Iowa Code 9A.111 – Notice to educational institution
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1. In this section, “communicating or attempting to communicate” means contacting or attempting to contact by an in-person meeting, a record, or any other method that conveys or attempts to convey a message.
Terms Used In Iowa Code 9A.111
- Agency contract: means an agreement in which a student athlete authorizes a person to negotiate or solicit on behalf of the athlete a professional sports services contract or an endorsement contract. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- Athlete agent: means an individual, whether or not registered under this chapter, who does any of the following:(1) Directly or indirectly, recruits or solicits a student athlete to enter into an agency contract or, for compensation, procures employment or offers, promises, attempts, or negotiates to obtain employment for a student athlete as a professional athlete or member of a professional sports team or organization. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- Athletic director: means the individual responsible for administering the overall athletic program of an educational institution or, if an educational institution has separately administered athletic programs for male students and female students, the athletic program for males or the athletic program for females, as appropriate. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- Educational institution: means a public or private elementary school, secondary school, technical or vocational school, community college, college, or university. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- Enrolled: means registered for courses and attending athletic practice or class. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- following: when used by way of reference to a chapter or other part of a statute mean the next preceding or next following chapter or other part. See Iowa Code 4.1
- Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
- Record: means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- Recruit or solicit: means attempt to influence the choice of an athlete agent by a student athlete or, if the athlete is a minor, a parent or guardian of the athlete. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- State: means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. See Iowa Code 9A.102
- Student athlete: means an individual who is eligible to attend an educational institution and engages in, is eligible to engage in, or may be eligible in the future to engage in, any interscholastic or intercollegiate sport. See Iowa Code 9A.102
2. Not later than seventy-two hours after entering into an agency contract or before the next scheduled athletic event in which the student athlete may participate, whichever occurs first, the athlete agent shall give notice in a record of the existence of the contract to the athletic director of the educational institution at which the athlete is enrolled or at which the agent has reasonable grounds to believe the athlete intends to enroll.
3. Not later than seventy-two hours after entering into an agency contract or before the next scheduled athletic event in which the student athlete may participate, whichever occurs first, the athlete shall inform the athletic director of the educational institution at which the athlete is enrolled that the athlete has entered into an agency contract and the name and contact information of the athlete agent.
4. If an athlete agent enters into an agency contract with a student athlete and the athlete subsequently enrolls at an educational institution, the agent shall notify the athletic director of the educational institution of the existence of the agency contract not later than seventy-two hours after the agent knew or should have known the athlete enrolled.
5. If an athlete agent has a relationship with a student athlete before the athlete enrolls in an educational institution and receives an athletic scholarship from the educational institution, the agent shall notify the educational institution of the relationship not later than ten days after the enrollment if the agent knows or should have known of the enrollment and either of the following applies:
a. The relationship was motivated in whole or part by the intention of the agent to recruit or solicit the athlete to enter an agency contract in the future.
b. The agent directly or indirectly recruited or solicited the athlete to enter an agency contract before the enrollment.
6. An athlete agent shall give notice in a record to the athletic director of any educational institution at which a student athlete is enrolled before the agent communicates or attempts to communicate with either of the following for the following purposes:
a. The athlete or, if the athlete is a minor, a parent or guardian of the athlete, to influence the athlete or parent or guardian to enter into an agency contract.
b. Another individual to have that individual influence the athlete or, if the athlete is a minor, the parent or guardian of the athlete, to enter into an agency contract.
7. If a communication or attempt to communicate with an athlete agent is initiated by a student athlete or another individual on behalf of the athlete, the agent shall notify in a record the athletic director of any educational institution at which the athlete is enrolled. The notification must be made not later than ten days after the communication or attempt.
8. An educational institution that becomes aware of a violation of this chapter by an athlete agent shall notify the secretary of state and any professional league or players association with which the institution is aware the agent is licensed or registered of the violation.