Any state employee who is being reclassified upward to a competitive or noncompetitive class in state service may be allocated to the higher classification without examination by the Commissioner of Administrative Services if the reclassification results from a survey of all positions in a class, an occupational group or all classes of a bargaining unit and the employee possesses the minimum experience and training requirements for the new class and has permanent status in the present class.

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Terms Used In Connecticut General Statutes 5-200b

  • Examination: means an assessment device or technique yielding scores or ratings designed to determine the fitness of candidates for positions allocated to a specified class, occupational group or career progression level. See Connecticut General Statutes 5-196
  • Occupational group: means broad occupational areas in which each class of positions shall be categorized as determined by the Commissioner of Administrative Services. See Connecticut General Statutes 5-196
  • state employee: means any person holding a position in state service subject to appointment by an appointing authority. See Connecticut General Statutes 5-196
  • State service: means occupancy of any office or position or employment in the service of the state, but not of local governmental subdivisions thereof, for which compensation is paid. See Connecticut General Statutes 5-196