(1) Any adoption entered by a court in this state shall be recorded on a Certified Statement of Final Decree of Adoption, DH Form 527 (04/16), hereby incorporated by reference and available from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07176, or from the Office of Vital Statistics at www.FloridaVitalStatisticsOnline.com, or from the Florida Department of Health, State Office of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042. Upon receipt of a Certified Statement of Final Decree of Adoption, DH Form 527 (04/16), completed and certified by the clerk of the circuit court entering the adoption, the department shall amend the birth certificate if the child was born in this state.

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    (2) The department shall, upon receipt of a Certified Statement of Final Decree of Adoption, DH Form 527 (04/16), incorporated by reference in subsection (1), of Fl. Admin. Code R. 64V-1.0031, that has been granted pursuant to Florida Statutes § 382.017, and an Application for Certificate of Foreign Birth, DH Form 1178 (04/16), hereby incorporated by reference and available from http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07177, from the Office of Vital Statistics at www.FloridaVitalStatisticsOnline.com, or from the Florida Department of Health, State Office of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042, electronically create a Certificate of Foreign Birth, DH Form 1156 (04/16), hereby incorporated by reference and available from the Florida Department of Health, State Office of Vital Statistics, P.O. Box 210, Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042, and at https://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07186.
Rulemaking Authority 382.003(10), 382.015(6), 382.0255(3) FS. Law Implemented 63.152, 382.003(7), 382.0135, 382.015, 382.017, 382.025 FS. History-New 11-11-98, Amended 7-18-00, 2-29-04, 5-13-08, 7-28-09, 7-31-16.