Connecticut General Statutes 19a-490gg – Written notification by hospitals to the mother of a stillborn child re burial and cremation arrangement options. Decision regarding disposition
(a) For each stillborn child for which a fetal death certificate will be issued pursuant to section 7-60, a hospital shall provide the mother of the stillborn child written notification of the burial and cremation arrangement options for such child (1) when practicable, upon admission to the hospital if the mother expects to deliver a stillborn child, or (2) if notification is not practicable upon admission or the mother did not expect to deliver a stillborn child, not less than twenty-four hours after the delivery of the stillborn child, provided a health care provider responsible for the mother’s care agrees it is appropriate to provide such notification to the mother.
Terms Used In Connecticut General Statutes 19a-490gg
- Hospital: means an establishment for the lodging, care and treatment of persons suffering from disease or other abnormal physical or mental conditions and includes inpatient psychiatric services in general hospitals. See Connecticut General Statutes 19a-490
(b) Consistent with the provisions of subdivision (3) of subsection (d) of section 45a-318, a mother who has received notification pursuant to subsection (a) of this section and the other parent of the stillborn child, if known, shall inform the hospital, in writing, of their decision regarding the disposition of the stillborn child at any time during hospitalization and prior to discharge, provided the mother and other parent, if known, shall have a minimum of twenty-four hours after receipt of the written notification from the hospital to inform the hospital in writing of such decision.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a health care provider or a hospital from providing the notification described in subsection (a) of this section to a family member or friend of the mother consistent with the privacy provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, P.L. 104-191, as amended from time to time, or from referring the mother and other parent, if known, to a licensed funeral director for additional information regarding disposition options.