A. In addition to any other remedies provided by law, the following property shall be forfeited pursuant to section 13-2314 or chapter 39 of this title:

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 13-3310

  • Benefit: means anything of value or advantage, present or prospective. See Arizona Laws 13-105
  • Conduct: means an act or omission and its accompanying culpable mental state. See Arizona Laws 13-105
  • Knowingly: means , with respect to conduct or to a circumstance described by a statute defining an offense, that a person is aware or believes that the person's conduct is of that nature or that the circumstance exists. See Arizona Laws 13-105
  • Person: means a human being and, as the context requires, an enterprise, a public or private corporation, an unincorporated association, a partnership, a firm, a society, a government, a governmental authority or an individual or entity capable of holding a legal or beneficial interest in property. See Arizona Laws 13-105
  • Property: means anything of value, tangible or intangible. See Arizona Laws 13-105
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • Unlawful: means contrary to law or, where the context so requires, not allowed by law. See Arizona Laws 13-105

1. All benefits derived from a violation of this chapter.

2. All unlawful gambling devices.

3. All things of value used or intended to be used to facilitate a violation of this chapter.

B. A person that obtains property through a violation of this chapter is an involuntary trustee. An involuntary trustee and any other person, except a bona fide purchaser for value without notice of the unlawful conduct and who has not knowingly taken part in an illegal transaction, holds the property, its proceeds and its fruits in constructive trust for the benefit of persons entitled to remedies pursuant to section 13-2314 or chapter 39 of this title.