Water Pollution

Laws and legal information about water pollution and the Clean Water Act
Laws and legal information about water pollution and the Clean Water Act
In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates water pollution under the auspices of the Clean Water Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and other environmental laws. With the help of state and local authorities, the EPA establishes water quality standards, promotes guidelines for best management practices, and issues permits to point source polluters and treatment facilities. The Agency also offers compliance assistance to the regulated community and seeks punitive legal action against violators of water pollution laws and regulations. Source: EPA Read more
Authorizes EPA to set enforceable health standards for contaminants in drinking waterRequires public notification of water systems violations and annual reports (Consumer Confidence Reports) to customers on contaminants found in their drinking water Establishes a federal-state partnership for regulation enforcementIncludes provisions specifically designed to protect underground sources of drinking water Requires disinfection of surface water supplies, except those with pristine, protected sourcesEstablishes a multi-billion-dollar state revolving loan fund for water system upgrades Requires an assessment of the vulnerability of all drinking water sources to contaminationSource: U.S. EPA Read more