(1) (a) The term “employee” for purposes of this section means:
1. Any person, including an elected public official, who is regularly employed by any department, office, board, agency, or branch of state government; or by a public postsecondary educational institution; or by any city, urban-county, charter county, county, or consolidated local government, whose legislative body has opted to participate in the state- sponsored health insurance program pursuant to KRS § 79.080; and who is either a contributing member to any one (1) of the retirement systems administered by the state, including but not limited to the Kentucky Retirement Systems, County Employees Retirement System, Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System, the Legislators’ Retirement Plan, or the Judicial Retirement Plan; or is receiving a contractual contribution from the state toward a retirement plan; or, in the case of a public postsecondary education institution, is an individual participating in an optional retirement plan authorized by KRS § 161.567; or is eligible to participate in a retirement plan established by an employer who ceases participating in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System pursuant to KRS § 61.522 whose employees participated in the health insurance plans administered by the Personnel Cabinet prior to the employer’s effective cessation date in the Kentucky Employees Retirement System;

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Terms Used In Kentucky Statutes 18A.225

  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Appropriation: means an authorization by the General Assembly to expend, from public funds, a sum of money not in excess of the sum specified, for the purposes specified in the authorization and under the procedure prescribed in KRS Chapter 48. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010
  • Beneficiary: A person who is entitled to receive the benefits or proceeds of a will, trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or other contract. Source: OCC
  • Board: means the Personnel Board created by KRS §. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • Cabinet: means the Personnel Cabinet provided for in KRS §. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • City: includes town. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010
  • Class: means a group of positions sufficiently similar as to duties performed, scope of discretion and responsibility, minimum requirements of training, experience, or skill, and such other characteristics that the same title, the same tests of fitness, and the same schedule of compensation have been or may be applied to each position in the group. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • Classified employee: means an employee appointed to a position in the classified service under this chapter whose appointment and employment are subject to the classified service provisions of this chapter and the administrative regulations promulgated under this chapter. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Eligible: refers to a person who has made a passing score on any examination required under KRS §. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • Employee: means a person regularly appointed to a position in the state service for which he or she is compensated on a full-time, part-time, or interim basis. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • Federal: refers to the United States. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010
  • Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
  • Partnership: includes both general and limited partnerships. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet as provided for in KRS
    18A. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • State: when applied to a part of the United States, includes territories, outlying possessions, and the District of Columbia. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Transfer: means a movement of any employee from one (1) position to another of the same grade having the same salary ranges, the same level of responsibility within the classified service, and the same salary received immediately prior to transfer. See Kentucky Statutes 18A.005
  • Treatment: when used in a criminal justice context, means targeted interventions
    that focus on criminal risk factors in order to reduce the likelihood of criminal behavior. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010
  • Year: means calendar year. See Kentucky Statutes 446.010

2. Any certified or classified employee of a local board of education or a public charter school as defined in KRS § 160.1590;
3. Any elected member of a local board of education;
4. Any person who is a present or future recipient of a retirement allowance from the Kentucky Retirement Systems, County Employees Retirement System, Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System, the Legislators’ Retirement Plan, the Judicial Retirement Plan, or the Kentucky Community and Technical College System’s optional retirement plan authorized by KRS § 161.567, except that a person who is receiving a retirement allowance and who is age sixty-five (65) or older shall not be included, with the exception of persons covered under KRS
61.702(2)(b)3. and 78.5536(2)(b)3., unless he or she is actively employed pursuant to subparagraph 1. of this paragraph; and
5. Any eligible dependents and beneficiaries of participating employees and retirees who are entitled to participate in the state-sponsored health insurance program;
(b) The term “health benefit plan” for the purposes of this section means a health benefit plan as defined in KRS § 304.17A-005;
(c) The term “insurer” for the purposes of this section means an insurer as defined in KRS § 304.17A-005; and
(d) The term “managed care plan” for the purposes of this section means a managed care plan as defined in KRS § 304.17A-500.
