Part I General Definitions 6:703
Part II Organization and Incorporation 6:704 – 6:714
Part III Amendment and Restatement of Articles 6:721
Part IV Powers 6:731
Part V Capital and Accounts 6:741 – 6:750
Part VI Members, Depositors, and Other Matters 6:761 – 6:771
Part VII Directors, Officers, and Employees 6:781 – 6:787
Part VIII Corporate Administration–Records, Reports, and Examination 6:791 – 6:794
Part IX Corporate Administrations–Savings Liability; Reserves; Accounting 6:801 – 6:814
Part X Investment Operations 6:822 – 6:834
Part XI Offices 6:851 – 6:853
Part XII Merger, Consolidation, Dissolution and Liquidation 6:861 – 6:883
Part XIII Foreign Associations 6:891 – 6:898
Part XIV Federal Associations 6:901 – 6:908
Part XV Fees 6:912
Part XVI Miscellaneous Provisions 6:921 – 6:933
Part XVII Miscellaneous Provisions Relative to Capital Stock Associations 6:937 – 6:947
Part XVIII Implementation and Augmentation Powers of Commissioner 6:948
§ 6:701 Applicability
§ 6:702 Short title

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Terms Used In Louisiana Revised Statutes > Title 6 > Chapter 9 - Homestead and Savings and Loan

  • Abandoned motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle that is inoperable and is left unattended on public property for more than twenty-four hours, or is inoperable and left unattended on the shoulder or right-of-way of an interstate or a four-lane highway for more than twenty-four hours, or a motor vehicle that has remained illegally on public property for a period of more than twenty-four hours, or a motor vehicle that has remained on private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property for more than three days. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:471
  • Abatement: means maintenance and repair, encapsulation, enclosure, or removal of friable asbestos-containing materials in school buildings. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Accessory: includes an accessory after the fact and also a principal, as those terms are defined by the Louisiana Criminal Code. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Accumulated contributions: means the sum of all regular contributions, plus regular interest thereon, placed to the credit of the participant in the annuity savings account. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Acquiring person: means either of the following:

    (a)  A person acquiring tax sale title to a tax sale property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122

  • Acquittal:
    1. Judgement that a criminal defendant has not been proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
    2. A verdict of "not guilty."
  • Activity: means a distinct subset of functions or services within a program. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Actuarial equivalent: means a benefit of equivalent value to the accumulated contributions, annuity, or benefits, as the case may be, computed on the basis of interest and mortality assumptions adopted in accordance with the provisions of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Actuarial equivalent: means a benefit of equal value when computed upon the basis of the mortality tables adopted by the board of trustees plus regular interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Actuarial equivalent: means a benefit of equivalent value to the accumulated contributions, annuity, or benefits, as the case may be, computed upon the basis of such interest and mortality assumptions as are adopted by the board or provided in law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • ADAD equipment: means any device or system of devices which is used, whether alone or in conjunction with other equipment, for the purpose of automatically selecting or dialing telephone numbers and disseminating recorded messages to the numbers so selected or dialed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:810
  • Adjourn: A motion to adjourn a legislative chamber or a committee, if passed, ends that day's session.
  • Adjudicated property: means property of which tax sale title is acquired by a political subdivision pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Adjudication: means formal or informal proceedings for the formulation of a decision or order. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Administrator: means the firm which, in accordance with its contract with the Commission, maintains the plan records, provides information to participants and prospective participants, manages the day-to-day activities of the plan relating to the transmittal of participant funds to investment product companies selected by the Commission, provides enrollment services, and/or prepares studies and recommendations for the Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Administrator: means the administrator provided for in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1354
  • admission: as used in this Chapter includes the charges made for seats and tables, reserved or otherwise, and other similar accommodations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:44
  • Advanced recycling: means a manufacturing process for the conversion of post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks into basic raw materials, feedstocks, chemicals, and other products through processes that include pyrolysis, gasification, depolymerization, catalytic cracking, reforming, hydrogenation, solvolysis, chemolysis, and other similar technologies. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Advanced recycling facility: means a manufacturing facility that receives, stores, and converts post-use polymers and recovered feedstocks it receives using advanced recycling. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Advertisement: includes all representations of fact or opinion disseminated to the public in any manner or by any means. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:700
  • Affiliate: as used in this Chapter , means a specific person who is directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlled by, or controls, or is under common control with the person specified. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Affirmed: In the practice of the appellate courts, the decree or order is declared valid and will stand as rendered in the lower court.
  • Agency: means a department, office, division, agency, commission, board, committee, or other organizational unit of a governmental entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1471
  • Agency: as used in this Part and in Part V of Chapter 1 of this Title shall have the same meaning ascribed to it as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1752
  • Agency: means any state office, department, board, commission, institution, division, officer or other person, or functional group, heretofore existing or hereafter created, that is authorized to exercise, or that does exercise, any functions of the government of the state in the executive branch, but not any governing body or officer of any local government or subdivision of the state, or any parochial officer who exercises functions coterminous with the municipality in which he performs those functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Agency: as used in this Chapter shall have the same meaning ascribed to it as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Agency head: means the chief executive or administrative officer of an agency or the chairman of a board or commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1471
  • Agent contract: means any contract or agreement, whether written or oral, under which an athlete authorizes an athlete agent to negotiate or solicit on behalf of the athlete for the employment of the athlete by one or more professional sports teams. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Aggrieved person: means a natural or juridical person who has a real and actual interest that is or may be adversely affected by a final action under this Subtitle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Agricultural products: includes products such as horticultural, and dairy products, livestock, wildlife, poultry, bees, forest products, fish and shell fish, and any products thereof, including processed and manufactured products, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and any processed or manufactured products thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Agricultural purpose: means a purpose related to the production, harvest, exhibition, marketing, transportation, processing, or manufacture of agricultural products by a natural person who cultivates, plants, propagates or nurtures the agricultural products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Agricultural use: means farming in all of its branches, including but not limited to the cultivation and the tillage of the soil; the production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any products from agricultural, horticulture, aquaponic, hydroponic, or aquaculture practices; the raising of livestock, bees, fur-bearing animals, dairy-producing animals, and poultry; agricultural education; agricultural tourism; or any practices performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to or in conjunction with farming operations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4751
  • All-terrain vehicle: shall mean any vehicle manufactured for off-road use and issued a manufacturer's statement or certificate of origin, as required by the commission, that cannot be issued a registration certificate and license to operate on the public roads of this state because, at the time of manufacture, the vehicle does not meet the safety requirements prescribed by La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Allegation: something that someone says happened.
  • Amateur: means any of the following:

    (a)  Contests or exhibitions of armed or unarmed combat or any combination thereof conducted by or participated in exclusively by any state-accredited middle school or high school, college, or university, or by any association or organization of a school, college, or university, when each participant in the contests or exhibitions is a bona fide student in the state-accredited middle school or high school, college, or university. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85

  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Amortization: Paying off a loan by regular installments.
  • Amount deferred: means the cash price, subtracting any down payment, under a consumer credit sale, revolving charge or seller credit card account, plus any other charges, fees and closing costs authorized by law, that are financed by the creditor under the transaction or included in or added to the balance of the consumer's indebtedness subject to credit service charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Amount financed: means the amount borrowed under a consumer loan, revolving loan or lender credit card account, plus any other charges, fees, and closing costs authorized by law, that are financed by the creditor under the transaction, or included in or added to the balance of the consumer's indebtedness subject to loan finance charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Annuity: means payments for life derived from the "accumulated contributions" of a member. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Annuity: means annual payments for life, payable in equal monthly installments, derived from the accumulated contributions placed to the credit of the participant in the annuity reserve account. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Annuity reserve: means the present value of all payments to be made on account of an annuity or benefit in lieu of any annuity computed upon the basis of such mortality tables accepted by the board of trustees, plus regular interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Answer: The formal written statement by a defendant responding to a civil complaint and setting forth the grounds for defense.
  • Anything of value: means any thing of value. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Applicant: means a person or place of business that makes a formal application for a license, permit, certification, registration, or certificate issued pursuant to this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:1
  • Appointing authority: means the presiding officer or similar official of any court, board, commission, authority, department, agency, legislative body or of any proceeding of any nature where a qualified interpreter/transliterator is required pursuant to this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2362
  • Appraisal: A determination of property value.
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Appropriation: means an authorization by the legislature to a budget unit for a program to expend from public funds a sum of money, for purposes designated, under the procedure prescribed in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • area of responsibility: shall mean the licensee's area of principal sales and service responsibility as specified by the franchise in effect with any licensee of the commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Arrest: Taking physical custody of a person by lawful authority.
  • Asbestos: means the asbestiform varieties of: chyrsotile (serpentine); crocidolite (riebeckite); amosite (cummingtonite-grunerite); anthophyllite; tremolite; and actinolite. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Assistant secretary: means the assistant secretary to whom a given function or responsibility has been allocated by this Subtitle or delegated by the secretary. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Association: means a savings association, thrift institution, homestead, building and loan association, savings and loan association, or society, including both capital stock and mutual associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • association: means a corporation, or unincorporated association, owned by or composed of the unit owners and through which the unit owners manage and regulate the condominium. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • association: means a nonprofit corporation, unincorporated association, or other legal entity, which is created pursuant to a declaration, whose members consist primarily of lot owners, and which is created to manage or regulate, or both, the residential planned community. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Association property: means all the property either held by the association or commonly held by the members of the association, or both, and lots privately held by members of the association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Athlete: means a student who resides in this state, or a student who does not reside in this state but has informed in writing an institution of higher education in this state of the student's intent to participate in that school's intercollegiate sports contests, and who is characterized by either of the following:

    (i)  Is eligible to participate in junior high, high school, or intercollegiate sports contests as a member of a sports team of a junior high, high school, or institution of higher education which is located in this state and which is a member of a federation or association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421

  • Athlete agent: means any person who recruits or solicits an athlete to enter into an agent contract or professional sport services contract with any person, or who offers anything of value to any person to induce an athlete to enter into an agreement by which any person will represent the athlete, or who for anything of value procures, offers, promises, or attempts to obtain employment for an athlete with a professional sports team. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Athlete contract: means any contract or agreement executed by a student athlete with an educational institution or school concerning the student's participation in that institution's intercollegiate sport contests or interscholastic athletic activities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Attack: means any attack or series of attacks by an enemy of the United States causing or which may cause, substantial damage or injury to civilian property or persons in the United States in any manner by sabotage or by the use of bombs, missiles, shellfire, or atomic, radiological, chemical, bacteriological or biological means or other weapons or processes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:1403
  • Attorney-in-fact: A person who, acting as an agent, is given written authorization by another person to transact business for him (her) out of court.
  • Authority: shall mean the Department of Transportation and Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • authority: means , with respect to the city of New Orleans, the police board of the city of New Orleans and in all other municipalities and parishes means the police department, sheriff or such other authority as is vested with police authority. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:471
  • Authorized person: means :

    (a)  Employees or electrical or communication contractors or other contractors employed for the maintenance of electric lines of an electric public utility with respect to the electrical system owned or operated by such electric public utility; employees or electrical or communication contractors or other contractors employed for the maintenance of electric lines of an electric cooperative with respect to the electrical system owned or operated by such cooperative; employees or electrical or communication contractors or other contractors employed for the maintenance of electric lines of a municipality or other public entity with respect to the electrical system owned or operated by such municipality or other public entity; and the employees of a transportation system with respect to the electrical circuits of such system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:141

  • Automated driving system: means the hardware and software that are collectively capable of performing the entire dynamic driving task on a sustained basis, regardless of whether it is limited to a specific operational design domain. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Autonomous commercial motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle used in commerce and equipped with an automated driving system, including those designed to function without a driver. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • average compensation: means his average earnable compensation for the five highest successive years of employment, or the highest five successive joined years where interruption of service occurred. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Average final compensation: means the average annual earned compensation of an employee for any period of thirty-six successive or joined months of service as an employee during which the said earned compensation was the highest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Axle: means the common axis of rotation of one or more wheels whether power-driven or freely rotating, and whether in one or more segments, and regardless of the number of wheels carried thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
  • Base pay: means prescribed compensation for a specific position on a full-time basis, but does not include overtime, per diem, differential pay, payment in kind, premium pay, or any other allowance for expense authorized and incurred as an incident to employment, except supplemental pay for certain members as provided by Article X, Section 10(A)(1) of thethe Louisiana Constitution of 1974. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:403
  • Baseline: Projection of the receipts, outlays, and other budget amounts that would ensue in the future without any change in existing policy. Baseline projections are used to gauge the extent to which proposed legislation, if enacted into law, would alter current spending and revenue levels.
  • Basic system: means a telephone service which automatically connects a person dialing the digits 911 to an established public safety answering point through normal telephone service facilities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:792
  • Beneficiary: A person who is entitled to receive the benefits or proceeds of a will, trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or other contract. Source: OCC
  • Beneficiary: means the eligible recipient of a pension, annuity, retirement allowance, or other benefit provided in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Beneficiary: means any person in receipt of a pension, an annuity, a retirement allowance or other benefits provided for in this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Beneficiary: means any person designated to receive a pension, an annuity, a retirement allowance, or other benefit as provided by this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Bequest: Property gifted by will.
  • Bicycle: means every device upon which any person or persons, if the design accommodates passengers, may ride, propelled exclusively by human power, or an electric-assisted bicycle as defined in this Section, having a saddle or seat for each rider, and having two tandem wheels, either of which is sixteen inches or more in diameter, or three wheels, any one of which is twenty inches or more in diameter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • billing cycle: means the time interval between regular periodic billing statement dates. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Board: means the Crime Victims Reparations Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Board: means the Crime Victims Reparations Board provided for by Chapter 21 of this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1851
  • Board: means the group of individuals named or appointed to inform and support the work of the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Board: means the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund Advisory Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2632
  • Board: means the Board of Trustees of the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:403
  • Board: means the board of trustees of the Assessors' Retirement Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1402
  • board: means the Board of Examiners of Bar Pilots for the Port of New Orleans, established in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 34:941
  • board: means the board provided for in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Board of commissioners: means a group of persons appointed under the provisions of law to exercise certain authorities over and have oversight and control of a levee district or levee and drainage district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:281
  • Board of Liquidation: means the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, of the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Board of trustees: means the board provided for in Part V of this Chapter to administer the retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Board of trustees: means and includes the members of the board of trustees of the retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Boat: means a component of a marine product that is not equipped with an outboard or inboard/outboard motor attached thereto. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Boat package: means a boat that is equipped from its manufacturer or distributor with an inboard, outboard, or inboard/outboard motor or engine attached thereto, installed thereon, or shipped or invoiced together as a package. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Bona fide medication sample: means a drug, chemical, or medication packaged by the original manufacturer thereof in such quantity as does not exceed a reasonable therapeutic dosage for a period in excess of one week and provided at no cost to a physician for administration or dispensation to a patient at no cost to the patient. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Bona fide paying subscribers: means persons who have subscribed at a subscription rate which is not nominal, whether by mail subscriptions, purchases through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sellers, or any combination thereof, but shall not include free circulation, sales at token or nominal subscription price, and sales in bulk for purposes other than for resale for individual subscribers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 43:200
  • Bonds: means and includes bonds, notes, certificates, or other written obligations for the repayment of borrowed money. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Bread: means bread of every kind and description made wholly or partly from wheat flour, which conforms to the definition and standard of identity of bread as promulgated by the Federal Security Agency. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:781
  • Broker: means a person who, for a fee or commission, arranges or offers to arrange a transaction involving the sale, for purposes other than resale, of a new motor vehicle or recreational product, and who is not:

                (a) A motor vehicle dealer or recreational products dealer, or bona fide employee of a motor vehicle dealer, when acting on behalf of a motor vehicle or recreational products dealer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252

  • Budget unit: means any spending agency of the state which is declared to be a budget unit by the division of administration and which is identified for accounting purposes by a five-digit number code. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Building: means any structure which includes provisions for a heating or cooling system, or both, or for a hot water system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1202
  • bus: shall mean a motor vehicle with a seating capacity of six or more, exclusive of the operator, which is used in the transportation of passengers for hire, excluding any vehicle leased without the provision of a driver and excluding any vehicle which is subject to regulation by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Louisiana Public Service Commission; or which is defined in this Section as a limousine or sightseeing or tourist guide vehicle; or which is used by undertakers for the transportation only of persons attending a funeral; or which is engaged exclusively in the transportation of children to and from school and which is operated by or under a contract with a public institution or a public or private school; or which is provided by a passenger's employer for transportation to his place of work; or which provides transportation in consideration of transportation to be furnished on other occasions by a passenger. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1460
  • Business: means any corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, or any other legal entity through which business is conducted. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Business district: means the territory contiguous to and including a highway when within any six hundred feet along such highway there are buildings in use for business or industrial purposes, including but not limited to hotels, banks, or office buildings, railroad stations and public buildings which occupy at least three hundred feet frontage on one side or three hundred feet collectively on both sides of the highway. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Byproduct material: means :

