9 CFR 539.1 – Disposal of diseased or otherwise adulterated fish carcasses and parts or fish products
(a)(1) Carcasses or parts of fish affected by abscesses or lesions, zoonotic and non-zoonotic parasites such as cestodes, or such parasites as digenean trematodes, metacercaria (Bolbophorus spp.), yellow grubs (Clinostomum spp.), or white grubs (Hysteromorpha spp.) are subject to condemnation unless properly disposed of by the establishment to prevent their use as human food.
(2) Fish affected by Heterophyid intestinal flukes or Dictophymatidae nematodes are subject to condemnation unless properly disposed of by the establishment.
(b) Fish affected by diseases, including columnaris (infection by Flavobacterium columnare/Flexibacter columnaris) and enteric septicemia of fish (ESC), are subject to condemnation unless properly disposed of by the establishment to prevent their use as human food.
(c) Fish carcasses or parts or fish products that are found to be in a state of spoilage or decomposition are subject to condemnation unless properly disposed of by the establishment to prevent their use as human food.
(d) Fish with unusual gross deformities caused by disease or chemical contamination may not be used for human food.