16 USC 810 – Disposition of charges arising from licenses
(a) Receipts from charges
All proceeds from any Indian reservation shall be placed to the credit of the Indians of such reservation. All other charges arising from licenses hereunder, except charges fixed by the Commission for the purpose of reimbursing the United States for the costs of administration of this subchapter, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States, subject to the following distribution: 12½ per centum thereof is hereby appropriated to be paid into the Treasury of the United States and credited to “Miscellaneous receipts”; 50 per centum of the charges arising from licenses hereunder for the occupancy and use of public lands and national forests shall be paid into, reserved, and appropriated as a part of the reclamation fund created by the Act of Congress known as the Reclamation Act, approved June 17, 1902; and 37½ per centum of the charges arising from licenses hereunder for the occupancy and use of national forests and public lands from development within the boundaries of any State shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury to such State; and 50 per centum of the charges arising from all other licenses hereunder is reserved and appropriated as a special fund in the Treasury to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Army in the maintenance and operation of dams and other navigation structures owned by the United States or in the construction, maintenance, or operation of headwater or other improvements of navigable waters of the United States. The proceeds of charges made by the Commission for the purpose of reimbursing the United States for the costs of the administration of this subchapter shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States and credited to miscellaneous receipts.
(b) Delinquent payments
Terms Used In 16 USC 810
- State: means a State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any other territory or possession of the United States. See 1 USC 7
In case of delinquency on the part of any licensee in the payment of annual charges a penalty of 5 per centum of the total amount so delinquent may be added to the total charges which shall apply for the first month or part of month so delinquent with an additional penalty of 3 per centum for each subsequent month until the total of the charges and penalties are paid or until the license is canceled and the charges and penalties satisfied in accordance with law.