    (a)  Any radioactive material, except special nuclear material, yielded in or made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incident to the process of producing or utilizing special nuclear material. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103

  • Cable service: means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or other programming service and any subscriber interaction required for the selection or use of video programming or other programming service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Cable service: means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or other programming service and any subscriber interaction required for the selection or use of video programming or other programming service, but shall not include any video programming provided by a commercial mobile service provider. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Cable service provider: means any person or entity that provides cable service over a cable system and directly or through one or more affiliates owns a significant interest in such cable system, or who otherwise controls or is responsible for, through any arrangement, the management and operation of such system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Cable service provider: means any person or entity that provides cable service over a cable system and directly or through one or more affiliates owns a significant interest in that cable system, or who otherwise controls or is responsible for, through any arrangement, the management and operation of that system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Cable system: means a facility consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide cable service which includes video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a community but does not include the following facilities or systems:

                (a) A facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one or more television broadcast stations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363

  • Cable system: means a facility consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide cable service which includes video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a community but does not include the following facilities or systems:

                (a) A facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one or more television broadcast stations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611

  • Capital costs: means all costs of providing a service that are capitalized in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Capital offense: A crime punishable by death.
  • Capital stock association: means an association, not in the mutual form, having capital stock ownership. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Case law: The law as laid down in cases that have been decided in the decisions of the courts.
  • Cash advance: means an advance of cash or a cash equivalent under a lender credit card account including but not limited to the purchase of a money order, wire transfer services, or the use of a convenience check to purchase goods or services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Catastrophic property damage: means catastrophic property damage as defined in Chapter 21 of this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1851
  • Caucus: From the Algonquian Indian language, a caucus meant "to meet together." An informal organization of members of the legislature that exists to discuss issues of mutual concern and possibly to perform legislative research and policy planning for its members. There are regional, political or ideological, ethnic, and economic-based caucuses.
  • Certificate: means the certificate of franchise authority issued by the secretary of state to a person or entity to provide cable service or video service in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Charity: An agency, institution, or organization in existence and operating for the benefit of an indefinite number of persons and conducted for educational, religious, scientific, medical, or other beneficent purposes.
  • Chauffeur: means every person who is employed by another for the principal purpose of driving a motor vehicle, except school bus operators. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Check: means any check, draft, item, orders or requests for payment of money, negotiable orders, withdrawal or any other instrument used to pay a debt or transfer money from one to another. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Chief procurement officer: means the person holding the position created in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Child: means a person who has not reached age eighteen or otherwise been legally emancipated. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Child: means an unmarried person under eighteen years of age, and includes a natural child, adopted child, stepchild, child born outside of marriage, any of the above who is a student not over twenty-three years of age, and a child conceived prior to but born after the personal injury or death of the victim. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Child: means an unmarried individual under the age of eighteen. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1079.12
  • Child care facilities: means those facilities regulated pursuant to the Child Care Facility and Child-Placing Agency Licensing Act (R. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1442.1
  • Child-placing agency: means any institution, society, agency, corporation, facility, person or persons, or any other group engaged in placing children in foster care or with substitute parents for temporary care or for adoption, or engaged in assisting or facilitating the adoption of children, or engaged in placing youth in transitional placing programs, but shall not mean a person who may occasionally refer children for temporary care. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Circumstantial evidence: All evidence except eyewitness testimony.
  • City: means the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Claimant: means a victim or a dependent of a deceased victim, or the legal representative of either, an intervenor, the healthcare provider who provides healthcare services associated with a forensic medical examination as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Club: means any club, corporation, association, or individual under the authority of the commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85
  • Collateral costs: means sales tax, license fees, registration fees, and any similar government charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Collateral source: means a source of benefits for pecuniary loss awardable, other than under this Chapter, which the claimant has received or which is readily available to him or her from any or all of the following:

                (a) The offender under an order of restitution to the claimant imposed by a court as a condition of probation or otherwise. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802

  • Collector: means the owner of one or more motor vehicles of historic or special interest who collects, purchases, acquires, trades, or disposes of such motor vehicles or the parts thereof for his own use in order to preserve, restore, and maintain such a motor vehicle for hobby purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Combination of vehicles: means every group of two or more vehicles howsoever joined together which are drawn or propelled by a single motor vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Commerce: means transportation for the purpose of compensation, remuneration, employment, trade, or payment of any thing of value. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Commercial building: means any building other than a residential building, including any building developed for industrial or public purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1202
  • Commercial mobile service provider: means an interconnected radio communication service carried on between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, and by mobile stations communicating among themselves, provided for profit and to the public or to a substantial portion of the public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Commercial mobile service provider: means an interconnected radio communication service carried on between mobile stations or receivers and land stations, and by mobile stations communicating among themselves, provided for profit and to the public or to a substantial portion of the public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Commercial motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used in commerce to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle has a gross combination weight rating of twenty-six thousand one or more pounds inclusive of a towed unit with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than ten thousand pounds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Commercially sensitive marketing information: means marketing plans or strategies, customer lists, and trade secrets pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Commission: means the State Boxing and Wrestling Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Deferred Compensation Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:810
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.1
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12
  • commission: when used in this Chapter means the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1501
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1623
  • Commission: shall mean the Bi-State Corridor Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1701
  • Commission: shall mean the El Camino East-West Corridor Commission (U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1751
  • Commission: means the Emergency Response Commission appointed by the governor to implement the mandates of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act passed by the United States Congress in 1986. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Used Motor Vehicle Commission or its designee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission created by this Chapter or its designee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Commission: means the Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Commission: means the State Bond Commission of the state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1410.42
  • commissioner: means the "Commissioner, Louisiana Department of Agriculture. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of financial institutions, of the state of Louisiana, in his capacity as supervisor of associations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of the office of financial institutions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Commissioner: means the secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Commissioner: means the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Commissioner: means the director of public safety as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of financial institutions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • commissioners: when used in this Chapter means the commissioners of the Louisiana Public Service Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1501
  • Common area: means property owned or otherwise maintained, repaired, or administered by the association for the benefit, use, and enjoyment of its members. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Common elements: means the portion of the condominium property not a part of the individual units. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • Common expenses: means :

    (a)  Expenses of administration, maintenance, repair, and replacement of the common elements. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103

  • Common law: The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States. It is based on judicial decisions rather than legislative action.
  • Community documents: means the articles of incorporation, bylaws, plat, declarations, covenants, conditions, restrictions, rules and regulations, or other written instruments, including any amendment thereto, by which the association has the authority to exercise any of its powers to manage, maintain, or otherwise affect the association property or which otherwise govern the use of association property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Community services: means any type of counseling and advice, emergency assistance, or medical care furnished to individuals or groups within the district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9081
  • Compensation: means a payment of money, objects, services, or anything else having monetary value. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:2718.1
  • Compliance order: means an order issued by the secretary or an assistant secretary requiring a respondent to comply with specified provisions of this Subtitle, a rule, or a permit within a specified period of time. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Concurrent resolution: A legislative measure, designated "S. Con. Res." and numbered consecutively upon introduction, generally employed to address the sentiments of both chambers, to deal with issues or matters affecting both houses, such as a concurrent budget resolution, or to create a temporary joint committee. Concurrent resolutions are not submitted to the President/Governor and thus do not have the force of law.
  • Condominium parcel: means a unit together with the undivided interest in the common elements which is an inseparable component part of the unit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • Condominium property: means all interests in land, improvements thereon, and all servitudes and rights attaching to the condominium. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • Conduit individual retirement account: means an account which is covered by the provisions of Section 408(a) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, provided the account only contains assets rolled over to the account as an eligible rollover distribution from a qualified plan, plus earnings on those assets, but does not contain any other assets. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Consensus estimating conference: means the Economic Estimating Conference, the Demographic Estimating Conference, the Education Estimating Conference, the Criminal Justice Estimating Conference, the Health and Social Services Estimating Conference, and the Transportation Estimating Conference. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Consent form: means the Authorization for Release of Information Form authorized for use by HUD. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Consumer: means a natural person who enters into or seeks to enter into a residential loan transaction for a personal, family, or household purpose. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Consumer: means :

                (a) The purchaser, other than for purposes of a resale, of a new recreational vehicle normally used for personal, family, or household purposes and subject to a manufacturer's express warranty. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32

  • Consumer: means a natural person who purchases goods, services, or movable or immovable property or rights therein, for a personal, family, or household purpose and includes a purchaser or buyer in a consumer credit sale or transaction made with the use of a seller credit card or otherwise, or a borrower or debtor in a consumer loan, revolving loan account, or a lender credit card. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Consumer credit insurance: means insurance, other than insurance on property, by which the satisfaction of debt in whole or in part is a benefit provided, but does not include

    (a)  insurance issued as an isolated transaction on the part of the insurer not related to an agreement or plan for insuring debtors of the creditor; or

    (b)  insurance indemnifying the creditor against loss due to the debtor's default. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Consumer credit transaction: means a consumer loan or a consumer credit sale but does not include a motor vehicle credit transaction made pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Consumer loan: means a loan of money or its equivalent made by a supervised financial organization, a licensed lender, or lender in which the debtor is a consumer, and the loan is entered into primarily for personal, family, or household purposes and includes debts created by the use of a lender credit card, revolving loan account, or similar arrangement, as well as insurance premium  financing. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Contact: means any communication by an athlete agent or by any intermediary with an athlete, or with any third person for the purpose of having that third person communicate with the athlete about the possibility of or formation of any business, financial, or other contractual relationship or agreement, including an agent contract, a professional services contract, or a professional sports services contract. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Contract: includes any agreement conferring the rights and obligations of a timeshare ownership on the purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1131.2
  • Contract: means all types of state agreements, regardless of what they may be called, including orders and documents purporting to represent grants, which are for the purchase or disposal of supplies, services, major repairs, or any other item. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Contractor: means any person having a contract with a governmental body. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Converting entity: means the domestic business corporation or domestic unincorporated entity that adopts a plan of entity conversion or the foreign unincorporated entity converting to a domestic business corporation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 12:1-950
  • Cost-sharing: means the portion of the cost of a covered medical service that must be paid by or on behalf of eligible individuals, consisting of copayments or coinsurance, but not deductibles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:979.2
  • Council: means the council of the city of New Orleans or its successor in function. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Court: means a court of competent jurisdiction in the parish of the domicile of the minor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • Covered application: means the social networking service TikTok or any successor application or service developed or provided by ByteDance Limited or an entity owned by ByteDance Limited. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1471
  • Covered services: means telecommunications services, advanced services and cable television services, individually and collectively, and regardless of the technology used to provide those services, unless otherwise specified in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Credit bureau: An agency that collects individual credit information and sells it for a fee to creditors so they can make a decision on granting loans. Typical clients include banks, mortgage lenders, credit card companies, and other financing companies. (Also commonly referred to as consumer-reporting agency or credit-reporting agency.) Source: OCC
  • Credit card: means any card, plate, coupon book, or other single credit device that may be used from time to time to obtain credit. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Credit report: A detailed report of an individual's credit history prepared by a credit bureau and used by a lender in determining a loan applicant's creditworthiness. Source: OCC
  • Credit service charge: means the sum of the following:

    (i)  All charges payable directly or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly by the seller as an incident to the extension of credit, including any of the following types of charges that are applicable: time price differential; service; carrying or other charge, however denominated; premium or other charge for any guarantee or insurance protecting the seller against the consumer's default or other credit loss; and

    (ii)  Charges paid by the consumer for investigating the collateral or credit worthiness of the consumer or for commissions or brokerage for obtaining the credit, irrespective of the person to whom the charges are paid or payable, unless the seller had no notice of the charges when the credit was granted. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Creditable service: means "Prior Service" plus "Membership Service" for which credit is allowable as provided in Part III of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Creditable service: means prior service plus subsequent service for which credit is allowable as provided for in this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Creditable service: means service for which credit is allowable as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • creditor: as used in this Chapter includes a seller in a consumer credit sale, revolving charge account, or transaction made with the use of a seller credit card or otherwise, or a lender in a consumer loan, a revolving loan account, or a lender credit card transaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Crime prevention: means any activity which aids in the reduction of crime in the district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9081
  • Cross examine: Questioning of a witness by the attorney for the other side.
  • Crosswalk: means : (a) That part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks, shoulders, or a combination thereof on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs or, in absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable roadway or if there is neither a sidewalk nor shoulder, a crosswalk is the portion of the roadway at an intersection that would be included within the prolongation of the lateral lines of the sidewalk, shoulder, or both on the opposite side of the street if there were a sidewalk or shoulder. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Custodial property: means any interest in property transferred to a custodian under this Subpart and the income from and proceeds of that interest in property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • Custodian: means a person so designated under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • CWSRF: means the water pollution control revolving loan fund previously established by Act No. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2301
  • Data: means recorded information, regardless of form or characteristic. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Deaf: means a condition of or person with some or complete absence of auditory sensitivity, regardless of when the hearing loss occurred, and is most often represented with a lowercase letter "d". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • DeafBlind: means a condition of or person with concomitant visual and auditory sensitivity to the extent that it causes extreme difficulty in gaining independence in daily life activities, achieving psychosocial adjustments, or obtaining a vocation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Dealer: means any person licensed to sell a motor vehicle, specialty vehicle, or recreational product subject to regulation by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Dealer: means a person who holds a license from the commission authorized by the manufacturer to service the items in a recreational vehicle warranted by the manufacturer, who is actively engaged in the business of buying, selling, or exchanging new recreational vehicles at retail, and who has an established place of business. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Dealer: means any person or entity engaged in the business of selling water treatment devices to the public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:700
  • Dealer-operator: shall mean the natural person designated in the franchise as the operator of a motor vehicle dealership. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Decedent: A deceased person.
  • Declarant: means :

    (a)  If the condominium has not yet been created, any person who offers to dispose of or disposes of his interest in a unit not previously disposed of; or

    (b)  If the condominium has been created, any person who has executed a declaration, or an amendment to a declaration to add additional property to the condominium regime, other than persons holding interests in the property solely as security for a debt or persons whose interest in the property will not be conveyed to unit owners. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103

  • declaration: means the instrument by which immovable property is made subject to this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • Declaration: means any instrument, however denominated, that establishes or regulates, or both, a residential planned community, and any amendment thereto. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Deed: The legal instrument used to transfer title in real property from one person to another.
  • Defendant: In a civil suit, the person complained against; in a criminal case, the person accused of the crime.
  • Defendant: means an offender who has been convicted of a capital offense and sentenced to death in accordance with the provisions of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1851
  • Defined benefit plan: means a pension plan established and maintained by an employer primarily to provide systematically for the payment of definitely determinable benefits to employees over a period of years after retirement based upon factors such as years of service and compensation received by employees. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Defined contribution plan: means a pension plan established and maintained by an employer which provides benefits based upon amounts contributed to an employee's individual account, plus any earnings allocated to the account, for distribution to the employee or his beneficiary either at retirement, after a fixed number of years, or upon the occurrence of some special event. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Demand account: means an account payable on demand which is not a savings account. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services or the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • Department: means the Department of Justice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1601
  • Department: shall mean the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:978.1
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:979.2
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1192
  • Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1442.1
  • Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services or its successor as administrator of the Child Care and Development Fund program in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1443.1
  • Department: means the Department of Children and Family Services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1451
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2632
  • Department: shall mean the Department of Transportation and Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1701
  • Department: shall mean the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1751
  • Department: means the Department of Environmental Quality. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2301
  • Department: means the Department of Environmental Quality. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Department: means the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Department: means the Department of Transportation and Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:471
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health and "secretary" means the secretary thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:700
  • Department: means the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:701
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Dependent: means a spouse or any person who is a dependent of a victim within the meaning of Section 152 of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Depolymerization: means a manufacturing process through which post-use polymers are broken down into smaller molecules such as monomers and oligomers or raw, intermediate, or final products, plastics, plastic and chemical feedstocks, basic and unfinished chemicals, waxes, lubricants, and coatings. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Depositing authority: as used in this Part means the commissioner of public finance or the finance officer, or any department, board, commission, or institution of cities located in this state having a population exceeding one hundred fifty thousand according to the last preceding census of the United States for which the official figures have been published, and "fiscal agent bank" or "depository" means any bank selected and designated by the commission council or governing body of such cities, for deposit of funds belonging to or held in custody for the above designated cities or any department, board, commission, or institution thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1245
  • Depositor: means a holder of a savings, demand, or other type of deposit account of an association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • depository: means any bank selected and designated by the commission council or governing body of such cities, for deposit of funds belonging to or held in custody for the above designated cities or any department, board, commission, or institution thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1245
  • Deputy secretary: means the deputy secretary for the office of public safety services in the Department of Public Safety and Corrections. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Designated successor: means the spouse, child, grandchild, parent, brother, or sister, of a dealer who, in the case of a deceased dealer, is entitled to inherit the dealer's ownership interest in the dealership under the terms of the dealer's will; the spouse, or other person who has otherwise been designated in writing by a deceased dealer to succeed him in the motor vehicle dealership, such designation having been furnished to the manufacturer; or the spouse, or other person who, under the laws of intestate succession of this state is entitled to inherit the interest; or who, in the case of an incapacitated dealer, has been appointed by a court in a proceeding interdicting the dealer as the legal representative of the dealer's property. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Designee: means a duly authorized representative of a person holding a superior position. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Direct costs: means those expenses of a local government that:

