A. An employer, other than this state or a political subdivision of this state, who secures compensation to his employees in the manner provided in section 23-961, subsection A, paragraph 1 or 2, alone or jointly with other employers, in lieu of making premium payments for medical, surgical and hospital benefits, may provide such benefits to injured employees and may collect one-half of the cost thereof from his employees, not to exceed one dollar per month from any employee, which may be deducted from the wages of the employee.

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 23-1070

  • Baseline: Projection of the receipts, outlays, and other budget amounts that would ensue in the future without any change in existing policy. Baseline projections are used to gauge the extent to which proposed legislation, if enacted into law, would alter current spending and revenue levels.
  • Commission: means the industrial commission of Arizona. See Arizona Laws 23-901
  • Compensation: means the compensation and benefits provided by this chapter. See Arizona Laws 23-901
  • Insurance carrier: means every insurance carrier duly authorized by the director of the department of insurance and financial institutions to write workers' compensation or occupational disease compensation insurance in this state. See Arizona Laws 23-901
  • Month: means a calendar month unless otherwise expressed. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Order: means and includes any rule, direction, requirement, standard, determination or decision other than an award or a directive by the commission or an administrative law judge relative to any entitlement to compensation benefits, or to the amount of compensation benefits, and any procedural ruling relative to the processing or adjudicating of a compensation matter. See Arizona Laws 23-901
  • Population: means the population according to the most recent United States decennial census. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • service: means either:

    (a) Mailing to the last known address of the receiving party. See Arizona Laws 23-901

B. An employer electing to provide such benefits shall notify his insurance carrier and the commission of the election and render a detailed statement of the arrangements made therefor to the commission.

C. An employer who maintains a hospital for his employees or who contracts with a physician for the hospital care of injured employees, on or before January 30 each year, shall make a verified written report to the commission for the preceding year showing the total amount of hospital fees collected and showing separately the amount contributed by the employees and the amount contributed by the employers. The report shall also contain an itemized account of the expenditures, investments or other disposition of the fees, and a statement showing the balance remaining.

D. An employer who fails to notify his insurance carrier and the commission of his election to provide such benefits, or who maintains a hospital or contracts for hospital service as provided in subsection C of this section, and fails to make the financial report required therein, is liable for such benefits as provided in section 23-1062.

E. If the medical, surgical or hospital aid or treatment being furnished by an employer is such that there is reasonable ground to believe that the health, life or recovery of any employee is endangered or impaired thereby, the commission, upon application of the employee or upon its own motion, may order a change of physicians or other conditions. If the employer fails to comply with the order promptly, the injured employee may elect to have medical, surgical or hospital aid or treatment provided by or through the special fund established by section 23-1065. In that event the claim of the injured employee against the employer shall be assigned to the special fund for the benefit thereof, and the special fund shall furnish to the insured employee medical, surgical or hospital aid or treatment as provided in this chapter.

F. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, a pilot program is established to allow a city with a population of more than one hundred fifty thousand persons and a self-insured county insurance pool to provide medical, surgical and hospital benefits pursuant to this section. The purpose of the pilot program is to determine whether public sector entities that are self-insured can, through a directed care and medical management program, contain costs and improve health care and return to work results for injured employees. The industrial commission shall select the qualified city. The entities participating in the pilot program shall consult with the industrial commission on the protocol for assessment and reporting and shall submit all baseline data to the commission before the pilot program can begin. No earlier than January 1, 2012 and not later than January 1, 2013, the pilot program participants may begin providing medical, surgical and hospital benefits pursuant to this section on approval by the industrial commission. This subsection does not exempt pilot program participants from any other requirements for procurement of a medical network to direct care. The pilot program participants shall report in accordance with the protocol for assessment and reporting, with a final report two years after the start of the pilot program. The pilot program ends and pilot program participants may not provide medical, surgical and hospital benefits pursuant to this section from and after December 31, 2014.