Versions of See prior versions of a law on LawServer 2023 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretionland–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2022 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretionland–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2021 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretionland–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2019 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretionland–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2018 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretion land–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2016 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretionland–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2014 South Dakota Codified Laws 43-17-9. Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretion land–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line 2010 South Dakota Laws 43-17-9 – Attaching of additional land–Substitution of outer boundary of surveyed accretion land–Apportionment of new accreted land–Determination of boundary line