(2) (a) The secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, upon the recommendation of the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet, shall procure, in compliance with the provisions of KRS § 45A.080, 45A.085, and 45A.090, from one (1) or more insurers authorized to do business in this state, a group health benefit plan that may include but not be limited to health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), point of service (POS), and exclusive provider organization (EPO) benefit plans encompassing all or any class or classes of employees. With the exception of employers governed by the provisions of KRS Chapters 16, 18A, and 151B, all employers of any class of employees or former employees shall enter into a contract with the Personnel Cabinet prior to including that group in the state health insurance group. The contracts shall include but not be limited to designating the entity responsible for filing any federal forms, adoption of policies required for proper plan administration, acceptance of the contractual provisions with health insurance carriers or third-party administrators, and adoption of the payment and reimbursement methods necessary for efficient administration of the health insurance program. Health insurance coverage provided to state employees under this section shall, at a minimum, contain the same benefits as provided under Kentucky Kare Standard as of January 1,
1994, and shall include a mail-order drug option as provided in subsection (13) of this section. All employees and other persons for whom the health care coverage is provided or made available shall annually be given an option to elect health care coverage through a self-funded plan offered by the Commonwealth or, if a self-funded plan is not available, from a list of coverage options determined by the competitive bid process under the provisions of KRS § 45A.080, 45A.085, and 45A.090 and made available during annual open enrollment.
(b) The policy or policies shall be approved by the commissioner of insurance and may contain the provisions the commissioner of insurance approves, whether or not otherwise permitted by the insurance laws.
(c) Any carrier bidding to offer health care coverage to employees shall agree to provide coverage to all members of the state group, including active employees and retirees and their eligible covered dependents and beneficiaries, within the county or counties specified in its bid. Except as provided in subsection (20) of this section, any carrier bidding to offer health care coverage to employees shall also agree to rate all employees as a single
entity, except for those retirees whose former employers insure their active employees outside the state-sponsored health insurance program and as otherwise provided in KRS § 61.702(2)(b)3.b. and 78.5536(2)(b)3.b.
(d) Any carrier bidding to offer health care coverage to employees shall agree to provide enrollment, claims, and utilization data to the Commonwealth in a format specified by the Personnel Cabinet with the understanding that the data shall be owned by the Commonwealth; to provide data in an electronic form and within a time frame specified by the Personnel Cabinet; and to be subject to penalties for noncompliance with data reporting requirements as specified by the Personnel Cabinet. The Personnel Cabinet shall take strict precautions to protect the confidentiality of each individual employee; however, confidentiality assertions shall not relieve a carrier from the requirement of providing stipulated data to the Commonwealth.
(e) The Personnel Cabinet shall develop the necessary techniques and capabilities for timely analysis of data received from carriers and, to the extent possible, provide in the request-for-proposal specifics relating to data requirements, electronic reporting, and penalties for noncompliance. The Commonwealth shall own the enrollment, claims, and utilization data provided by each carrier and shall develop methods to protect the confidentiality of the individual. The Personnel Cabinet shall include in the October annual report submitted pursuant to the provisions of KRS § 18A.226 to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, an analysis of the financial stability of the program, which shall include but not be limited to loss ratios, methods of risk adjustment, measurements of carrier quality of service, prescription coverage and cost management, and statutorily required mandates. If state self-insurance was available as a carrier option, the report also shall provide a detailed financial analysis of the self-insurance fund including but not limited to loss ratios, reserves, and reinsurance agreements.
(f) If any agency participating in the state-sponsored employee health insurance program for its active employees terminates participation and there is a state appropriation for the employer’s contribution for active employees’ health insurance coverage, then neither the agency nor the employees shall receive the state-funded contribution after termination from the state-sponsored employee health insurance program.
(g) Any funds in flexible spending accounts that remain after all reimbursements have been processed shall be transferred to the credit of the state-sponsored health insurance plan’s appropriation account.
(h) Each entity participating in the state-sponsored health insurance program shall provide an amount at least equal to the state contribution rate for the employer portion of the health insurance premium. For any participating entity that used the state payroll system, the employer contribution amount shall be equal to but not greater than the state contribution rate.
(3) The premiums may be paid by the policyholder:
(a) Wholly from funds contributed by the employee, by payroll deduction or otherwise;
(b) Wholly from funds contributed by any department, board, agency, public postsecondary education institution, or branch of state, city, urban-county, charter county, county, or consolidated local government; or
(c) Partly from each, except that any premium due for health care coverage or dental coverage, if any, in excess of the premium amount contributed by any department, board, agency, postsecondary education institution, or branch of state, city, urban-county, charter county, county, or consolidated local government for any other health care coverage shall be paid by the employee.