    (a)  Are directly attributable to providing a covered service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43

  • Direct rollover: means a payment by the system to the eligible retirement plan specified by the distributee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Discharge: means the placing, releasing, spilling, percolating, draining, pumping, leaking, seeping, emitting, or other escaping of pollutants into the air, waters, subsurface water, or ground as the result of a prior act or omission; or the placing of pollutants into pits, drums, barrels, or similar containers under conditions and circumstances that leaking, seeping, draining, or escaping of the pollutants can be reasonably anticipated. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • disclosure: means the release of information or data with the consent, as indicated by a signed consent form, of the individual or individuals to whom the information pertains by either the division of unemployment insurance or the housing authority. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Discovery: Lawyers' examination, before trial, of facts and documents in possession of the opponents to help the lawyers prepare for trial.
  • Dismantler and parts recycler: means a person, firm, or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the business of acquiring and dismantling, disassembling, or repairing wrecked, abandoned, or repairable motor vehicles or selling the usable parts thereof, or selling such wrecked, abandoned, or repairable motor vehicles as a unit of wholesale, or selling such repaired motor vehicles as a unit at wholesale. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Disparagement: means dissemination to the public in any manner of any false information that the disseminator knows or should have known to be false, and which states or implies that a perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product is not safe for consumption by the consuming public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4502
  • Dispensing physician: means any physician in the state of Louisiana who has registered as a dispensing physician with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners and who dispenses to his patients any drug, chemical, or medication, except a bona fide medication sample. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Disposal: means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that such waste, or any constituent thereof, may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including ground waters. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Dispose: means the discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, or placing of any hazardous waste into or on any land or into water so that any of the hazardous waste so disposed becomes part of the surrounding or underlying land. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Disposer: means any person who disposes or who receives for disposal the hazardous waste of a generator. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Distributee: means a member or former member. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Distributor branch: means a branch office maintained by a person, resident or nonresident, who in whole or in part sells or distributes motor vehicles or recreational products to motor vehicle or recreational products dealers, or for directing or supervising, in whole or in part, its representatives. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Distributor representative: means any officer, agent, or employee employed by a distributor, distributor branch, or wholesaler. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • District: means the healthcare service district authorized in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1192
  • Divided highway: means any highway divided into roadways by a median, physical barrier, or clearly indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Division: means the public protection division of the Department of Justice. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Division: means the division of administration in the office of the governor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Docket: A log containing brief entries of court proceedings.
  • Doing business in this state: means conducting a telephonic solicitation either from a location within this state or from a location outside of this state to residential telephonic subscribers residing in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12
  • Donee: The recipient of a gift.
  • Donor: The person who makes a gift.
  • Down payment: means an amount, including the value of any property used as a trade-in, paid to a seller to reduce the cash price of goods or services purchased under a consumer credit sale. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Driver: means every person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Driving mode: means a type of driving scenario with characteristic dynamic driving task requirements including but not limited to expressway merging, high-speed cruising, low-speed traffic jam, or closed-campus operations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Dry weight ton: means a ton of hazardous waste excluding the weight of the water and for underground injection shall include no more than one percent of the inorganic solids contained in the hazardous waste. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Dynamic driving task: means the operational and tactical aspects of the driving task, but not the strategic aspect of the driving task. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Dynamic driving task: means all of the real-time operational and tactical functions required to operate a vehicle in on-road traffic excluding strategic functions such as trip scheduling and selection of destinations and waypoints. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Earnable compensation: means the compensation earned by a member during the full normal working time as a teacher. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Earnable compensation: means the full rate of the compensation that would be payable to a participant if he worked the full normal working time during the year. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Earned compensation: means the full amount of compensation earned by an employee for a given month, but shall not include overtime. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • East bank segment: shall mean a limited access express toll highway to be located in a corridor extending from the Shreveport area near or at Interstate Route 20 and proceeding southward wholly or primarily on the east bank of the Red River. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • Education: means any type of scholastic instruction or scholarship assistance to any individual who resides in the district that enables him to prepare himself for better opportunities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9081
  • Efficiency: means cost-effectiveness or productivity relative to achievement of an objective. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • electric public utility: as used in this Chapter means any person furnishing electric service within this state, the parish of Orleans excepted, including any electric cooperative transacting business in this state, provided, however, that said term shall not be construed to apply to any person owning, leasing and/or operating an electric generation facility provided such person is not primarily engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution, and/or sale of electricity, and provided that such person:  (a) consumes all of the electric power and energy generated by such facility for its own use at the site of generation or at some other location if mutually acceptable agreements to transport such electric power and energy can be reached with each electric public utility whose transmission facilities would be electrically utilized therefor, provided, however, notwithstanding any provision contained herein, there shall be no obligation or duty, expressed or implied, to purchase, to sell, to transport, or to engage in any other type of transaction with respect to the electric power and energy that may be generated by such person, imposed upon any public utility by this Section except as shall be provided in the cogeneration rules and regulations adopted by the Louisiana Public Service Commission pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978; or, (b) only consumes a portion thereof in such manner and sells the entire remaining portion of such electric power and energy generated to an electric public utility as herein defined; or, (c) sells the entire production of electric power and energy generated by such facility to an electric public utility as herein defined. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:121
  • Electric-assisted bicycle: means every bicycle upon which any person or persons, if the design accommodates passengers, may ride, having a saddle or seat for each rider, and having two tandem wheels, either of which is sixteen inches or more in diameter, or three wheels, any one of which is twenty inches or more in diameter, equipped with fully operable pedals, and an electric motor of less than seven hundred fifty watts that meets the requirement of one of the following classes:

                (a) "Class one electric-assisted bicycle" means an electric-assisted bicycle equipped with a motor, which provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of twenty miles per hour. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1

  • Electronic funds transfer: The transfer of money between accounts by consumer electronic systems-such as automated teller machines (ATMs) and electronic payment of bills-rather than by check or cash. (Wire transfers, checks, drafts, and paper instruments do not fall into this category.) Source: OCC
  • Eligible applicant: means a governmental unit certified by the administrator to be substantially impacted by lignite resource development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1354
  • Eligible recipient: means a political subdivision, public trust, agency or commission of the state, or a private entity, to the extent permitted by the federal act or federal regulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2301
  • Eligible retirement plan: means an individual retirement account described in Section 408(a), an individual retirement annuity described in Section 408(b), an annuity plan described in Section 403(a), or a qualified trust described in Section 401(a), all of the Internal Revenue Code, that accepts the member's eligible rollover distribution. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Eligible rollover distribution: means a distribution as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Eligible rollover distribution: means any distribution of all or any portion of the balance to the credit of a member, except that an eligible rollover distribution does not include any distribution that is one of a series of substantially equal periodic payments not less frequently than annually, made for the life or life expectancy of the member or the joint lives or joint life expectancies of the member and the member's designated beneficiary, or for a specified period of ten years or more, or any distribution to the extent such distribution is required under Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the portion of any distribution that is not includable in gross income. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Embezzlement: In most states, embezzlement is defined as theft/larceny of assets (money or property) by a person in a position of trust or responsibility over those assets. Embezzlement typically occurs in the employment and corporate settings. Source: OCC
  • Emergency: means an actual or imminent threat to public health or safety which may result in loss of life, injury, or property damage. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:841
  • Emergency: means any condition existing outside of the bounds of nuclear operating sites owned or licensed by a federal agency, and any condition existing within or outside of the jurisdictional confines of a facility licensed or registered by the department and arising from the presence of byproduct material, source material, special nuclear material, or any other radioactive material, or source of radiation, which is endangering or could reasonably be expected to endanger the health and safety of the public or to contaminate the environment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Emergency alert provider: means a third party which is designated by a parish office of homeland security and emergency preparedness to provide emergency alert services for that parish and which is certified as such by the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness1. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:841
  • Emergency alert services: means the placement of telephone calls to notify the public of an emergency or to provide information relative to an emergency. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:841
  • Emergency interim successor: means a person designated pursuant to this Part, in the event the officer is unavailable, to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of an office until a successor is appointed or elected and qualified as may be provided by the constitution, statutes, charters and ordinances or until the lawful incumbent is able to resume the exercise of the powers and discharge the duties of the office. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:1403
  • Employee: means any person regularly employed in any capacity under the control of the Orleans Parish School Board who is not a teacher or whose legal employment does not require the holding of a teacher's certificate, including employees of the public school lunch department, all skilled and unskilled employees of the maintenance department, managers, custodians, subcustodians, and others who are not temporarily employed, and are paid out of funds under the control of the Orleans Parish School Board, who are not now eligible for membership in any other retirement system created or established by the State of Louisiana or any of its political subdivisions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Employee: means any commissioned member or employee of the Harbor Police Department of the Port of New Orleans prior to July 1, 2004, or any commissioned member of the Harbor Police Department of the Port of New Orleans on or after July 1, 2004 and hired on or before June 30, 2014. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Employer: means the state of Louisiana, any city, parish, or other local school board, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, any board created by La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Employer: means the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Encapsulation: means coating, binding, or resurfacing asbestos-containing materials with a sealant to prevent the release of asbestos fibers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Enclosure: means the erection of airtight and impact-resistant barriers to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air circulating in a building. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Energy impacted area: means a geographic area or political subdivision of the state which demonstrates actual or anticipated extraordinary expenditures caused by lignite resource development and growth incidental thereto. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1354
  • Enrolled bill: The final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both chambers in identical form. It is printed on parchment paper, signed by appropriate officials, and submitted to the President/Governor for signature.
  • Enterprise fund: means a separate fund to account for the local government's operations of covered services, established and maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as described by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Entitlement: A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. Entitlements constitute a binding obligation on the part of the Federal Government, and eligible recipients have legal recourse if the obligation is not fulfilled. Social Security and veterans' compensation and pensions are examples of entitlement programs.
  • Environment: includes water, air, and land and the interrelationship which exists among and between water, air, and land and all living things. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Equitable: Pertaining to civil suits in "equity" rather than in "law." In English legal history, the courts of "law" could order the payment of damages and could afford no other remedy. See damages. A separate court of "equity" could order someone to do something or to cease to do something. See, e.g., injunction. In American jurisprudence, the federal courts have both legal and equitable power, but the distinction is still an important one. For example, a trial by jury is normally available in "law" cases but not in "equity" cases. Source: U.S. Courts
  • Established place or established place of business: shall mean a permanently enclosed building or structure either owned, leased, or rented, which meets local zoning or municipal requirements, and regularly occupied by a person, easily accessible to the public at which the regular business of a licensee will be carried on in good faith, and, at which place of business shall be kept and maintained the books, records, and files necessary to conduct the business; and shall not mean residences, tents, temporary stands, lots, or any temporary quarters. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Ex officio: Literally, by virtue of one's office.
  • Examination: means an attestation performed for the purpose of expressing an opinion on an assertion that is the responsibility of another party in accordance with "Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements" published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Executive budget: means the document submitted to the legislature at each regular session, pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter and La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Executive session: A portion of the Senate's daily session in which it considers executive business.
  • Exhibition: means :

    (a)  As applied to boxing and mixed technique events, any event in which the participants show or display their skills without necessarily striving to win. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85

  • Expenses: means amounts represented by cash paid out or by obligations to pay cash or partly by each for maintaining and operating government services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • expressway project: shall mean any limited access express highway, bridge, tunnel, approach or facility thereto constructed or to be constructed under the provisions of this Chapter, including but not limited to bridges, tunnels, overpasses, underpasses, traffic circles, interchanges, feeder roads, landscaping, entrance plazas, approaches, toll houses, service areas, communication facilities, such facilities for motor fuel and food as the authority may deem necessary or desirable, and administration, storage and other buildings which the authority may deem necessary for the operation of such project, together with all property, rights, easements and interests which may be acquired by the authority for the construction or the operation of such project. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • Facility: means the physical premises used by the owner or operator in which the hazardous materials are manufactured, used, or stored. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Facility: means an entity licensed by the Louisiana Department of Health that provides a broad range of diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation services on both a scheduled and nonscheduled basis in an accessible residential or nonresidential setting by qualified professionals to persons and their families in need of counseling or treatment related to alcohol abuse and alcoholism, or drug abuse, or both. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1079.12
  • Factory branch: means a branch office maintained by a person who fabricates, manufactures, or assembles motor vehicles or recreational products, for the sale of motor vehicles or recreational products to distributors, or for the sale of motor vehicles or recreational products to motor vehicle or recreational products dealers, or for directing or supervising, in whole or in part, its representatives. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Factory representative: means any officer, agent, or employee employed by a person who fabricates, manufactures, or assembles motor vehicles or recreational products, or by a factory branch, for the purpose of making or promoting the sale of his, its, or their motor vehicles or recreational products, or for supervising or contacting his, its, or their dealers or prospective dealers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act: A federal law, established in 1971 and revised in 1997, that gives consumers the right to see their credit records and correct any mistakes. Source: OCC
  • Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
  • Feasibility consultant: means an individual or entity with expertise in the processes and economics of providing covered services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Federal act: means the Clean Water Act of 1972, as amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, specifically Subchapter VI, Chapter 26 of Title 33 of the United States Code, and any amendments thereto relating to water pollution control revolving loan funds established by the respective states, including the CWSRF. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2301
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: A government corporation that insures the deposits of all national and state banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System. Source: OCC
  • Federal Do Not Call Law: shall mean the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act as set forth in 15 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12
  • Federal funds: means any financial assistance made to a state agency by the United States government, whether a loan, grant, subsidy, augmentation, reimbursement, or in any other form except for federal pass through funds to local governments and organizations which do not require additional state matching funds and except for grants for research, instruction, training programs, or other scholarly activities to colleges and universities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:132
  • Federal Meat Inspection Act: means the act so entitled approved March 4, 1907, as amended by the Wholesome Meat Act (21 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act: means the act so entitled, approved August 28, 1957 (21 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Federal regulations: means Part 35, Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 C. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2301
  • Federation or association: means any state or national association for the promotion and regulation of interscholastic or intercollegiate sports governing athletes and their relationships with athlete agents. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Fee simple: Absolute title to property with no limitations or restrictions regarding the person who may inherit it.
  • Feeder road: shall mean any road which in the opinion of the authority is necessary to create or facilitate access to a project. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • Final project agreement: means the final document agreed upon between the secretary and a program participant that specifically states the terms and duration of the proposed project. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2563
  • Finance charge: The total cost of credit a customer must pay on a consumer loan, including interest. The Truth in Lending Act requires disclosure of the finance charge. Source: OCC
  • Financial institution: means a thrift institution, association, commercial bank, or trust company. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Financial institution: means a bank, trust company, savings institution, or credit union, chartered and supervised under state or federal law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • firm: means any partnership, association, or other unincorporated business organization. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Fiscal year: means the period beginning July first of any year and ending June thirtieth of the next succeeding year. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Fixed Rate: Having a "fixed" rate means that the APR doesn't change based on fluctuations of some external rate (such as the "Prime Rate"). In other words, a fixed rate is a rate that is not a variable rate. A fixed APR can change over time, in several circumstances:
    • You are late making a payment or commit some other default, triggering an increase to a penalty rate
    • The bank changes the terms of your account and you do not reject the change.
    • The rate expires (if the rate was fixed for only a certain period of time).
  • Flour: means flour of every kind and description made wholly or partly from wheat, which conforms to the definition and standard of identity of flour, white flour, wheat flour, and plain flour, as promulgated by the Federal Security Agency. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:781
  • Forbearance: A means of handling a delinquent loan. A
  • Foreclosure: A legal process in which property that is collateral or security for a loan may be sold to help repay the loan when the loan is in default. Source: OCC
  • Forgery: The fraudulent signing or alteration of another's name to an instrument such as a deed, mortgage, or check. The intent of the forgery is to deceive or defraud. Source: OCC
  • Franchise: means an initial authorization, or renewal of an authorization, issued by a franchising authority regardless of whether the authorization is designated as a franchise, permit, license, resolution, contract, certificate, agreement, or otherwise, that authorizes the construction and operation of a cable system, or other wireline facilities used to distribute video programming services, in the public rights of way. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Franchise: means any written contract or selling agreement between a motor vehicle or recreational products dealer, a motor vehicle lessor, or a specialty vehicle dealer and a manufacturer, motor vehicle lessor franchisor, or converter of a new motor vehicle or specialty vehicle or its distributor or factory branch by which the motor vehicle or recreational products dealer, motor vehicle lessor, or specialty vehicle dealer is authorized to engage in the business of selling or leasing the specific makes, models, or classifications of new motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles marketed or leased by the manufacturer, motor vehicle lessor franchisor, or converter and designated in the franchise agreement or any addendum thereto. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Franchise authority: means any governmental entity empowered by federal, state, or local law to grant a franchise for cable service or video service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Fraudulent taking: means the value gained from acts committed by an offender in violation of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Freedom of Information Act: A federal law that mandates that all the records created and kept by federal agencies in the executive branch of government must be open for public inspection and copying. The only exceptions are those records that fall into one of nine exempted categories listed in the statute. Source: OCC
  • Full costs: means all capital costs, direct costs and indirect costs. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Full-cost accounting: means the accounting of all costs incurred by a local government in providing a covered service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Functions: means duties, jurisdiction, powers, rights, and obligations, conferred or imposed upon, or vested in, any agency by law, or exercised, performed, or discharged by any agency without contravention of any provision of law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Fund: means the Louisiana Medical Assistance Trust Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Fund: means the Traumatic Head and Spinal Cord Injury Trust Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2632
  • Fund: means the Assessors' Retirement Fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:1402
  • Fund: means the state general fund. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1410.42
  • Fund: means an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with regulations, restrictions, and limitations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Gasification: means a manufacturing process through which post-use polymers or recovered feedstocks are heated in an oxygen-controlled atmosphere and converted into syngas, which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, followed by conversion into valuable raw, intermediate, and final products, including but not limited to plastic monomers, chemicals, waxes, lubricants, and chemical feedstocks, that are returned to economic utility in the form of raw materials or products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Generator of hazardous waste: means any person whose act or process produces hazardous waste or whose act first causes a hazardous waste to become subject to regulation by the department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Genetic gestational carrier: means the process by which a woman attempts to carry and give birth to a child using her own gametes and either the gametes of a person who intends to parent the child or donor gametes, when there is an agreement to relinquish the custody of and all rights and obligations to the child. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:2718.1
  • Gestational carrier: means a woman who agrees to engage in a process by which she attempts to carry and give birth to a child born as a result of an in utero transfer of a human embryo to which she makes no genetic contribution. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:2718.1
  • Goal: means a general purpose toward which the efforts of an agency are directed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Governing board: means the governing board of the healthcare service district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1192
  • Governmental body: means any department, office, division, commission, council, board, bureau, committee, institution, agency, government corporation, or other establishment or official of the executive branch of state government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Governmental entity: means the state or any political subdivision. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1471
  • Governmental unit: means a parish, municipality, or political subdivision of the state or of local government having taxing authority

