10 CFR 73.72 – Requirement for advance notice of shipment of formula quantities of strategic special nuclear material, special nuclear material of moderate strategic significance, or irradiated reactor fuel
(a) A licensee, other than one specified in paragraph (b) of this section, who, in a single shipment, plans to deliver to a carrier for transport, to take delivery at the point where a shipment is delivered to a carrier for transport, to import, to export, or to transport a formula quantity of strategic special nuclear material, special nuclear material of moderate strategic significance, or irradiated reactor fuel
(1) Notify in writing by mail addressed to ATTN: Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, or by using any appropriate method listed in § 73.4 of this part. Classified notifications shall be sent to the NRC headquarters classified mailing address listed in appendix A to this part.
(2) Assure that the notification will be received at least 10 days before transport of the shipment commences at the shipping facility;
(3) Include the following information in the notification:
(i) The name(s), address(es), and telephone number(s) of the shipper, receiver, and carrier(s);
(ii) A physical description of the shipment:
(A) For a shipment other than irradiated fuel, the elements, isotopes, enrichment, and quantity;
(B) For a shipment of irradiated fuel, the physical form, quantity, type of reactor, and original enrichment;
(iii) A listing of the mode(s) of shipment, transfer point(s), and route(s) to be used;
(iv) The estimated time and date that shipment will commence and that each country along the route is scheduled to be entered; and
(v) The estimated time and date of arrival of the shipment at the destination;
(4) The NRC Headquarters Operations Center shall be notified about the shipment status by telephone at the phone numbers listed in appendix A to this part. Classified and safeguards notifications shall be made by secure telephone. The notifications shall take place at the following intervals:
(i) At least 2 days before commencement of the shipment;
(ii) Two hours before commencement of the shipment; and
(iii) Once the shipment is received at its destination.
(5) The NRC Headquarters Operations Center shall be notified by telephone of schedule changes of more than 6 hours at the phone numbers listed in appendix A to this part. Classified and safeguards notifications shall be made by secure telephone.
(b) A licensee who conducts an on-site transfer of spent nuclear fuel that does not travel upon or cross a public highway is exempt from the requirements of this section for that transfer.