use of state data processing programs, information or materials; disposition of moneys collected

2017 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Copyright, patent or other use of state data processing programs, information or materials; disposition of moneys collected

2015 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Copyright, patent or other use of state data processing programs, information or materials; disposition of moneys collected

2013 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Copyright, patent or other use of state data processing programs, information or materials; disposition of moneys collected

2009 Oregon Statutes 291.042 – Use of data processing programs, information and materials; approval by legislature