                Added by Acts 1981, No. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1354

  • Grace period: The number of days you'll have to pay your bill for purchases in full without triggering a finance charge. Source: Federal Reserve
  • Grand jury: agreement providing that a lender will delay exercising its rights (in the case of a mortgage,
  • Grantor: The person who establishes a trust and places property into it.
  • Gross estate: The total fair market value of all property and property interests, real and personal, tangible and intangible, of which a decedent had beneficial ownership at the time of death before subtractions for deductions, debts, administrative expenses, and casualty losses suffered during estate administration.
  • Gross negligence: means a reckless disregard of, or a carelessness amounting to indifference to, the best interests of the financial institution or the shareholders thereof, and involves a substantial deviation below the standard of care expected to be maintained by a reasonably careful person under like circumstances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Gross revenues: means all revenues received from subscribers for the provision of cable service or video service, including franchise fees and all revenues received from non-subscribers for advertising disseminated through cable service or video service and home shopping services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Gross weight: means the weight of a vehicle and/or combination of vehicles without load on all axles including the steering axle plus the weight of any load thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Guarantor: A party who agrees to be responsible for the payment of another party's debts should that party default. Source: OCC
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • Hard of hearing: means a condition of or person with total or partial inability to hear sound, but not to the extent that the person must rely primarily on visual communication. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Hazardous material: means any substance deemed a hazardous material or a hazardous substance and included on a list adopted by rule by the deputy secretary to include those materials deemed hazardous under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation Liability Act (CERCLA), the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA, Title III U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Hazardous waste: means any waste, or combination of wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, physical, or chemical characteristics may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness, or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, disposed of, or otherwise managed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Hazardous waste: means a substance identified and listed as a hazardous waste in the Louisiana Hazardous Waste Regulations of the Department of Environmental Quality in effect on the effective date of this Chapter; except that the term "hazardous waste" shall not include special waste as defined in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Fund: means the fund established by Act 194 of 1980 as provided for in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2223
  • Health care facility: means any hospital, nursing home, extended care facility, long-term care facility, clinical or medical laboratory, state or private health or mental institution, clinic, physician's office, or health maintenance organization. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2573
  • Health information technology: shall mean information technology used in health care, including but not limited to electronic health records/electronic medical records, computerized physician order entry, health information exchange, telemedicine, and other relevant information technology deemed appropriate by the secretary of the department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:978.1
  • Healthcare facility: means a facility or institution providing healthcare services, including but not limited to a hospital or other licensed inpatient center; ambulatory surgical or treatment center; skilled nursing facility; inpatient hospice facility; residential treatment center; diagnostic, laboratory, or imaging center; or rehabilitation or other therapeutic health setting. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Healthcare provider: means a physician or other healthcare practitioner licensed, certified, registered, or otherwise authorized to perform specified healthcare services consistent with state law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Healthcare services: means services, items, supplies, or drugs for the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, cure, or relief of a health condition, illness, injury, or disease ancillary to a sexually oriented offense. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Hearing: means any person who has average to above hearing levels. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Height: means the total vertical dimension of any vehicle above the ground surface including any load and load-holding devices thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • High voltage: means a voltage in excess of six hundred volts between conductors, or between any conductor and the ground. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:141
  • High-level waste: means that waste resulting from the reprocessing of spent fuel rods or unreprocessed spent fuel rods. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Highway: shall mean a route, which shall run from Many, Louisiana, in Sabine Parish through Lockesbury, Arkansas, to the Oklahoma state line, as presently located and any improvement or extension thereof within the boundaries of the commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1701
  • Highway: shall mean U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1751
  • Highway: means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel, including bridges, causeways, tunnels and ferries; synonymous with the word "street". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Home protection plan: means a contract between the homeowner and a warranty or service company wherein the company is obligated to pay or reimburse the cost to repair or replace the covered built-in appliances or major mechanical systems of the consumer's home in the event of a breakdown. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • home solicitation sale: as used in this Part , shall be defined as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3538
  • Homeless: means lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1443.1
  • Hospitalization: means the admission into a hospital as a patient for an overnight stay or emergency treatment at a hospital to the extent that the owner or operator requested such treatment or becomes aware of such treatment within twenty-four hours of the initiation of the relevant release. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Housing accommodations: means any immovable property, or portion thereof, which is used or occupied or is intended, arranged, or designed to be used or occupied as the home, residence, or sleeping place of one or more human beings, but shall not include any single family residence the occupants of which rent, lease, or furnish for compensation not more than one room therein. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1952
  • HUD: means the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Immediately: means a reasonable period of time after identifying the nature, quantity, and potential off-site impact of a release considering the exigency of the circumstances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • immovable property: means and includes not only land, city, town and village lots, but all things thereunto pertaining, and all structures and other appurtenances thereto, as pass to the vendee by the conveyance of the land or lot. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:1702
  • Impaired condition: means a condition in which the assets of an association in the aggregate do not have a fair value equal to the aggregate amount of liabilities of the association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Impeachment: (1) The process of calling something into question, as in "impeaching the testimony of a witness." (2) The constitutional process whereby the House of Representatives may "impeach" (accuse of misconduct) high officers of the federal government for trial in the Senate.
  • Implementation plan: means any pollution control or other environmental regulatory plan prepared by a state agency in compliance with the terms of the Clean Air Act (42 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • In forma pauperis: In the manner of a pauper. Permission given to a person to sue without payment of court fees on claim of indigence or poverty.
  • In utero embryo transfer: means the medical procedure whereby the genetic mother's egg is fertilized with the sperm of the genetic father, with the resulting embryo transferred into the uterus of the gestational carrier. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:2718.1
  • in writing: means the product of any method of forming characters on paper, other materials, or viewable screen, which can be read, retrieved, and reproduced, including information that is electronically transmitted and stored. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Incumbent service provider: means any cable service provider or video service provider providing cable service or video service in a particular municipality or unincorporated area of a parish on August 15, 2008. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Indemnification: In general, a collateral contract or assurance under which one person agrees to secure another person against either anticipated financial losses or potential adverse legal consequences. Source: FDIC
  • Indictment: The formal charge issued by a grand jury stating that there is enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime to justify having a trial; it is used primarily for felonies.
  • Indigent: means any person who meets the state definition of indigent who would have qualified for indigent care in any general hospital owned and operated by the state of Louisiana prior to arrest and who is housed in any parish or municipal jail or detention facility or state prison, shall be treated in the nearest general hospital owned and operated by the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:17
  • Indirect costs: means any costs:

    (i)  Identified with two or more services or other functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43

  • Information: means wage record and unemployment compensation information. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Input: means any resource used to implement a policy, program, or specific service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Institution: means any institution of higher education in this state having an athlete contract with an athlete. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Insured association: means an association, the savings accounts or shares of which are insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation or its successor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Intangible property: Property that has no intrinsic value, but is merely the evidence of value such as stock certificates, bonds, and promissory notes.
  • Intended parents: means a married couple who each exclusively contribute their own gametes to create their embryo and who enter into an enforceable gestational carrier contract, as defined in this Chapter, with a gestational carrier pursuant to which the intended parents will be the legal parents of the child resulting from an in utero embryo transfer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:2718.1
  • Inter vivos: Transfer of property from one living person to another living person.
  • Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
  • Intermediate care facility for people with developmental disabilities: means a facility which is licensed as an intermediate care facility for people with developmental disabilities in accordance with La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Internal Revenue Code: means the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Interpreter: means an individual involved in the process of interpreting or transliterating between the English language and American Sign Language or any communication modes used by d/Deaf, DeafBlind, or hard of hearing persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Intersection: means : The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two highways which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different highways joining at any other angle may come in conflict. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Intervenor: means a person who goes to the aid of another and is killed or injured in the good faith effort to prevent a crime covered by this Chapter, to apprehend a person reasonably suspected of having engaged in such a crime, or to aid a peace officer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Intestate: Dying without leaving a will.
  • intrastate commerce: means commerce within the state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Inventory form: means the reporting form adopted by the department, and completed by owners and operators, which contains certain requested information on hazardous materials and which is used in developing the information system mandated by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Investment product: means any fixed annuity, variable annuity, life insurance contract, savings account, or any other form of investment selected by the Commission for the purpose of receiving funds under the plan. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Items: means any goods and services, and includes coupon books which are to be used with businesses other than the seller's business. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Job training: means any type of instruction to an individual who resides within the district that enables him to acquire vocational skills so that he can become employable or be able to seek a higher grade of employment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9081
  • Joint meeting: An occasion, often ceremonial, when the House and Senate each adopt a unanimous consent agreement
  • Joint resolution: A legislative measure which requires the approval of both chambers.
  • Joint session: When both chambers of a legislature adopt a concurrent resolution to meet together.
  • Judgment: means any judgment which shall have become final by expiration without appeal of the time within which a suspensive appeal might have been perfected or by final affirmation on appeal, rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction of any state or of the United States, upon a cause of action arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle, for damages, including damages for care and loss of services, because of bodily injury to or death of any person, or for damages because of injury to or destruction of property including the loss of use thereof, or upon a cause of action on an agreement of settlement for such damages. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Juror: A person who is on the jury.
  • label: means a display of written, printed, or graphic matter upon the immediate container (not including package liners) of any article. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Lawsuit: A legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendant based on a complaint that the defendant failed to perform a legal duty, resulting in harm to the plaintiff.
  • Lease facilitator: means a person, other than a motor vehicle or recreational products dealer or a bona fide employee of a motor vehicle or recreational products dealer, or a motor vehicle lessor or a bona fide employee of a motor vehicle lessor, who engages in one or both of the following activities:

                (a) Holds himself out to any person as a "motor vehicle leasing company" or "motor vehicle leasing agent" or uses a similar title, for the purpose of soliciting or procuring a person to enter into a contract or agreement to become the lessee of a motor vehicle or recreational product that is not, and will not be, titled in the name of and registered to the lease facilitator. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252

  • Legacy: A gift of property made by will.
  • Legislative session: That part of a chamber's daily session in which it considers legislative business (bills, resolutions, and actions related thereto).
  • lender credit card: includes a travel and entertainment credit card account that is not subject to loan finance charges or credit service charges. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Lending entity: means the governmental or financial entity providing financing to a water cooperative. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1601
  • Length: means the total longitudinal dimension of a single vehicle, a trailer, or a semi-trailer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Levee and drainage district: means a political subdivision of this state organized for the purpose and charged with the duty of constructing and maintaining levees, drainage, and all other things incidental thereto within its territorial limits. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:281
  • Levee district: means a political subdivision of this state organized for the purpose and charged with the duty of constructing and maintaining levees, and all other things incidental thereto within its territorial limits. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:281
  • Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.
  • Liability: means a debt arising out of a transaction where goods or services have been received or rendered which must be liquidated, renewed, or refunded at some future date. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • License: means any license, temporary instruction permit, or temporary license issued under the laws of this state pertaining to the licensing of persons to operate motor vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • License type: means the type of license applied for or held by a specialized provider, which shall include Type I and Type IV licenses. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Licensed lender: means a person licensed by the commissioner to make consumer loans pursuant to this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Licensee: means any person who is licensed by the department in accordance with this Chapter and regulations promulgated by the secretary. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Licensee: means any person who is required to be licensed by the commission pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Licenses: means general licenses and specific licenses. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Lignite resource development: means the mining of lignite and industries directly related to the processing of lignite, including, but not limited to, the generation of electricity from lignite or lignite products, lignite gasification, and lignite liquefaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1354
  • Limited common elements: means those common elements reserved in the condominium declaration for the exclusive use of a certain unit or certain units. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • limousine: shall mean a chauffeur-driven luxury vehicle with a minimum seating capacity of six but no more than fourteen passengers, exclusive of the driver, which is used for the transportation of passengers for hire by prearrangement or contract, the charges for which are predetermined on a contractual basis. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1460
  • Liquid assets: means cash on hand; cash on deposit in federal home loan banks, federal reserve banks, in banks performing similar reserve functions, in commercial banks, or associations, which is withdrawable upon not more than thirty days notice, and which is not pledged as security for indebtedness, except that any deposits in a bank or association under the control or in the possession of any supervisory authority shall not be considered as liquid assets; and obligation of, or obligations which are fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States, this state, or municipalities or political subdivisions of this state, or any other obligation approved by the commissioner. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Litigation: A case, controversy, or lawsuit. Participants (plaintiffs and defendants) in lawsuits are called litigants.
  • Load: means a weight or quantity of anything resting upon something else regarded as its support. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Loan finance charge: means the sum of the following:

    (i)  All charges payable directly or indirectly by the consumer and imposed directly or indirectly by the lender as a requirement of the extension of credit, including any of the following types of charges that are applicable: interest or any amount payable under a point, discount, or other system of charges, however denominated; and

    (ii)  Charges paid by the consumer for investigating the collateral or credit worthiness of the consumer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Local area network: means a limited distance data processing/communications network or system used to link computers and peripheral devices. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1752
  • Local governing authority: means the legislative body of a local government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Local governing authority: means the police jury, parish council, the mayor's office of the city of New Orleans or the city-parish of East Baton Rouge or other primary governmental body of a parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Local government: means any parish, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state and any utility authority, board, branch, department or other unit thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Local governmental subdivision: means any parish or municipality. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Local governmental subdivision: as used in this Chapter is as defined in Article VI, Section 44 of thethe Louisiana Constitution of 1974. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1460
  • Lot: means any plot or parcel of land designated for separate ownership shown on a recorded subdivision plat for a residential development or the boundaries of which are otherwise described in a recorded instrument, other than common area, within the jurisdiction of the residential community as such area is described in the community documents. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Louisiana resident: means a person who maintained a place of permanent abode in this state at the time the crime was committed for which reparations are sought. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Louisiana Workforce Commission: means the Louisiana Workforce Commission and its subdivisions, including the office of unemployment insurance administration, or its successor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Major repairs: means those repairs payable with funds appropriated in the general appropriations act, except those funds transferred from the operating budget of one governmental body to supplement and complete a project under contract by the division of administration facility planning and control section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Manifest: means the system and forms used for identifying the quantity, composition, origin, routing, and destination of hazardous wastes during its transportation from the point of generation to any point of disposal, treatment, or storage. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Manufacturer: means any person, firm, association, partnership, corporation, governmental entity, organization, combination, or joint venture which produces a mercury-added product or an importer or domestic distributor of a mercury-added product produced in a foreign country. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2573
  • Manufacturer: means any person, resident or nonresident, who fabricates, manufactures, or assembles motor vehicles, recreational products, or new, remanufactured, reconditioned, or rebuilt motor vehicle or marine motors. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Manufacturer: means any person, firm, association, corporation, or trust, resident or nonresident, who manufactures or assembles recreational vehicles or the chassis for recreational vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Marine dealer: means any person who holds a bona fide contract or franchise with a manufacturer or distributor of marine products, except for either of the following:

                (a) A person engaged in the business of renting or selling new or used watercraft or boats adapted to be powered only by an occupant's energy and who holds a license as a recreational products dealer pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252

  • marine engine: means a motor that is a component of a marine product that is sold separately from a boat when delivered to the marine dealer by the distributor or manufacturer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Marine product: means a new or used watercraft, boat, marine motor, and a boat or watercraft trailer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Marine product salesman: means any natural person employed by a licensee of the commission whose duties include the selling, leasing, or offering for sale or lease, financing or insuring marine products on behalf of the licensee and who holds a motor vehicle salesman license under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Marital deduction: The deduction(s) that can be taken in the determination of gift and estate tax liabilities because of the existence of a marriage or marital relationship.
  • Markup: The process by which congressional committees and subcommittees debate, amend, and rewrite proposed legislation.
  • Mass balance attribution: means a chain of custody accounting methodology with rules defined by a third-party certification system that enables the attribution of the mass of advanced recycling feedstocks to one or more advanced recycling products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Maternity home: means any place or facility in which any institution, society, agency, corporation, person or persons, or any other group regularly receives and provides necessary services for children before, during, and immediately following birth. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Maximum benefit: means the retirement benefit a member is entitled to receive from the system set forth in Part IV of this Chapter in any month after giving effect to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • meat food product: means any product capable of use as human food which is made wholly or in part from any meat or other portion of the carcass of any cattle, sheep, swine, poultry or goats, excepting products which contain meat or other portions of such carcasses only in a relatively small proportion or historically have not been considered by consumers as products of the meat food industry, and which are exempted from definition as a meat food product by the commissioner under such conditions as he may prescribe to assure that the meat or other portions of such carcasses contained in such product are not adulterated and that such products are not represented as meat food products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Medicaid: means the medical assistance program provided for in Title XIX of the Social Security Act. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:979.2
  • Medicaid program: means the medical assistance program as established in Title XIX of the Social Security Act and as administered in the state of Louisiana by the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Medical board: shall mean the State Medical Disability Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Medical board: means the board of physicians provided for in this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Medical board: means the board of physicians provided for in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Medical home system of care: shall mean a health care delivery system that is patient and family centered and is guided by a personal primary care provider who coordinates and facilitates preventive and primary care that improves patient outcomes in the most cost-efficient manner possible. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:978.1
  • Medium truck tire: means a tire weighing one hundred pounds or more and normally used on semitrailers, truck-tractor, semitrailer combinations or other like vehicles used primarily to commercially transport persons or property on the roads of this state or any other vehicle regularly used on the roads of this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Meeting: means a duly called meeting of the membership of a board when payment of per diem is authorized and such meeting is called for the express purpose of discussing activities or plans pertinent to the functions of the levee board itself. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:281
  • Member: means a person or entity holding a savings or demand account of or shares of a mutual association, and may include a person borrowing from or assuming or obligated upon a loan or interest therein held by such association if such is authorized by the charter or the bylaws of the association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Member: means any teacher included in the membership of the system as provided in Part II of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Member: includes any employees, as defined in Paragraph (16) of this Section, included in the membership of this plan as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Membership service: means service as an employee while a member of the Harbor Police Retirement System or this plan. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Mercury fever thermometer: means a mercury-added product that is used for measuring body temperature. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2573
  • Mercury-added novelty: means a mercury-added product intended mainly for personal or household enjoyment or adornment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2573
  • Mercury-added product: means a product, commodity, chemical, or a product with a component that contains mercury or a mercury compound intentionally added to the product, commodity, chemical, or component in order to provide a specific characteristic, appearance, or quality or to perform a specific function or for any other reason. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2573
  • Minimal risk condition: means a condition to which a user or an automated driving system may bring a vehicle in order to reduce the risk of a crash upon experiencing a failure of the vehicle's automated driving system that renders the vehicle unable to perform the entire dynamic driving task. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Minor: means a person under the age of eighteen years. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1851
  • Minor: means an individual who has not attained the age of twenty-two years. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • Minor child: means an unmarried child under the age of eighteen years or an unmarried student under the age of twenty-three years who is the issue of a marriage of a member of this system, the legally adopted child of a member of this system, a child born outside of marriage of a female member of this system, or the child of a male member of this system if acknowledged or filiated pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:403
  • Minor child: means an unmarried child under the age of twenty-one years or an unmarried student under the age of twenty-three years who is the issue of a marriage of a member of this system, the legally adopted child of a member of this system, a child born outside of marriage of a female member of this system, or the child of a male member of this system if a court of competent jurisdiction has, pursuant to the provisions of the Civil Code rendered a judgment of filiation declaring the paternity of such member for the child. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Mixed technique event: means contests in which contestants attack and defend with wrestling or grappling and with the fists and other parts of the human body, including but not limited to the foot, knee, leg, elbow, or head, wherein dangerous blows are intended to be struck with full contact. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85
  • Mobile electronic device: means any small handheld computing or communications device that has a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Mobile home: means : (a) a trailer or semitrailer which is designed, constructed and equipped as a dwelling place, living abode, or sleeping place, either permanently or temporarily, and is equipped for use as a conveyance on highways; or, (b) a trailer or semitrailer whose chassis and exterior shell is designed and constructed for use as a mobile home, as defined in (a), but which is used instead permanently or temporarily for the advertising, sales, display, or promotion of merchandise or services, or for any other commercial purpose except the transportation of property for hire or the transportation of property for distribution by a private carrier. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Mobility aid: means a device used by individuals to ambulate independently and that is human or electric powered and used in- or outdoors. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Money available for appropriation: means the amount of money to be received for a fiscal year by the state general fund and dedicated funds, exclusive of federal funds and those amounts appropriated or allocated by the Constitution of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Mortgage loan: A loan made by a lender to a borrower for the financing of real property. Source: OCC
  • Mortgage loan originator: means an individual who for compensation or gain or with the expectation of compensation or gain takes a residential mortgage loan application or offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Mortgagee: The person to whom property is mortgaged and who has loaned the money.
  • Mortgagor: The person who pledges property to a creditor as collateral for a loan and who receives the money.
  • Motor carrier: means any person owning, controlling, managing, operating, or causing to be used or operated any commercial motor vehicle used in the transportation of persons or property over the public highways of this state, whether as a transportation agency or howsoever utilizing said public facilities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Motor home: means a motor vehicle designed as an integral unit to be used as a conveyance upon the public streets and highways and for use as a temporary or recreational dwelling and having at least four of the following permanently installed systems which meet American National Standards Institute and National Fire Protection Association standards in effect as of the date of manufacture, two of which shall be systems specified below in Subparagraph (a), (d), or (e) of this Paragraph:

                (a) Cooking facilities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252

  • Motor vehicle: means an automobile, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, and utility terrain vehicle that is operated either on-road or off-road, truck, trailer, semitrailer, truck-tractor and semitrailer combination, or any other vehicle operated in this state, and propelled by power other than muscular power; but the term does not include bicycles and mopeds. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Motor vehicle: means every vehicle which is self-propelled, and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails, but excluding a motorized bicycle and an electric-assisted bicycle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Motor vehicle: means any motor-driven vehicle required to be registered that was used, is used, or is designed to be used for the transporting of passengers or goods for public, private, commercial, or for-hire purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Motor vehicle: means every self-propelled vehicle (except traction engines, road rollers, farm tractors, electric-assisted bicycles, tractor cranes, power shovels, and well drillers) and every vehicle which is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead wires but not operated upon rails. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Motor vehicle: means any motor driven car, van, or truck required to be registered which is used, or is designed to be used, for the transporting of passengers or goods for public, private, commercial, or for hire purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motor vehicle: means any motor-driven vehicle required to be registered that was used, is used, or is designed to be used for the transporting of passengers or goods for public, private, commercial, or for-hire purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:801
  • Motor vehicle crusher: means any person, firm, limited liability corporation, or corporation engaged in whole or in part in the business of purchasing and crushing or compacting motor vehicles and selling the crushed or compacted vehicle for scrap. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Motor vehicle dealer: means any person, not excluded by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph who holds a bona fide franchise in effect with a manufacturer or distributor of new motor vehicles, and a license under the provisions of this Chapter or a subsidiary of any such entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motor vehicle lessor: shall mean any person, not excluded by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph, engaged in the motor vehicle, recreational products, or specialty vehicle leasing or rental business. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motor vehicle lessor agent: means any natural person, other than a daily rental person, employed by a motor vehicle lessor licensed by the commission whose duties include the leasing, renting or offering for lease or rent motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles on behalf of said motor vehicle lessor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motor vehicle lessor franchisor: means any person who grants a franchise to any person granting the right to lease or rent a motor vehicle, recreational product, or specialty vehicle under its trade name, trademark, or service mark or to sell used motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles formerly a part of its rental fleet. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motor vehicle liability bond: means a bond conditioned:

                (1) That the obligor shall, within thirty days after the rendition thereof, satisfy:

                (a)(i) All judgments rendered against him or against any person responsible for the operation of the obligor's motor vehicle with his express or implied consent in actions to recover damages for property damage or for bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, and

                (ii) Judgments rendered as aforesaid for consequential damages consisting of expenses incurred by a husband, wife, parent, or tutor for medical, nursing, hospital, or surgical services in connection with or on account of such bodily injuries or death sustained during the term of the bond by any person, and

                (b) Arising out of the ownership, operation, maintenance, control, or use upon the highways and roads of the state of such motor vehicle,

                (2) To the amount or limit of:

                (a) Not less than twenty-five thousand dollars for damages to the property of others, and

                (b) Not less than fifteen thousand dollars on account of injury to or death of any one person, and

                (c) Subject to such limits as respects injury to or death of one person, of not less than thirty thousand dollars on account of any one accident resulting in injury to or death of more than one person. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:861

  • Motor vehicle of historic or special interest: means a motor vehicle, including a motorcycle as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Motor vehicle salesman: means any natural person employed by a licensee of the commission whose duties include the selling, leasing, or offering for sale or lease, financing or insuring motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles on behalf of said licensee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motorcycle: means every motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a tractor, a motorized bicycle, and an electric-assisted bicycle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Motorcycle: means a motor vehicle having a seat or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground but excluding a tractor, electric-assisted bicycle, and electric-powered scooters not required to be registered. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle dealer: means any person who, for a commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, buys, sells, brokers, exchanges, auctions, offers, or attempts to negotiate a sale or exchange of an interest in motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles and who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of buying and selling motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles in the state of Louisiana and who holds a license as a recreational products dealer under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle salesman: means any natural person employed by a licensee of the commission whose duties include the selling, leasing, or offering for sale or lease, financing or insuring motorcycle or all-terrain vehicles on behalf of said licensee and who holds a motor vehicle salesman license under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Motorized bicycle: means a pedal bicycle which may be propelled by human power or helper motor, or by both, but excluding an electric-assisted bicycle, with a motor rated no more than one and one-half brake horsepower, a cylinder capacity not exceeding fifty cubic centimeters, an automatic transmission, and which produces a maximum design speed of no more than twenty-five miles per hour on a flat surface. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Municipality: means an incorporated village, town, or city created under the authority of the constitution or laws of this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Mutual association: means an association, not having capital stock ownership and operating in the mutual form. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • named insured: means the applicant for the policy of insurance issued by the insurer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:900
  • National Bank: A bank that is subject to the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is a bureau of the U.S. Treasury Department. A national bank can be recognized because it must have "national" or "national association" in its name. Source: OCC
  • National Do Not Call Registry: shall mean the list of consumers maintained by the Federal Trade Commission who have indicated that they do not wish to receive unsolicited or unwanted telephonic solicitations pursuant to the Federal Do Not Call Law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12
  • Natural person: means a human being. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Negotiation: means the formulation of a contractual relationship through discussions as may be allowed under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Neighborhood assistance: means furnishing financial assistance, labor, material, or technical advice to aid in the physical improvement or rehabilitation of any part or all of the district. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:9081
  • New marine product: means a marine product, the legal title to which has never been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • New motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle: means a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle, the legal title to which has never been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • New recreational vehicle: means a recreational vehicle, the legal title to which has never been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Newspaper: means a publication that during each year of the five-year period prior to the first publication of any legal or official notice therein:

    (i)  Has been published at regular intervals of not less than weekly. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 43:200

  • Noise: means the intensity, duration, and the character of sounds from all sources. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2053
  • Nolo contendere: No contest-has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered as an admission of guilt for any other purpose.
  • Nonconformity: means any specific or generic defect or condition which substantially impairs the use, market value, or both of a new recreational vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Nonresident: means every person who is not a resident of this state but does not include persons dwelling outside of this state whose occupation or business requires them to spend one-half or more of their working hours in this state in pursuance of their business or employment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • NORM waste: means solid, liquid, or gaseous material or a combination of materials, excluding source material, special nuclear material, and byproduct material that has the following characteristics or qualities:

    (a)  Spontaneously emits radiation in its natural physical state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103