(4) If an employee moves his or her place of residence or employment out of the service area of an insurer offering a managed health care plan, under which he or she has elected coverage, into either the service area of another managed health care plan or into an area of the Commonwealth not within a managed health care plan service area, the employee shall be given an option, at the time of the move or transfer, to change his or her coverage to another health benefit plan.
(5) No payment of premium by any department, board, agency, public postsecondary educational institution, or branch of state, city, urban-county, charter county, county, or consolidated local government shall constitute compensation to an insured employee for the purposes of any statute fixing or limiting the compensation of such an employee. Any premium or other expense incurred by any department, board, agency, public postsecondary educational institution, or branch of state, city, urban-county, charter county, county, or consolidated local government shall be considered a proper cost of administration.
(6) The policy or policies may contain the provisions with respect to the class or classes of employees covered, amounts of insurance or coverage for designated classes or groups of employees, policy options, terms of eligibility, and continuation of insurance or coverage after retirement.
(7) Group rates under this section shall be made available to the disabled child of an employee regardless of the child’s age if the entire premium for the disabled child’s coverage is paid by the state employee. A child shall be considered disabled if he or she has been determined to be eligible for federal Social Security disability benefits.
(8) The health care contract or contracts for employees shall be entered into for a period of not less than one (1) year.
(9) The secretary shall appoint thirty-two (32) persons to an Advisory Committee of State Health Insurance Subscribers to advise the secretary or the secretary’s designee regarding the state-sponsored health insurance program for employees. The secretary shall appoint, from a list of names submitted by appointing authorities, members representing school districts from each of the seven (7) Supreme Court districts, members representing state government from each of the seven (7) Supreme Court districts, two (2) members representing retirees under age sixty-five (65), one (1) member representing local health departments, two (2) members representing the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System, and three (3) members at large. The secretary shall also appoint two (2) members from a list of five (5) names submitted by the Kentucky Education Association, two (2) members from a list of five (5) names submitted by the largest state employee organization of nonschool state employees, two (2) members from a list of five (5) names submitted
by the Kentucky Association of Counties, two (2) members from a list of five (5) names submitted by the Kentucky League of Cities, and two (2) members from a list of names consisting of five (5) names submitted by each state employee organization that has two thousand (2,000) or more members on state payroll deduction. The advisory committee shall be appointed in January of each year and shall meet quarterly.
(10) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the policy or policies provided to employees pursuant to this section shall not provide coverage for obtaining or performing an abortion, nor shall any state funds be used for the purpose of obtaining or performing an abortion on behalf of employees or their dependents.
(11) Interruption of an established treatment regime with maintenance drugs shall be grounds for an insured to appeal a formulary change through the established appeal procedures approved by the Department of Insurance, if the physician supervising the treatment certifies that the change is not in the best interests of the patient.
(12) Any employee who is eligible for and elects to participate in the state health insurance program as a retiree, or the spouse or beneficiary of a retiree, under any one (1) of the state-sponsored retirement systems shall not be eligible to receive the state health insurance contribution toward health care coverage as a result of any other employment for which there is a public employer contribution. This does not preclude a retiree and an active employee spouse from using both contributions to the extent needed for purchase of one (1) state sponsored health insurance policy for that plan year.
(13) (a) The policies of health insurance coverage procured under subsection (2) of this section shall include a mail-order drug option for maintenance drugs for state employees. Maintenance drugs may be dispensed by mail order in accordance with Kentucky law.
(b) A health insurer shall not discriminate against any retail pharmacy located within the geographic coverage area of the health benefit plan and that meets the terms and conditions for participation established by the insurer, including price, dispensing fee, and copay requirements of a mail-order option. The retail pharmacy shall not be required to dispense by mail.
(c) The mail-order option shall not permit the dispensing of a controlled substance classified in Schedule II.
(14) The policy or policies provided to state employees or their dependents pursuant to this section shall provide coverage for obtaining a hearing aid and acquiring hearing aid-related services for insured individuals under eighteen (18) years of age, subject to a cap of one thousand four hundred dollars ($1,400) every thirty-six (36) months pursuant to KRS § 304.17A-132.
(15) Any policy provided to state employees or their dependents pursuant to this section shall provide coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders consistent with KRS § 304.17A-142.
