A. The director shall:

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Terms Used In Arizona Laws 49-221

  • Action: includes any matter or proceeding in a court, civil or criminal. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Aquifer: means a geologic unit that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield usable quantities of water to a well or spring. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Clean water act: means the federal water pollution control act amendments of 1972 (P. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Department: means the department of environmental quality. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Direct reuse: means the beneficial use of reclaimed water for specific purposes authorized pursuant to section 49-203, subsection A, paragraph 7. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Director: means the director of environmental quality or the director's designee. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Discharge: means the direct or indirect addition of any pollutant to the waters of the state from a facility. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Environment: means WOTUS, any other surface waters, groundwater, drinking water supply, land surface or subsurface strata or ambient air, within or bordering on this state. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • including: means not limited to and is not a term of exclusion. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Process: means a citation, writ or summons issued in the course of judicial proceedings. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Property: includes both real and personal property. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Protected surface waters: means waters of the state listed on the protected surface waters list under section 49-221, subsection G and all WOTUS. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Public waters: means waters of the state open to or managed for use by members of the general public. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Reclaimed water: means water that has been treated or processed by a wastewater treatment plant or an on-site wastewater treatment facility. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Safe drinking water act: means the federal safe drinking water act, as amended (P. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Standards: means water quality standards, pretreatment standards and toxicity standards established pursuant to this chapter. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • United States: includes the District of Columbia and the territories. See Arizona Laws 1-215
  • Waters of the state: means all waters within the jurisdiction of this state including all perennial or intermittent streams, lakes, ponds, impounding reservoirs, marshes, watercourses, waterways, wells, aquifers, springs, irrigation systems, drainage systems and other bodies or accumulations of surface, underground, natural, artificial, public or private water situated wholly or partly in or bordering on the state. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • WOTUS: means waters of the state that are also navigable waters as defined by section 502(7) of the clean water act. See Arizona Laws 49-201
  • Writing: includes printing. See Arizona Laws 1-215

1. Adopt, by rule, water quality standards for all WOTUS and for all waters in all aquifers to preserve and protect the quality of those waters for all present and reasonably foreseeable future uses. For non-WOTUS protected surface waters, the director shall apply surface water quality standards established as of January 1, 2021, until specifically changed by the director pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection. Rules regarding the following shall not be adopted or applied as water quality standards for non-WOTUS protected surface waters:

(a) Antidegradation.

(b) Antidegradation criteria.

(c) Outstanding Arizona waters.

2. Adopt, by rule, water quality standards for non-WOTUS protected surface waters, by December 31, 2022, consistent with paragraph 1 of this subsection and as determined necessary in the rulemaking process. In adopting those standards, the director shall consider the unique characteristics of this state’s surface waters and the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits that would result from the adoption of a water quality standard at a particular level or for a particular water category.

B. The director may adopt, by rule, water quality standards for waters of the state other than those described in subsection A of this section, including standards for the use of water pumped from an aquifer that does not meet the standards adopted pursuant to section 49-223, subsections A and B and that is put to a beneficial use other than drinking water. These standards may include standards for the use of water pumped as part of a remedial action. In adopting such standards, the director shall consider the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits that would result from the adoption of a water quality standard at a particular level or for a particular water category.

C. In setting standards pursuant to subsection A or B of this section, the director shall consider the following:

1. The protection of the public health and the environment.

2. The uses that have been made, are being made or with reasonable probability may be made of these waters.

3. The provisions and requirements of the clean water act and safe drinking water act and the regulations adopted pursuant to those acts.

4. The degree to which standards for one category of waters could cause violations of standards for other, hydrologically connected, water categories.

5. Guidelines, action levels or numerical criteria adopted or recommended by the United States environmental protection agency or any other federal agency.

6. Any unique physical, biological or chemical properties of the waters.

D. Water quality standards shall be expressed in terms of the uses to be protected and, if adequate information exists to do so, numerical limitations or parameters, in addition to any narrative standards that the director deems appropriate.

E. The director may adopt by rule water quality standards for the direct reuse of reclaimed water. In establishing these standards, the director shall consider the following:

1. The protection of public health and the environment.

2. The uses that are being made or may be made of the reclaimed water.

3. The degree to which standards for the direct reuse of reclaimed water may cause violations of water quality standards for other hydrologically connected water categories.

