Florida Regulations 64V-1.0031: Birth Certificate Amendments by Adoption
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(1) Any adoption entered by a court in this state shall be recorded on a Certified Statement of Final Decree of Adoption, DH Form 527 (04/16), hereby incorporated by reference and available from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07176, or from the Office of Vital Statistics at www.FloridaVitalStatisticsOnline.com, or from the Florida Department of Health, State Office of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042. Upon receipt of a Certified Statement of Final Decree of Adoption, DH Form 527 (04/16), completed and certified by the clerk of the circuit court entering the adoption, the department shall amend the birth certificate if the child was born in this state.
Rulemaking Authority 382.003(10), 382.015(6), 382.0255(3) FS. Law Implemented 63.152, 382.003(7), 382.0135, 382.015, 382.017, 382.025 FS. History-New 11-11-98, Amended 7-18-00, 2-29-04, 5-13-08, 7-28-09, 7-31-16.
(2) The department shall, upon receipt of a Certified Statement of Final Decree of Adoption, DH Form 527 (04/16), incorporated by reference in subsection (1), of
Fl. Admin. Code R. 64V-1.0031, that has been granted pursuant to Florida Statutes § 382.017, and an Application for Certificate of Foreign Birth, DH Form 1178 (04/16), hereby incorporated by reference and available from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07177, from the Office of Vital Statistics at www.FloridaVitalStatisticsOnline.com, or from the Florida Department of Health, State Office of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042, electronically create a Certificate of Foreign Birth, DH Form 1156 (04/16), hereby incorporated by reference and available from the Florida Department of Health, State Office of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042, and at https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07186.
Rulemaking Authority 382.003(10), 382.015(6), 382.0255(3) FS. Law Implemented 63.152, 382.003(7), 382.0135, 382.015, 382.017, 382.025 FS. History-New 11-11-98, Amended 7-18-00, 2-29-04, 5-13-08, 7-28-09, 7-31-16.