(16) Any policy provided to state employees or their dependents pursuant to this section shall provide coverage for obtaining amino acid-based elemental formula pursuant to KRS § 304.17A-258.
(17) If a state employee’s residence and place of employment are in the same county, and if the hospital located within that county does not offer surgical services, intensive care services, obstetrical services, level II neonatal services, diagnostic cardiac catheterization services, and magnetic resonance imaging services, the employee may select a plan available in a contiguous county that does provide those services, and the state contribution for the plan shall be the amount available in the county where the plan selected is located.
(18) If a state employee’s residence and place of employment are each located in counties in which the hospitals do not offer surgical services, intensive care services, obstetrical services, level II neonatal services, diagnostic cardiac catheterization services, and magnetic resonance imaging services, the employee may select a plan available in a county contiguous to the county of residence that does provide those services, and the state contribution for the plan shall be the amount available in the county where the plan selected is located.
(19) The Personnel Cabinet is encouraged to study whether it is fair and reasonable and in the best interests of the state group to allow any carrier bidding to offer health care coverage under this section to submit bids that may vary county by county or by larger geographic areas.
(20) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the bid for proposals for health insurance coverage for calendar year 2004 shall include a bid scenario that reflects the statewide rating structure provided in calendar year 2003 and a bid scenario that allows for a regional rating structure that allows carriers to submit bids that may vary by region for a given product offering as described in this subsection:
(a) The regional rating bid scenario shall not include a request for bid on a statewide option;
(b) The Personnel Cabinet shall divide the state into geographical regions which shall be the same as the partnership regions designated by the Department for Medicaid Services for purposes of the Kentucky Health Care Partnership Program established pursuant to 907 KAR 1:705;
(c) The request for proposal shall require a carrier’s bid to include every county within the region or regions for which the bid is submitted and include but not be restricted to a preferred provider organization (PPO) option;
(d) If the Personnel Cabinet accepts a carrier’s bid, the cabinet shall award the carrier all of the counties included in its bid within the region. If the Personnel Cabinet deems the bids submitted in accordance with this subsection to be in the best interests of state employees in a region, the cabinet may award the contract for that region to no more than two (2) carriers; and
(e) Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit the Personnel Cabinet from including other requirements or criteria in the request for proposal.
(21) Any fully insured health benefit plan or self-insured plan issued or renewed on or after July 12, 2006, to public employees pursuant to this section which provides coverage for services rendered by a physician or osteopath duly licensed under KRS Chapter 311 that are within the scope of practice of an optometrist duly licensed under the provisions of KRS Chapter 320 shall provide the same payment of coverage to optometrists as allowed for those services rendered by physicians or
(22) Any fully insured health benefit plan or self-insured plan issued or renewed to public employees pursuant to this section shall comply with:
(a) KRS § 304.12-237;
(b) KRS § 304.17A-270 and KRS § 304.17A-525; (c) KRS § 304.17A-600 to KRS § 304.17A-633; (d) KRS § 205.593;
(e) KRS § 304.17A-700 to KRS § 304.17A-730; (f) KRS § 304.14-135;
(g) KRS § 304.17A-580 and KRS § 304.17A-641; (h) KRS § 304.99-123;
(i) KRS § 304.17A-138; (j) KRS § 304.17A-148;
(k) KRS § 304.17A-163 and KRS § 304.17A-1631; (l) KRS § 304.17A-265; and
(m) Administrative regulations promulgated pursuant to statutes listed in this subsection.