F. If the director proposes to adopt water quality standards for agricultural water, the director shall consult, cooperate, collaborate and, if necessary, enter into interagency agreements and memoranda of understanding with the Arizona department of agriculture relating to its administration pursuant to Title 3, Chapter 3, Article 4.1 of this state’s authority relating to agricultural water under the United States food and drug administration produce safety rule (Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112, subpart E) and any other federal produce safety regulation, order or guideline or other requirement adopted pursuant to the FDA food safety modernization act (P.L. 111-353; 21 United States Code §§ 2201 through 2252). For the purposes of this subsection:

1. "Agricultural water":

(a) Means water that is used in a covered activity on produce where water is intended to, or is likely to, contact produce or food contact surfaces.

(b) Includes all of the following:

(i) Water used in growing activities, including irrigation water, water used for preparing crop sprays and water used for growing sprouts.

(ii) Water used in harvesting, packing and holding activities, including water used for washing or cooling harvested produce and water used for preventing dehydration of produce.

2. "Covered activity" means growing, harvesting, packing or holding produce. Covered activity includes processing produce to the extent that the activity is within the meaning of farm as defined in section 3-525.

3. "Harvesting" has the same meaning prescribed in section 3-525.

4. "Holding" has the same meaning prescribed in section 3-525.

5. "Packing" has the same meaning prescribed in section 3-525.

6. "Produce" has the same meaning prescribed in section 3-525.

G. The director shall maintain and publish a protected surface waters list. The department shall publish the initial list on the department’s website and in the Arizona administrative register within thirty days after September 29, 2021. Not later than December 31, 2022, the department shall adopt by rule the protected surface waters list, including procedures for determining economic, social and environmental costs and benefits. Publication of the list in the Arizona administrative register is an appealable agency action pursuant to Title 41, Chapter 6, Article 10 and may be appealed by any party that provides evidence of an actual adverse effect that the party appealing the decision would suffer as a result of the director’s decision. All of the following apply to the protected surface water list:

1. The protected surface waters list shall include:

(a) All WOTUS.

(b) Any perennial, intermittent and ephemeral reaches and any impoundments of the following rivers, not including tributaries or reaches of waters wholly within tribal jurisdiction or reaches of waters outside of the United States:

(i) The Bill Williams river, from the confluence of the Big Sandy and Santa Maria rivers at 113°31’38.617"w, 34°18’22.373"n, to its confluence with the Colorado river at 114°8’9.854"w, 34°18’9.33"n.

(ii) The Colorado river, from the Arizona-Utah border at 111°32’35.741"w, 36°58’51.698"n, to the Arizona-Mexico border at 114°43’12.564"w, 32°43’6.218"n.

(iii) The Gila river, from the Arizona-New Mexico border at 109°2’52.8"w, 32°41’11.2015"n, to the confluence with the Colorado river at 114°33’28.145"w, 32°43’14.408"n.

(iv) The Little Colorado river, from the confluence of the east and west forks of the Little Colorado river at 109°28’7.131"w, 33°59’39.852"n, to its confluence with the Colorado river at 111°49’4.693"w, 36°12’10.243"n.

(v) The Salt river, from the confluence of the Black and White rivers at 110°13’39.5"w, 33°44’6.082"n, to the confluence with the Gila river at 112°18’5.704"w, 33°22’42.978"n.

(vi) The San Pedro river, from the Arizona-Mexico border at 110°9’1.704"w, 31°20’2.387"n, to the confluence with the Gila river at 110°47’0.905"w, 32°59’5.671"n.

(vii) The Santa Cruz river, from its origins in the Canelo Hills of southeastern Arizona at 110°37’3.968"w, 31°27’39.21"n, to its confluence with the Gila river at 111°33’26.02"w, 32°41’39.058"n.

(viii) The Verde river, from Sullivan lake at 112°28’10.588"w, 34°52’11.136"n, to its confluence with the Salt river at 111°39’48.32"w, 33°33’20.538"n.

(c) Any non-WOTUS waters of the state that are added under paragraphs 3 and 4 of this subsection.

2. Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this subsection, the protected surface waters list shall not contain any of the following non-WOTUS waters:

(a) Canals in the Yuma project and ditches, canals, pipes, impoundments and other facilities that are operated by districts organized under title 48, chapters 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 and that are not used to directly deliver water for human consumption, except when added pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection and in response to a written request from the owner and operator of the ditch or canal until the owner and operator withdraws its request.

(b) Irrigated areas, including fields flooded for agricultural production.

(c) Ornamental and urban ponds and lakes such as those owned by homeowners’ associations and golf courses, except when added pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection and in response to a written request from the owner of the ornamental or urban pond or lake until the owner withdraws its request.

(d) Swimming pools and other bodies of water that are regulated pursuant to section 49-104, subsection B.

(e) Livestock and wildlife water tanks and aquaculture tanks that are not constructed within a protected surface water.

(f) Stormwater control features.

(g) Groundwater recharge, water reuse and wastewater recycling structures, including underground storage facilities and groundwater savings facilities permitted under Title 45, Chapter 3.1 and detention and infiltration basins, except when added pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection and in response to a written request from the owner of the groundwater recharge, water reuse or wastewater recycling structure until the owner withdraws its request.

(h) Water-filled depressions created as part of mining or construction activities or pits excavated to obtain fill, sand or gravel.

(i) All waste treatment systems components, including constructed wetlands, lagoons and treatment ponds, such as settling or cooling ponds, designed to either convey or retain, concentrate, settle, reduce or remove pollutants, either actively or passively, from wastewater before discharge or to eliminate discharge.

(j) Groundwater.

(k) Ephemeral waters except for those prescribed in paragraph 1, subdivision (b) of this subsection.

(l) Lakes and ponds owned and managed by the United States department of defense and other surface waters located on and that do not leave United States department of defense property, except when added pursuant to paragraph 4 of this subsection and in response to a written request from the United States department of defense until it withdraws its request.

3. Unless listed in paragraph 2 of this subsection, the director shall add the following non-WOTUS surface waters to the protected surface waters list:

(a) All lakes, ponds and reservoirs that are public waters used as a drinking source, for recreational or commercial fish consumption or for water-based recreation such as swimming, wading and boating and other types of recreation in and on the water.

(b) Perennial waters or intermittent waters of the state that are used as a drinking water source, including ditches and canals.

(c) Perennial or intermittent tributaries to the Bill Williams river, the Colorado river, the Gila river, the Little Colorado river, the Salt river, the San Pedro river, the Santa Cruz river and the Verde river.

(d) Perennial or intermittent public waters used for recreational or commercial fish consumption.

(e) Perennial or intermittent public waters used for water-based recreation such as swimming, wading, boating and other types of recreation in and on the water.

(f) Perennial or intermittent wetlands adjacent to waters on the protected surface waters list.

(g) Perennial or intermittent waters of the state that cross into another state, the Republic of Mexico or the reservation of a federally recognized tribe.

4. The director may add additional non-WOTUS surface waters to the protected surface waters list if all of the following apply:

(a) The water is not required to be listed under paragraph 1 or 3 of this subsection.

(b) The water is not excluded under paragraph 2 of this subsection.

(c) The economic, environmental and social benefits of adding the water outweigh the economic, environmental and social costs of excluding the water from the list.

5. The director shall remove any erroneously listed, non-WOTUS waters from the protected surface waters list when the water is excluded under paragraph 2 of this subsection and shall not regulate discharges to those waters in the interim.

6. The director shall remove non-WOTUS waters from the protected surface waters list when the water is not required to be listed under paragraph 3 of this subsection and the economic, environmental and social benefits of removing the water outweigh the economic, environmental and social costs of retaining the water on the list.

7. The director, on an emergency basis, may add a water to the protected surface waters list if the director discovers an imminent and substantial danger to public health or welfare or the environment, if the water would otherwise qualify to be added under paragraph 3 of this subsection. Notwithstanding any other law, the emergency addition shall take effect immediately on the director’s determination that describes the imminent and substantial danger in writing. Within thirty days after the director’s determination, the department shall publish a notice of that determination in the Arizona administrative register and on the department’s website. Waters added under this subsection shall be incorporated into the protected surface waters list during the next rulemaking that follows the addition.