Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2023 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees 2021 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees 2019 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees 2017 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees 2015 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees 2013 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees 2009 Oregon Statutes 543.092 – Amendment of hydroelectric water right or claim; rules; unilateral amendment of power claim or uncertificated claim to assess project specific fees