Effective: June 29, 2023
History: Amended 2023 Ky. Acts ch. 86, sec. 6, effective June 29, 2023. — Amended
2022 Ky. Acts ch. 19, sec. 12, effective January 1, 2023; ch. 213, sec. 13, effective July 14, 2022; and ch. 216, sec. 26, effective April 14, 2022. — Amended 2021 Ky. Acts ch. 30, sec. 5, effective June 29, 2021; and ch. 75, sec. 2, effective January 1,
2022. — Amended 2020 Ky. Acts ch. 79, sec. 15, effective April 1, 2021. — Amended 2019 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 1, sec. 3, effective July 24, 2019. — Amended 2018 Ky. Acts ch. 187, sec. 7, effective July 1, 2019. — Amended 2016
Ky. Acts ch. 10, sec. 4, effective April 1, 2016. — Amended 2010 Ky. Acts ch. 24, sec. 28, effective July 15, 2010; and ch. 150, sec. 19, effective January 1, 2011. — Amended 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 88, sec. 3, effective June 26, 2007. — Amended 2006
Ky. Acts ch. 164, sec. 1, effective July 12, 2006. — Amended 2003 Ky. Acts ch. 12, sec.1, effective June 24, 2003; and ch. 29, sec. 1, effective March 18, 2003. — Amended 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 67, sec. 1, effective July 15, 2002; ch. 106, sec. 2, effective July 15, 2002; ch. 275, sec. 34, effective July 1, 2002; ch. 345, sec. 1, effective July 15, 2002; ch. 351, sec. 17, effective July 15, 2002; and ch. 352, secs. 1 and 4, effective July 15, 2002. — Amended 2001 Ky. Acts ch. 70, sec. 3, effective March 15, 2001. — Amended 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 438, sec. 2, effective April 21, 2000.
— Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 82, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1998; ch. 154, sec. 45, effective July 15, 1998; and ch. 515, sec. 1, effective July 1, 1998. — Amended 1996
Ky. Acts ch. 362, sec. 6, effective July 15, 1996; and ch. 371, sec. 60, effective July
15, 1996. — Amended 1994 Ky. Acts ch. 350, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1994; and ch.
512, sec. 94, effective July 15, 1994. — Amended 1992 Ky. Acts ch. 92, sec. 3, effective July 14, 1992; ch. 219, sec. 1, effective July 14, 1992; and ch. 235, sec. 1, effective July 14, 1992. — Amended 1990 Ky. Acts ch. 348, sec. 3, effective July 13,
1990; and ch. 489, sec. 8, effective July 13, 1990. — Amended 1986 Ky. Acts ch.
178, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1986. — Amended 1984 Ky. Acts ch. 23, sec. 1, effective July 13, 1984. — Repealed and reenacted as KRS § 18A.225, 1982 Ky. Acts ch. 448, sec. 45, effective July 15, 1982. — Amended 1980 Ky. Acts ch. 132, sec. 6, effective July 15, 1980. — Created 1976 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 35, sec. 2.
Formerly codified as KRS § 18.470.
Legislative Research Commission Note (6/29/2023). This statute was amended by 2023
Ky. Acts ch. 86, sec. 6. Section 8 of that Act provides that the Act applies to health insurance policies in effect on or after June 29, 2023, and to health insurance policies issued, delivered, or renewed on or after June 29, 2023.
Legislative Research Commission Note (1/1/2023). 2022 Ky. Acts ch. 19, sec. 13, provides that the amendments made to this statute shall apply to health plans delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2023.
Legislative Research Commission Note (7/1/2019). This statute was amended by 2018
Ky. Acts chs. 170, sec. 3 and ch. 187, sec. 7. However, 2018 Ky. Acts ch. 207, secs.
158 and 159 provided that, notwithstanding any statutory language to the contrary, no part of the amendments to this statute in 2018 Ky. Acts ch. 170, sec. 3 are to be codified.
Legislative Research Commission Note (4/1/2016). 2016 Ky. Acts ch. 10, sec. 5 provided that that Act may be cited as Noah’s Law. This statute was amended in Section 4 of that Act.
Legislative Research Commission Note (10/19/2004). 2004 (1st Extra. Sess.) Ky. Acts ch. 1, sec. 2, provides, “Notwithstanding KRS § 18A.225, 45A.022, 45A.080,
45A.085, 45A.090, 45A.225 to 45A.290, or any other provision of KRS Chapter 45A to the contrary, retroactive to August 12, 2004, the Finance and Administration Cabinet shall implement the provisions of this Act by amending the previously negotiated contracts for public employee health insurance. The secretary of the Finance and Administration Cabinet shall provide an actuarial certification that the self-insured contract amounts are actuarially sound. Any contracts entered into or modified pursuant to this section shall be forwarded to the Legislative Research Commission.”
Legislative Research Commission Note (7/15/2002). This section was amended by
2002 Ky. Acts chs. 67, 106, 275, 345, 351, and 352. Where these Acts are not in conflict, they have been codified together. Where a conflict exists between Acts ch.
275, sec. 34, and ch. 352, sec. 1, Acts ch. 352, which was last enacted by the General
Assembly, prevails under KRS § 446.250.