  • Normal service retirement age: means age sixty. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Note: means any note or other evidence of borrowing made under the authority of this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1410.42
  • Nursing facility: means a facility which is licensed as a nursing home in accordance with La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Objective: is a specific and measurable target for achievement which describes the exact results sought, which is expressed in an outcome-oriented statement that may reflect effectiveness, efficiency, or quality of work, and which may be either numeric or non-numeric. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Obligation: means an amount which a government may be required legally to meet out of its resources. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Off-road tire: means a tire weighing one hundred pounds or more and that is normally used on off-road vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Off-road vehicle: means construction, farming, industrial, mining, and other vehicles not normally operated on the roads of this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Office: means the newspaper's principal public business office and need not be the place at which the newspaper's printing presses are physically located. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 43:200
  • Office: means the office of children and family services, Department of Children and Family Services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1442.1
  • Office: means the office or offices within the Department of Environmental Quality to which the secretary has assigned the duties, responsibilities, and authority provided for by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2223
  • Office: includes all local offices, the powers and duties of which are defined by the constitution, statutes, charters, and ordinances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:1403
  • official device: means any device prescribed or authorized by the commissioner for use in applying any official mark. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Official forecast: means the most recently adopted estimate of money available for appropriation by the Revenue Estimating Conference as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Official information: means data, forecasts, estimates, analyses, studies, and other information which the principals of a consensus estimating conference may adopt pursuant to a vote of the majority of the principals of that conference. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Oil recycling: means to prepare used oil for reuse as a petroleum product by rerefining, reclaiming, reprocessing, or other means or to use used oil in a manner that substitutes for a petroleum product made from new oil, specifically including the use of used oil as a fuel oil, provided the used oil meets all applicable rules and regulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Omnimedia: refers to all manners in which and all sources from which a pollutant escapes into the environment, and for the purposes of this Chapter shall encompass any emission, effluent, or discharge which escapes into the air, water, or land, whether permitted or not. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2293
  • One borrower: means any person or entity which is, or which upon the making of a loan becomes, an obligor on a real estate loan or otherwise an obligor to the association, either directly or indirectly. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Open-end credit: A credit agreement (typically a credit card) that allows a customer to borrow against a preapproved credit line when purchasing goods and services. The borrower is only billed for the amount that is actually borrowed plus any interest due. (Also called a charge account or revolving credit.) Source: OCC
  • Operational: means steering, braking, accelerating, or monitoring the vehicle and roadway. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Operational design domain: means a description of the specific operating domain in which an autonomous commercial motor vehicle is designed to properly operate including but not limited to roadway types, speed, environmental conditions, and other domain constraints. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Operator: means every person, other than a chauffeur, who drives or is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle upon a highway or who is exercising control over or steering a vehicle being towed by a motor vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Operator: means every person who is in actual physical control of a motor vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Oral argument: An opportunity for lawyers to summarize their position before the court and also to answer the judges' questions.
  • Organization: means corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, trust, estate, partnership, cooperative, or association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Orleans Levee District: shall mean the levee district and political subdivision of the state which is referred to as the "Orleans Levee District" the "Board of Commissioners of the Orleans Levee District" or the "Orleans Levee Board". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:281
  • Out of service: means the days a recreational vehicle is not able to be used but does not include routine maintenance days. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Out-of-state pharmacist: means any natural person who is licensed or registered as a pharmacist by a state other than Louisiana, who is a resident of and domiciled in a state other than Louisiana, and who fills, compounds, or dispenses out-of-state prescriptions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Out-of-state pharmacy: means any natural person, firm, corporation, partnership, or other juridical person, that is permitted as a pharmacy by a state other than Louisiana, and that, through or by out-of-state pharmacists, sells at retail, fills, dispenses, or furnishes out-of-state prescriptions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Out-of-state prescription: means a physician's order, written or oral, for a drug, chemical, medicine, device, or a combination thereof, that is filled, compounded or dispensed by an out-of-state pharmacist at a location outside the state of Louisiana, provided that the person for whom the physician issued the order is a resident of and domiciled in the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Out-patient prescription: means a prescription dispensed to an individual who is not an in-patient of a facility licensed by the Louisiana Department of Health as a hospital. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Overhead line: means all bare or insulated electrical conductors installed above ground, except those conductors that are de-energized and grounded or that are enclosed in rigid metallic conduits. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:141
  • Owner: means a person who owns or controls ten percent or more of the equity of, or otherwise has claim to ten percent or more of the net income of a telephonic seller. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Owner: means a person who holds a legal title to a vehicle or in the event a vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale, lease, or transfer of possession thereof with the right of purchase upon the performance of the conditions stated in the agreement, with the right of immediate possession in the vendee, lessee, possessor, or in the event such similar transaction is had by means of mortgage and the mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then the conditional vendee, lessee, possessor, or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purposes of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Owner: means every person who holds the legal title to a motor vehicle or in the event a motor vehicle is the subject of an agreement for the conditional sale, lease, or transfer of the possession, however, thereof, with the right of purchase upon performance of the condition stated in the agreement and with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee, lessee, possessor, or in the event such or similar transaction is had by means of a mortgage, and the mortgagor of a vehicle is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee, lessee, possessor, or mortgagor shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Owner or operator: means any person, partnership, or corporation in the state including, unless otherwise stated, the state and local government, or any of its agencies, authorities, departments, bureaus, or instrumentalities engaged in business or research operations which use, manufacture, emit, or store a hazardous material in a facility. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Parish office of homeland security and emergency preparedness: means an agency of local government established pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:841
  • Parish or district office: means parish or district office of the Department of Children and Family Services or the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • parking: means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Parking area: means an area used by the public as a means of access to and egress from, and for the free parking of motor vehicles by patrons of a shopping center, business, factory, hospital, institution, or similar building or location. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Participant: means : (a) a person whose compensation is currently subject to deferrals in accordance with Section 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code, or (b) a person whose compensation has previously been subject to deferrals in accordance with Section 457 of the United States Internal Revenue Code and whose contributions have not been withdrawn. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Participant: means any employee who is entitled to the beneficial provisions of this retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Participant member: means any member of the commission other than an ex officio member. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Participating housing authority: means a housing authority that has entered into a cooperative agreement with the state Louisiana Workforce Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Parts car: means a motor vehicle of historic or special interest which is generally in inoperable condition and which is owned by a collector to furnish parts that are usually not obtainable from normal sources, thus enabling a collector to preserve, restore or maintain a motor vehicle of historic or special interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:442
  • Passenger car: means any passenger car required to be equipped with safety belts by Federal Motor Vehicle Standard No. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Pavement structure: means the combination of subbase, base course, and surface course placed on an earth subgrade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the roadbed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Peace officer: shall include commissioned police officers, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, marshals, deputy marshals, correctional officers, constables, wildlife enforcement agents, and probation and parole officers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Pecuniary loss: means the amount of expense reasonably and necessarily incurred by reason of personal injury, as a consequence of death, or a catastrophic property loss, and includes:

                (a) For personal injury:

                (i) Medical, hospital, nursing, or psychiatric care or counseling, and physical therapy. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802

  • Pedestrian: means any person afoot or utilizing a mobility aid. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Pension: means annual payments for life, payable in equal monthly installments, derived from money provided by the Orleans Parish School Board and other amounts accumulated in the pension accumulation account as provided for in this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Pension reserve: means the present value of all payments to be made on account of any pension or benefit in lieu of any pension computed upon the basis of mortality tables adopted by the board of trustees, plus regular interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Pensions: means payments for life. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Perishable agricultural or aquacultural food product: means any food product of agriculture or aquaculture which is sold or distributed in a form that will perish or decay beyond marketability within a period of time. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4502
  • Person: means an individual, company, corporation, association, partnership, or other legal entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Person: means any officer or employee of the state of Louisiana or of any of its political subdivisions, or an independent contractor who has a current contract with the state or any of its political subdivisions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Person: includes an individual, firm, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or any other business entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Person: means any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, association, trust, or legal or commercial entity, or other group of individuals however organized. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Person: means an individual, proprietorship, corporation, club, or other legal entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2053
  • Person: means any individual, corporation, partnership, firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, group, agency, political subdivision of this state, any other state or political subdivision or agency thereof, and any legal successor, representative, agent, or agency of the foregoing, other than the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission or federal government agencies licensed by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Person: means an individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, corporation (including a government corporation), partnership, association, state, municipality, commission, political subdivision of a state, an interstate body, or the federal government or any agency of the federal government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Person: means every natural person, firm, co-partnership, association, or corporation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Person: shall mean any natural or juridical person, firm, association, corporation, trust, partnership, limited liability partnership, professional liability corporation, or limited liability company or any other legal entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Person: as used in this Chapter means an individual or corporation, partnership, trust, association, joint venture pool, syndicate, sole proprietorship, unincorporated organization, or any other form of entity not specifically listed herein. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Person: means any business, individual, union, committee, club, or other organization or group of individuals. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Person: means an individual, corporation, organization, or other legal entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • person who is deaf or hard of hearing: means a person who, because of hearing loss, has difficulty understanding the communication occurring. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2362
  • Person with a disability: means a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of such person's major life activities and who has a record of such impairment or who is regarded as having such an impairment, including military veterans with traumatic brain injury or post traumatic stress disorder. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1952
  • Person with significant disabilities: means a person with loss of sensory or motor functions interfering with activities of daily living to the extent that the person requires assistance with nonmedical personal care needs, domestic or cleaning needs, dressing and undressing, moving into and out of bed, ambulation, related services including but not limited to meal preparation, laundry, and grocery shopping, and other similar activities of daily living. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Personal property: All property that is not real property.
  • Personal representative: means an executor, administrator, or representative of a decedent's estate or a person legally authorized to perform substantially the same functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • Pharmacist: means any natural person who is licensed or registered as a pharmacist by the state of Louisiana, who is a resident of and domiciled in the state of Louisiana, and who fills, compounds, or dispenses prescriptions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Pharmacy: means any natural person, firm, corporation, partnership, or other juridical person that is permitted as a pharmacy by the state of Louisiana, that is located within the state of Louisiana, and that through or by pharmacists, sells at retail, fills, dispenses, or furnishes prescriptions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Physician: means any licensed medical doctor, dentist, or other licensed practitioner authorized to prescribe or order any drug, chemical, medicine, device, or a combination thereof, to be filled, compounded, or dispensed by a pharmacist. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • pilot: means a Bar Pilot for the Port of New Orleans, as designated in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 34:941
  • Place of business: means the place owned or leased and regularly occupied by a person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity licensed under the provisions of this Chapter for the principal purpose of auctioning, renting, or selling used motor vehicles, crushing or compacting used motor vehicles and selling the crushed or compacted vehicle for scrap, or engaging in the business of a dismantler and parts recycler, where the products for sale are displayed and offered for sale, and where the books and records required for the conduct of the business are maintained and kept. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Plaintiff: The person who files the complaint in a civil lawsuit.
  • Plan: means the Louisiana Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan, which is now in existence, and which was previously established pursuant to state statute and in accordance with Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1301
  • Plan: means the Louisiana First America Next Freedom and Empowerment Plan established by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:979.2
  • Plan: means the Harbor Police Retirement Plan established in this Subpart and administered as a plan within the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Plan year: means the fiscal year. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • planned community: means a real estate development, used primarily for residential purposes, in which the owners of separately owned lots are mandatory members of an association by virtue of such ownership. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1141.2
  • Plastic bottle: means a plastic container that has a neck that is smaller than the body of the container, accepts a screw-type, snap cap, or other closure and has a capacity of sixteen fluid ounces or more, but less than five gallons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • platooning: means a group of individual motor vehicles, including any truck, truck-tractor, trailer, semitrailer, or any combination of these vehicles, utilizing vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology to travel in a unified manner at close following distances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Plea: In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.
  • Pneumatic tire: means every tire of rubber or other resilient material which depends upon compressed air for support of a load. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Police officer: means every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Political subdivision: means any unit of local government including a municipality, parish, or special district authorized by law to perform governmental functions. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4751
  • Political subdivision: includes parishes, municipalities, districts and other public subdivisions and entities, whether organized and existing under charter or general law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:1403
  • Political subdivision: means any of the following to the extent it has the power to levy ad valorem taxes and conduct tax sales for failure to pay ad valorem taxes:

    (a)  The state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122

  • Pollutant: means those elements or compounds defined or identified as hazardous, toxic, or noxious, or as hazardous, solid, or radioactive wastes under this Subtitle and regulations, or by the secretary, consistent with applicable laws and regulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Pollution source: means the immediate site or location of a discharge or potential discharge, including such surrounding property necessary to secure or quarantine the area from access by the general public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Port commission: means the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Post-use polymer: means a plastic to which all of the following apply:

                (a) The plastic is derived from any industrial, commercial, agricultural, or domestic activities and includes pre-consumer recovered materials or post-consumer materials. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153

  • Precedent: A court decision in an earlier case with facts and law similar to a dispute currently before a court. Precedent will ordinarily govern the decision of a later similar case, unless a party can show that it was wrongly decided or that it differed in some significant way.
  • Precomputed consumer credit transaction: means a consumer credit transaction under which loan finance charges or credit service charges are computed in advance over the entire scheduled term of the transaction and capitalized into the face amount of the debtor's promissory note or other evidence of indebtedness. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Predecessor: shall include but not be limited to any entity that directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with a person receiving, obtaining, or operating under a municipal or parish cable franchise through merger, sale, assignment, restructuring, or any other type of transaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • prepared: means slaughtered, canned, salted, rendered, boned, cut up, or otherwise manufactured or processed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4201
  • Prescription: means a physician's order, written, oral, or electronically transmitted for a drug, chemical, medicine, device, or a combination thereof, that is filled, compounded, or dispensed by a licensed or registered pharmacist or dispensing physician. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Presentence report: A report prepared by a court's probation officer, after a person has been convicted of an offense, summarizing for the court the background information needed to determine the appropriate sentence. Source: U.S. Courts
  • President pro tempore: A constitutionally recognized officer of the Senate who presides over the chamber in the absence of the Vice President. The President Pro Tempore (or, "president for a time") is elected by the Senate and is, by custom, the Senator of the majority party with the longest record of continuous service.
  • Presiding officer: A majority-party Senator who presides over the Senate and is charged with maintaining order and decorum, recognizing Members to speak, and interpreting the Senate's rules, practices and precedents.
  • preventive counseling: means services, general guidance and support, or service coordination, including but not limited to individual and group counseling, support services, and education about alcohol and other drugs and their effects, which are provided by a qualified professional to prevent a child from developing or suffering from alcoholism, alcohol or drug addiction, alcohol or drug abuse, or related physical, emotional, or mental health problems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1079.12
  • Principal: means an owner, an executive officer of a corporation, a general partner of a partnership, a sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship, a trustee of a trust, or any other individual with similar supervisory functions with respect to any person. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Principal: means the amount financed or amount deferred under a consumer credit transaction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Prior service: means service rendered prior to the date of establishment of the retirement system for which credit is allowable under Part III of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Prior service: means service rendered by an employee prior to the effective date of the establishment of this retirement system for which credit is allowable as provided in this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Prior service: means service rendered prior to August 1, 1971 for which credit is allowable as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Private provider: means a person that:

    (a)  Provides a covered service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43

  • Private road or driveway: means every way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner, but not by other persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Pro rata: as used in this chapter refers to a method of computing deferral charges by dividing the precomputed loan finance charge or precomputed credit service charge by the total number of days in the contract and multiplying the sum by the number of days that are deferred. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Probable cause: A reasonable ground for belief that the offender violated a specific law.
  • Probate: Proving a will
  • Probation: A sentencing alternative to imprisonment in which the court releases convicted defendants under supervision as long as certain conditions are observed.
  • Processed: means any method or activity that alters whole waste tires so that they are no longer whole; such as, cutting, slicing, chipping, shredding, distilling, freezing, or other processes as determined by the administrative authority. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Procurement: means the selling, buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining telecommunications systems, telecommunications services, or their related software as well as all activities engaged in, resulting in, or expected to result in the selling, buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining telecommunications systems, telecommunications services, or their related software by the state or its agencies. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1752
  • Procurement: means the buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise obtaining any supplies, services, or major repairs. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Professional wrestler: means any person who does not qualify as an "amateur" and who participates in staged matches wherein no dangerous blow is intended to be struck and where there is a predetermined winner, whether or not the participant competes for a money prize or pecuniary gain. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85
  • Professional wrestling event: means any event which does not qualify as either a mixed technique event or amateur or boxing contest and which features in any way a professional wrestler and which qualifies as an exhibition under Subparagraph (4)(b) of this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:85
  • Program: means the continuum of care program established and provided for in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1451
  • Program: means a grouping of activities directed toward the accomplishment of a clearly defined objective or set of objectives. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Project: shall mean the construction, expansion, improvement, or extension of a route which shall run from Many, Louisiana, in Sabine Parish through Lockesbury, Arkansas, to the Oklahoma state line, including the four-lane improvements or any portion thereof within the boundaries of the district; the construction of bridges, overpasses, causeways, underpasses, traffic circles, interchanges, and landscaping relating thereto; and the long-term economic/industrial development and tourism development of the corridor area. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1701
  • Project: shall mean the construction, expansion, improvements, or extension of the highway as that term is defined in this Section, including the four-lane improvements for any portion thereof within the boundaries of the commission and the construction of bridges, overpasses, causeways, underpasses, traffic circles, interchanges, landscaping and wildflower establishment, and historical marker establishment related thereto, and any other construction which may be necessary in order to completely modernize, renovate, and update the aforementioned highways, along with economic development and improvement of the geographic areas served thereby. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1751
  • Proof of financial responsibility: means proof of ability to respond in damages for liability, on account of accidents occurring subsequent to the effective date of the proof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle in the amounts specified in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Property: includes every form, character and kind of property, real, personal, and mixed, tangible and intangible, corporeal and incorporeal, and every share, right, title or interest therein or thereto, and every right, privilege, franchise, patent, copyright, trade-mark, certificate, or other evidence of ownership or interest; bonds, notes, judgments, credits, accounts, or other evidence of indebtedness, and every other thing of value, in possession, on hand, or under the control, at any time during the calendar year for which taxes are levied, within the State of Louisiana, of any person, firm, partnership, association of persons, or corporation, foreign or domestic whether the same be held, possessed, or controlled, as owner, agent, pledgee, mortgagee, or legal representative, or as president, cashier, treasurer, liquidator, assignee, master, superintendent, manager, sequestrator, receiver, trustee, stakeholder, depository, warehouseman, keeper, curator, executor, administrator, legatee, heir, beneficiary, parent, attorney, usufructuary, mandatary, fiduciary, or other capacity, whether the owner be known or unknown; except in the cases of fire, life, or other insurance companies, the notes, judgments, accounts, and credits of nonresident persons, firms, corporations, partnerships, associations, or companies doing business in the State of Louisiana, originating from the business done in this state, are hereby declared to be property with its situs within this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:1702
  • prospective purchaser: means a person who is solicited to become or does become obligated to a telephonic seller. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Proxy voting: The practice of allowing a legislator to cast a vote in committee for an absent legislator.
  • Public agency: means any agency or political subdivision of the state which provides or has authority to provide firefighting, police, ambulance, medical, or other emergency services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:792
  • Public assistance: means subsidized child care assistance. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1442.1
  • Public defender: Represent defendants who can't afford an attorney in criminal matters.
  • Public entities: means the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, and all of the agencies, boards, authorities, and commissions of the City (except the Sewerage and Water Board) collectively. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • public entities: as used in this Part shall not include school boards that are subject to the terms of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1051
  • Public entity: means the Board of Liquidation, City Debt, and any agency, board, authority, or commission of the City except the Sewerage and Water Board. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Public law: A public bill or joint resolution that has passed both chambers and been enacted into law. Public laws have general applicability nationwide.
  • public office: means any state, district, parish or municipal office, elective or appointive, or any position as member on a board or commission, elective or appointive, when the office or position is established by the constitution or laws of this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1
  • Public officer: is a ny person holding a public office in this state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1
  • Public or retail motor vehicle auction: means the act of any person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity engaging in, for a commission, compensation, or other consideration, the business of providing vehicle auction services at an established place of business which is not open exclusively to motor vehicle dealers, dismantlers, and parts recyclers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Public properties or facilities: means properties or facilities owned or leased by a public entity or public benefit corporation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1051
  • Public purposes: means the public purpose or purposes for which a particular piece of public property or a public facility is being used or is intended to be used by a public entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1051
  • Public right of way: means the area on, below, or above a public roadway, highway, street, public sidewalk, alley, or waterway. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Public roads: shall include all public highways, roads and streets in the state, whether maintained by the state, parish, other political subdivision, city, or town. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • Public safety agency: means a functional division of a public agency which provides firefighting, police, medical, or other emergency services. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:792
  • Public sanitary sewerage system: means a privately or publicly owned system intended to provide for the collection, conveyance, or treatment of waste water and other sewage for the public or such facilities owned by the public, if the system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily at least sixty days out of the year. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2073
  • Public school: means any school conducted within the state under the authority and supervision of a city, parish, or other local school board and any educational institution supported by and under the control of the state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Public servant: means anyone who is:

                (a) An elected official or an administrative officer or official of a governmental entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 42:1471

  • Purchaser: means any person to whom a timeshare interest is offered or who has contracted to purchase a timeshare interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1131.2
  • Pyrolysis: means a manufacturing process through which post-use polymers or recovered feedstocks are heated in the absence of oxygen until melted and thermally decomposed, non-catalytically or catalytically, and are then cooled, condensed, and converted into valuable raw materials and intermediate and final products, including but not limited to plastic monomers, chemicals, naphtha, waxes, and plastic and chemical feedstocks that are returned to economic utility in the form of raw materials or products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Quadrum axle: means any four consecutive axles whose centers are more than forty inches but not more than ninety-six inches apart, and are designed to equalize the load between axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Qualified participant: means a member of the system who first became a member before January 1, 1990. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Qualified professional: shall include :

                (a) A certified substance abuse counselor or certified prevention counselor. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1079.12

  • Quality: means degree or grade of excellence. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Quasi-judicial proceeding: means any proceeding of a public administrative office or body which is required to investigate facts, ascertain the existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw conclusions from them as a basis for their official action, and to exercise discretion of a judicial nature. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2362
  • Radiation: means any electromagnetic or ionizing radiation including gamma rays and x-rays, alpha and beta particles, high-speed electrons, neutrons, protons, and other nuclear particles, but does not include sound waves. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • radio common carrier: as used in this Chapter shall not be construed to mean a company operating under the provisions of Title 45, Chapter 8, of the Louisiana Revised Statutes, and no such radio common carrier shall have any of the powers, rights or duties provided for and prescribed by said Title 45, Chapter 8. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1501
  • radio common carriers: when used in this Chapter includes every corporation, company, association, partnership and persons and lessees, trustees, or receivers, appointed by any court whatsoever owning, operating or managing a radio common carrier or public "for hire" radio service engaged in the business of providing a service of radio communications between mobile and base stations, between mobile and land stations, including land line telephones, between mobile stations or between land stations, but not engaged in the business of providing a public land line message telephone service or a public message telegraph service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1501
  • Radioactive material: means any material, whether solid, liquid, or gas, which emits radiation spontaneously. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Radioactive waste: means radioactive material, other than exploration and production waste as defined in LAC 43:XIX. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Railroad: means a carrier of persons or property upon cars, other than streetcars, operated upon stationary rails. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Railroad sign or signal: means any sign, signal, or device erected by authority of a public body or official or by a railroad and intended to give notice of the presence of railroad tracks or the approach of a railroad train. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Railroad train: means a steam or diesel engine, electric or other motor, with or without cars coupled thereto, operated upon rails, except streetcars. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • range: means an area designed and operated primarily for: persons using or discharging rifles, shotguns, pistols, revolvers, or black powder weapons; archery; air rifles; silhouettes; skeet ranges; trap ranges; or any other similar sport shooting, if such area is designed and constructed in accordance with the then current publication of the National Rifle Association of America, or its successor, entitled "The Range Manual". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2053
  • Real estate loan: means any loan or other obligation secured, as provided for in this Chapter, by immovable property held in full ownership or under a lease extending or renewable automatically for a period of at least five years beyond the date scheduled for the final principal payment of such loan or obligation, or any transaction out of which a mortgage or vendor's privilege is created against such immovable property including but not limited to the purchase of such real estate by an association and the concurrent or immediate sale thereof on installment contract. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
  • Reasonably be expected to affect the public safety beyond the boundaries of the facility: means fire, explosion, incident, accident, or cleanup within a facility that may reasonably impact public safety beyond the facility, including but not limited to an impact of such nature as to require shelter-in-place orders, evacuations, immediate response by emergency responders, or off-site road closures. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Recipient: means the person who has received assistance under this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • Reclaiming: means the use of methods, other than those used in rerefining, to purify used oil primarily to remove insoluble contaminants, making the oil suitable for further use; which may include settling, heating, dehydration, filtration, distillation, or centrifuging. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Recourse: An arrangement in which a bank retains, in form or in substance, any credit risk directly or indirectly associated with an asset it has sold (in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) that exceeds a pro rata share of the bank's claim on the asset. If a bank has no claim on an asset it has sold, then the retention of any credit risk is recourse. Source: FDIC
  • Recovered materials: means those materials which have known recycling potential, can be feasibly recycled, and have been diverted or removed from the solid waste stream for sale, use, or reuse, by separation, collection, or processing. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Recovered paper: means paper generated beyond the papermaking process which is subsequently recycled. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Recreational products: means new and unused motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, marine products, recreational vehicles, and trailers as defined in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Recreational products dealer: means any person who, for a commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, buys, sells, brokers, exchanges, auctions, offers, or attempts to negotiate a sale or exchange of an interest in recreational products and who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of buying and selling recreational products in the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • recreational vehicle: includes new and used motor homes, new and used travel trailers, new and used fifth-wheel travel trailers, new and used folding camper trailers, and slide-in truck campers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • recreational vehicle: includes a motor home, a travel trailer, a fifth-wheel travel trailer, a folding camper trailer, a slide-in truck camper, and a park model trailer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1270.32
  • Recreational vehicle dealer: means any person who, for a commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, buys, sells, brokers, exchanges, auctions, offers, or attempts to negotiate a sale or exchange of an interest in recreational vehicles and who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of buying and selling recreational vehicles in the state of Louisiana and who holds a license as a recreational products dealer under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Recreational vehicle salesman: means any natural person employed by a licensee of the commission whose duties include the selling, leasing, or offering for sale or lease, financing or insuring recreational vehicles on behalf of said licensee and who holds a motor vehicle salesman license under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Recycled content: means materials that contain a percentage of post-consumer materials as determined by the department in the products or materials to be procured, including but not limited to paper, aluminum, glass, and composted materials. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Recycling: means any process by which nonhazardous solid waste, or materials which would otherwise become solid waste, are collected, separated, or processed and reused or returned to use in the form of raw materials or products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Redemptive period: means the period in which a person may redeem property as provided in thethe Louisiana Constitution. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Registered athlete agent: means an athlete agent registered with the division under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Registration: means the identification of any material or device capable of emitting radiation, together with such other information as the owner of such material or device is required to furnish by rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Registration: includes a registration certificate or certificates and registration plates issued under the laws of this state pertaining to the registration of motor vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • Regular contributions: means the contributions deducted from the compensation of a participant subsequent to the effective date of the establishment of this retirement system as required by this Part and placed to the credit of the participant in the annuity savings account. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Regular interest: means interest compounded annually at such rate as shall be determined by the board of trustees. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Regular operation: means movement over highways of vehicles, combinations of vehicles, and loads thereon, subject to the limitations contained in this Chapter governing maximum weights and dimensions for motor vehicles and loads thereon. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Regulatory flexibility: means that a qualified participant in a regulatory innovations program may be exempted by the secretary from regulations promulgated by the department under this Chapter consistent with federal law and regulation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2563
  • relative: means a natural or adopted child or grandchild of the caregiver or a child in the legal custody of the caregiver. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Release: means any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, or disposing into the environment (including the abandonment or discarding of barrels, containers, and other closed receptacles) of any hazardous material or substance. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Remote driver: means a natural person who is not seated in an autonomous commercial motor vehicle, but is able to perform the entire dynamic driving task. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Removal: means the removal or stripping of friable asbestos-containing materials in a building. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Repair: means patching or other work on asbestos-containing materials to eliminate damaged conditions that make fiber release more likely. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • Reparations: means payment of compensation in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter for pecuniary loss resulting from physical injury, death, or catastrophic property loss by reason of a crime enumerated in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802
  • Reportable release: means a release of a regulated hazardous material or substance which causes any injury requiring hospitalization or any fatality, results in a fire or explosion which could reasonably be expected to affect the public safety beyond the boundaries of the facility, or exceeds the reportable quantity when that reportable quantity, as defined pursuant to rules promulgated by the deputy secretary, could be reasonably expected to escape beyond the site of the facility. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Repository: means the local entity designated pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Request for proposals: means all documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, utilized for soliciting proposals in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Rerefining: means the use of refining processes on used oil to produce high-quality base stocks for lubricants or other petroleum products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Rescission: The cancellation of budget authority previously provided by Congress. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 specifies that the President may propose to Congress that funds be rescinded. If both Houses have not approved a rescission proposal (by passing legislation) within 45 days of continuous session, any funds being withheld must be made available for obligation.
  • Residence district: means the territory contiguous to a highway not comprising a business district, when the frontage on such a highway for a distance of three hundred feet or more is mainly occupied by dwellings or by dwellings and buildings in use for business. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Residential building: means any structure which is constructed and developed for residential occupancy. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1202
  • Residential home: means any place, facility, or home operated by any institution, society, agency, corporation, person or persons, or any other group to provide full-time care, twenty-four hours per day, for more than four children, who may remain at the facility in accordance with La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Residential loan transaction: means any agreement by a consumer with a mortgage broker, mortgage loan originator, mortgage loan servicer, or mortgage lender in connection with a residential mortgage loan. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • residential mortgage broker: means any person who, directly or indirectly, for compensation or the expectation of compensation, negotiates, places, or finds, or offers to negotiate, place, or find a residential mortgage loan for another person. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • residential mortgage lender: means any person who, directly or indirectly, originates or makes, or offers to originate or make, a residential mortgage loan for another person. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Residential mortgage lending activity: means an activity, including electronic activity, engaged in for compensation or with the expectation of compensation in connection with a residential loan transaction, including the origination or funding of a residential mortgage loan and the negotiation and placement, or offering to negotiate, place, or fund a residential mortgage loan for another person, or servicing a mortgage loan. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Residential mortgage loan: means any loan primarily for personal, family, or household use that is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other equivalent consensual security interest on a dwelling as defined in 15 U. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • Residential telephonic subscriber: means any natural person who has subscribed to residential telephonic service from a telecommunications service provider or any other natural person living or residing with such person. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12
  • Resource recovery: means the process by which materials, excluding those under control of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which still have useful physical or chemical properties after serving a specific purpose are reused or recycled for the same or other purposes, including uses as an energy source. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Respondent: means the person against whom an enforcement action is directed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Restitution: The court-ordered payment of money by the defendant to the victim for damages caused by the criminal action.
  • Retail gas station: means a retail facility engaged in selling gasoline or diesel fuel primarily to the public, for use in land-based motor vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Retirement: means withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance granted under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Retirement: means withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance allowable under the provisions of this Part. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Retirement: means withdrawal from active service with a retirement allowance granted under the provisions of this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Retirement allowance: means the sum of the annuity and the pensions or any optional benefit payable in lieu thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Retirement allowance: means the sum of the annuity and the pension, or any other benefits payable in lieu thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Retirement allowance: means any benefit paid to a member under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Retirement system: means the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Retirement system: means the corporation known as the Orleans Parish School Employees' Retirement System established in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • revenue bonds: shall mean bonds of the authority authorized under the provisions of this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • Revenues: shall mean all tolls, charges, rentals, gifts, grants, moneys, and all other funds coming into the possession or under the control of the authority by virtue of the provisions hereof, except the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1253
  • Revolving charge account: means an arrangement between a seller or issuer of a seller credit card honored by the seller and a consumer pursuant to which:

    (a)  The creditor permits the consumer to purchase goods or services on a preauthorized basis;

    (b)  The creditor reasonably contemplates repeated transactions;

    (c)  The creditor may impose a credit service charge from time to time on the outstanding unpaid balance of the consumer's account;

    (d)  The amount of credit that may be extended to the consumer, up to any limit set by the creditor, is generally made available to the extent that any outstanding balance is repaid; and

    (e)  No credit service charges may be imposed upon the consumer for a billing period if the account is paid in full within a period of twenty-five days from the billing date. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Revolving credit: A credit agreement (typically a credit card) that allows a customer to borrow against a preapproved credit line when purchasing goods and services. The borrower is only billed for the amount that is actually borrowed plus any interest due. (Also called a charge account or open-end credit.) Source: OCC
  • Revolving loan account: means an arrangement between a lender and a consumer pursuant to which:

    (i)  The creditor may permit the consumer to obtain consumer loan advances on a preauthorized basis;

    (ii)  The creditor reasonably contemplates repeated transactions;

    (iii)  The creditor may impose a loan finance charge from time to time on the outstanding unpaid balance of the consumer's account; and

    (iv)  The amount of credit that may be extended to the consumer under the account, up to any limit set by the creditor, is generally made available to the extent that any unpaid balance is repaid. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Right of rescission: Right to cancel, within three business days, a contract that uses the home of a person as collateral, except in the case of a first mortgage loan. There is no fee to the borrower, who receives a full refund of all fees paid. The right of rescission is guaranteed by the Truth in Lending Act (TILA). Source: OCC
  • Right of way: means the privilege of the immediate use of the highway. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Road tractor: means every motor vehicle designed, constructed, or used either by itself or for drawing other vehicles used in the construction and maintenance of roads, highways, or streets, and not so constructed as to carry any load thereon, either independently or as a part of the weight of a vehicle or load so drawn. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Roadway: means that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, exclusive of the berm or shoulder. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • roll cage: shall mean supports that will bear the vehicle's weight and are so designed as to protect the occupants when the vehicle is resting on the supports. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Rotary traffic island: means any circular area of ground, surrounded by a highway or roadway which is designed to prevent the crossing of traffic on four or more otherwise intersecting highways, in order to require all traffic approaching it to proceed for some distance around a portion of the island before entering one of the intersecting highways and to prevent left hand turns onto such otherwise intersecting highways. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Running surface waters: means the running waters of the state, including the waters of navigable water bodies and state owned lakes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:962
  • Safety zone: means the area or space officially set apart within a highway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and which is protected or is so marked or indicated by adequate signs as to be plainly visible at all times while set apart as a safety zone. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Salesperson: means any individual employed, appointed, or authorized by a telephonic seller, whether referred to by the telephonic seller as an agent, representative, or independent contractor, who attempts to solicit or solicits a sale on behalf of the telephonic seller. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Salvage pool or salvage disposal sale: means a scheduled sale at auction or by private bid of wrecked or repairable motor vehicles by insurance companies, or by used motor vehicle dealers, or automotive dismantlers and parts recyclers licensed by the commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Sanitary landfill: means a controlled area of land upon which nonhazardous solid waste is deposited in such a manner that protects the environment with no on-site burning of wastes, and so located, contoured, and drained that it will not constitute a source of water pollution. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Satellite warranty and repair center: means a motor vehicle repair facility, other than at a motor vehicle dealer franchised location, approved by a manufacturer or distributor and authorized to perform warranty and other repairs on motor vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Savings account: means an account to which earnings, including interest, is paid or accrued. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Savings liability: means the aggregate amount of savings accounts of depositors and shares of members, plus earnings credited to such accounts, less redemptions and withdrawals. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • School: means any secondary school in this state, including high schools and junior high schools, that has an athlete contract with an athlete. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • School: means any public or private day or residential school that provides elementary, secondary, college, or post graduate education as determined under state law, or any school of any agency of the United States. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2343
  • School: means any public elementary or secondary school in the state of Louisiana operated by a city or parish school board or any nonpublic school approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1079.12
  • School bus: means every motor vehicle that is used to transport students to and from school or in connection with school activities, but not including a charter bus or transit bus. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Scrap metal processor: means any person or entity engaged in the business of obtaining and storing scrap metal, as defined by La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Seat belt: means the manual restraint system installed by the manufacturer as required by Federal Motor Vehicle Standard No. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • secondary manufacturer: means a person who prior to the retail sale of motor vehicles or trailers, assembles, installs, or affixes a body, cab, or special equipment to a chassis, or who substantially adds, subtracts from, or modifies a previously assembled or manufactured motor vehicle or trailer, but does not include towable equipment as defined in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services or the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1
  • Secretary: shall mean the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:978.1
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:979.2
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1192
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Secretary: means the secretary of Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2351
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2622
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources and his designees. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:962
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources or his designee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1202
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Energy and Natural Resources. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1354
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Department of Transportation and Development or his delegated or authorized representative. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Secretary: means the secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, hereinafter referred to in this Part as the "department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:781
  • seller: means a person who, on his or her own behalf or through salespersons, causes a telephone solicitation or attempted telephone solicitation to occur in which either the telephonic seller or the purchaser, or both, are located in Louisiana and which meets the following criteria:

    (a)  A telephone solicitation or attempted telephone solicitation wherein the telephonic seller initiates telephonic contact with a prospective purchaser and represents or implies one or more of the following:

    (i)  That a prospective purchaser who buys one or more items will also receive additional or other items, whether or not of the same type as purchased, without further cost. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822

  • Seller credit card: means a revolving charge account that may be accessed by use of a credit card. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Selling agreement: means any written contract or agreement between a marine dealer and a manufacturer, or its distributor or factory branch, by which the marine dealer is authorized to engage in the business of selling or leasing the specific makes, models, or classifications of marine products marketed or leased by the manufacturer, and designated in the selling agreement or any addendum thereto. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Semitrailer: means every single vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property and passengers and so designed in conjunction and used with a motor vehicle that some part of its own weight and that of its own load rests or is carried by another vehicle and having one or more load-carrying axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Send: means either of the following:

    (a)  To deposit in the mail or deliver for transmission by any other commercially reasonable means of communication with postage or cost of transmission provided for, and properly addressed to any address reasonable under the circumstances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122

  • Service: means service as a teacher within the meaning of Paragraph (33) of this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Service: means service rendered by an employee as herein defined. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Service: means service rendered as an employee as described in Paragraph (16) of this Section. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Service dog: means a dog who has been trained or is being trained to do work or perform a task for a person with a disability. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1952
  • Service organization: means a corporation in which the shares of stock may be owned by one or more associations, financial institutions, or other persons. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Services: means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a contractor, not involving the delivery of a specific end product other than reports which are merely incidental to the required performance. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1732
  • Services: means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a contractor whose primary purpose is to perform an identifiable task rather than to furnish an end item of supply. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Share: means any share, certificate, security, account, or other evidence of funds invested in a mutual association by a member thereof, other than a savings or demand account. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Shared use trail: means a public way separated by open space, grade, or other physical barrier from motor traffic, either within the highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way, that is designated for use by pedestrians, mobility aid users, and persons riding bicycles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Shoulder: means the portion of the highway contiguous with the roadway for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, pedestrian use, mobility aid use, bicycle use, and for lateral support of base and surface. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Sidewalk: means that portion of a highway between the curb lines, or the lateral lines of a highway, and the adjacent property lines, intended for the use of pedestrians. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • sightseeing or tourist guide vehicle: shall mean a motor vehicle with an operator for hire and a minimum seating capacity of six  and a maximum seating capacity of no more than fourteen persons, exclusive of the driver, which is used in the transportation of passengers for hire to various tourist destinations and other landmarks of interest. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 48:1460
  • Signed: includes using any symbol executed or adopted with present intention to adopt or accept a writing in tangible form. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Simple interest transaction: means a consumer credit transaction under which loan finance charges or credit service charges are assessed by application of a contractual simple interest rate or rates to the unpaid balance of the debtor's promissory note, account or other evidence of indebtedness. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Single axle: means an assembly of two or more wheels, whose centers are in one transverse vertical plane or may be included between two parallel transverse vertical planes forty inches apart extending across the full width of the vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Single axle weight: means the total weight transmitted to the road by a single axle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Small business: means a single business establishment employing not more than nine full-time employees and having not more than two million dollars in average annual gross receipts. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Small business: means a small business as defined by the Small Business Administration of the United States Government which for purposes of size eligibility or other factors meets the applicable criteria set forth in Title 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 121, as amended, and which has its principal place of business in Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1732
  • Software: means computer programs and documentation essential to and necessary for a telecommunications system or telecommunications service to perform productive operations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1752
  • Solar device: means the equipment associated with the collection, transfer, distribution, storage, and control of solar energy. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:1151
  • Solid waste: means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not include or mean solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Solid waste: means any garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded material, including those in a solid, liquid, or semisolid state resulting from residential, community, or commercial activities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Solid waste disposal facility: means any land area or structure or combination of land areas and structures, used for storing, salvaging, processing, reducing, incinerating, or disposing of solid wastes, excluding any "processing, treatment, or disposal facility" as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Solvolysis: means a manufacturing process through which post-use polymers are purified with the aid of solvents while heated at low temperatures or heated at low temperatures and pressurized to make useful products, while allowing additives and contaminants to be removed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Sophisticated system: means a basic system with the additional capability of automatic identification of the caller's number, holding the incoming call, reconnection on the same telephone line, clearing a telephone line or automatic call routing or combinations of such capabilities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:792
  • Source material: means uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form, or ores which contain by weight one-twentieth of one percent or more of uranium, thorium, or any combination thereof, but source material does not include special nuclear material. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Source of radiation: means any radioactive material or any device or equipment emitting or capable of producing radiation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Special nuclear material: means either of the following:

    (a)  Plutonium, uranium 233, uranium enriched in the isotope 233 or in the isotope 235, and any other material which the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Section 51 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, determines to be special nuclear material, but does not include source material. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103

  • Special permit: means a written authorization to move or operate on a highway a vehicle or combination of vehicles with indivisible load of size and/or weight exceeding the limits prescribed for vehicles in regular operation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Special permit applicant: means an individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or association making application for a special permit to transport a vehicle, combination of vehicles, and/or load which is oversize or overweight and under whose authority and responsibility such vehicle or load is transported. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Special waste: means and includes the following:

    (a)  Spent bauxite (red mud) resulting from production of alumina. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241

  • Specialized provider: means a child-placing agency, maternity home, or residential home. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Specialty vehicle: means a motor vehicle manufactured by a second stage manufacturer by purchasing motor vehicle components, including frames and drive trains, and completing the manufacture of finished motor vehicles for the purpose of resale, with the primary manufacturer warranty unimpaired, to a limited commercial market rather than the consuming public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Specialty vehicle dealer: means any person who holds a bona fide franchise in effect with a converter or second stage manufacturer of specialty vehicles and a license under the provisions of this Chapter or a subsidiary of any such entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Specific license: means a license issued after application to the department to use, manufacture, produce, transfer, receive, acquire, own, or possess quantities of, or devices or equipment utilizing, byproduct, source, or special nuclear materials, technologically enhanced natural radioactive material, or other radioactive material occurring naturally or produced artificially. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2103
  • Specification: means any description of the physical or functional characteristics, or of the nature of a supply, service, or major repair. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Spinal cord injury: means an insult to the spinal cord, not of a degenerative or congenital nature, but caused by an external physical force resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2632
  • Spouse: means a person who is legally married to a member of this system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:403
  • Spouse: shall mean a person who is legally married to a member of this system and shall not include a person who is legally separated from a member of this system by a judgment of separation, unless such person has voluntarily reconciled with the member and which reconciliation is established by a court of competent jurisdiction. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Spouse: means that person who is legally married to the member on the member's effective date of retirement or effective date of participation in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan, whichever is earlier. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • stalking: means any act that would constitute the crime of stalking under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2172
  • standing: means the halting of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Start-up costs: means those costs reasonably and prudently incurred by the local government (including legal and professional services) in obtaining the feasibility study required under this Chapter, in seeking to obtain assent of the financial market place for funding the proposed project, and other related costs through the closing of the sale of the bonds or other financing vehicles supporting the provisioning of covered services, and specifically excludes capital costs as defined herein. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • State: means any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any territory of the United States including Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:1083
  • State: means any state, territory, or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any province of the Dominion of Canada. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:851
  • State: means the state of Louisiana. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • State: includes any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession subject to the legislative authority of the United States. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • State agency: means all state offices, departments, divisions, boards, commissions, councils, committees, state colleges or universities, or other entities of the executive branch, offices and entities of the judicial branch, and offices and entities of the legislative branch of state government. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:132
  • State maintained highway: means any highway in this state which is contained in the state highway system as defined by law or which is maintained by the department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • State personal assistance services: means goods and services which are required by a person with significant disabilities age eighteen or older to increase a person's independence or substitute for a person's dependence on human assistance. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2116.1
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Steering axle: means the axle of a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles by which the same is guided or steered. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Stock: means capital stock of a capital stock association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Stockholder: means the owner of one or more shares of any class of capital stock of a capital stock association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Stop: means , when required, the complete cessation from movement. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • stopping: means , when prohibited, any halting, even momentarily of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer, weights and standards police officer, or traffic control sign or signal. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Storage: means the containment of hazardous waste on a temporary basis, for such time as may be permitted by regulations, in such a manner as not to constitute disposal of such hazardous waste. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Strategic: means determining destinations and waypoints. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Strategy: means the method used to accomplish the objectives of an agency. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Street: means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way or place of whatever nature publicly maintained and open to the use of the public for the purpose of vehicular travel, including bridges, causeways, tunnels, and ferries; synonymous with the word "highway". See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • street cruiser: means any automobile or truck twenty-five years or older, and which has undergone some type of modernizing, to include modernizing of the engine, transmission, drive train, and interior refinements, and any other modifications the builder desires, which vehicle is to be driven to events under its own power and to be used as a safe, nonracing vehicle for total family enjoyment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:455
  • street rod: means any antique automobile or truck produced in 1948 or earlier, which is an automobile or truck that is recognized as a street rod by the National Street Rod Association, and which has undergone some type of modernizing, to include modernizing of engine, transmission, drivetrain, interior refinements, and any other modifications the builder desires, which vehicle is to be driven to events under its own power and to be used as a safe, nonracing vehicle for total family enjoyment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:452
  • Student: means a person enrolled in a high school, a vocational-technical school, or a college or university, in a sufficient number of courses and classes in such institution to be classified as a full-time regular student under the criteria used by the institution in which he is enrolled. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:403
  • Student: means a person who satisfies all of the provisions of this Paragraph. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:701
  • Subpoena: A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.
  • Subpoena duces tecum: A command to a witness to produce documents.
  • Subscribers: means a person that lawfully receives a covered service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.43
  • Subsequent service: means service rendered by an employee subsequent to the effective date of the establishment of this retirement system and while a participant in this retirement system. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:951.1
  • Subsidiary: shall mean any person engaged in the selling or leasing of motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles, in which a majority of the ownership interests of such entity is owned by a holder of a license issued by the commission. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Substantial change in use: means the current primary use of the facility no longer represents the activity previously engaged in at the site. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2053
  • Summons: Another word for subpoena used by the criminal justice system.
  • Superior environmental performance: means :

    (a)  A significant decrease of pollution to levels lower than the levels currently being achieved by the subject facility under applicable law or regulation, where these lower levels are better than required by applicable law and regulation; or

    (b)  Improved social or economic benefits, as determined by the secretary, to the state while achieving protection to the environment equal to the protection currently being achieved by the subject facility under applicable law and regulation, provided that all requirements under current applicable law and regulation are being achieved by the facility. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2563

  • supervised financial institution: means any commercial bank, trust company, savings and loan association, credit union, industrial loan company, personal property broker, consumer finance lender, commercial finance lender, or insurer, provided that the institution is subject to supervision by an official or agency of this state or of the United States. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:822
  • Supervised financial organization: means either of the following:

    (a)  A banking or similar organization organized, certified, and supervised by an agency of either the United States of America or the state of Louisiana or any other state pursuant to the banking, currency, and related laws of the United States of America or of the state of Louisiana or any other state. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516

  • Supplies: means all property, including but not limited to equipment, materials, insurance, and leases on immovable property excluding land or a permanent interest in land. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1556
  • Surplus: means the excess for any fiscal year of the actual monies received and any monies or balances carried forward over the actual expenditures paid by warrant or transfer for any fund at the close of the fiscal year as such are reported by the office of statewide reporting within the division of administration. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:2
  • Surviving entity: means the corporation or unincorporated entity that is in existence immediately after consummation of an entity conversion pursuant to this Subpart. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 12:1-950
  • system: means the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 11:3682
  • Tactical: means and includes but is not limited to responding to events or determining when to change lanes, turn, or use signals. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Tandem axle: means any two consecutive axles whose centers are more than forty inches but not more than ninety-six inches apart, and are designed to equalize the load between axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Tandem axle weight: means the total weight transmitted to the road by a tandem axle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Tandem truck: means every motor propelled single vehicle designed for the conveyance of property or things for hauling purposes and having one front or steering axle and two rear or load carrying axles, even though one of the load carrying axles is not permanently affixed to the frame of the vehicle and may be removed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • TANF: means the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant program established pursuant to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, P. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1451
  • Tax: means the amount of tax due under this Chapter, and any amount of interest due under this Chapter, unless the intention to give it a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Tax debtor: means , as of the date of determination, the person listed on the tax roll in accordance with La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Tax sale: means the sale or adjudication of tax sale title to property pursuant to La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Tax sale certificate: means the written notice evidencing a tax sale to be filed in accordance with La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Tax sale party: means the tax notice party, the owner of property, including the owner of record at the time of a tax sale, as shown in the conveyance records of the appropriate parish, and any other person holding an interest, such as a mortgage, privilege, or other encumbrance on the property, including a tax sale purchaser, as shown in the mortgage and conveyance records of the appropriate parish. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 47:2122
  • Taxpayer: means any person liable to pay any tax or file any return under this Chapter, regardless of whether such person has paid any tax or filed the required return. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2241
  • Teleoperation system: means hardware and software installed on a motor vehicle that allow a remote driver to operate the vehicle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:400.1
  • Telephone access line: means any seven-digit telephone number for each call to which a fee is charged. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:810
  • Telephone company: means an entity which provides local telephone service to subscribers for a fee. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:841
  • Telephone solicitation: means a call made by a telephone solicitor to a consumer, for the purpose of soliciting a sale of any consumer goods or services, or for the purpose of soliciting an extension of credit for consumer goods or services, or for the purpose of obtaining information that will or may be used for the direct solicitation of a sale of consumer goods or services or an extension of credit for such purposes, or for the purpose of soliciting contributions for or on behalf of a charitable organization as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.1
  • Telephone solicitor: means any natural person, firm, organization, partnership, association, or corporation, or a subsidiary or affiliate thereof, doing business in this state, who makes or causes to be made a telephone solicitation, including but not limited to calls made by use of automated dialing or recorded message devices. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.1
  • Telephonic solicitation: means any voice or data communication made by a telephonic solicitor to a residential telephonic subscriber for the purpose of encouraging a sale or rental of or investment in property, consumer goods, or services; or for the purpose of encouraging an extension of credit for property, consumer goods, or services; or for the purpose of obtaining information that will or may be used for the direct solicitation of a sale or rental of or investment in property, consumer goods, or services or an extension of credit for such purposes; or for the solicitation of a contribution to a charitable organization, but does not include voice or data communications made for any of the following reasons:

    (a)  In response to an express request of the person called. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12

  • Telephonic solicitor: means any natural person, firm, organization, partnership, association, or corporation, or a subsidiary or affiliate thereof, doing business in this state, who makes or causes to be made a telephonic solicitation, including but not limited to any communication made by use of automated dialing or recorded message devices. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:844.12
  • Temporary restraining order: Prohibits a person from an action that is likely to cause irreparable harm. This differs from an injunction in that it may be granted immediately, without notice to the opposing party, and without a hearing. It is intended to last only until a hearing can be held.
  • Testate: To die leaving a will.
  • Testator: A male person who leaves a will at death.
  • Testify: Answer questions in court.
  • third person: means any persons other than the athlete agent or the athlete. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 4:421
  • Third-party certification system: means an international and multinational third-party certification system which consists of a set of rules for the implementation of mass balance attribution approaches for advanced recycling of materials. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2153
  • Thrift institution: means an association, a homestead association,society or company, a savings and loan association, a building and loan association, a savings association, a foreign savings association, a federal savings association, a federal savings and loan association, a federal savings bank, or a supervised thrift and residential financing institution of a substantially similar nature. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Through highway: means every highway or portion thereof on which vehicular traffic is given preferential right of way, and at the entrances to which vehicular traffic from intersecting highways is required by law to yield the right of way to vehicles on such through highway in obedience to either a stop sign or a yield sign, when such signs are erected as provided in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Timeshare interest: means an ownership "timeshare interest" a lease timeshare interest, a timeshare estate, and a timeshare use unless expressly provided otherwise and includes any of the following:

    (a)  A "timeshare estate" which is the right to occupy a timeshare property, coupled with present ownership or some right to future ownership in a timeshare property or a specified portion thereof. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1131.2

  • Tire: means a continuous solid or pneumatic rubber covering encircling the wheel of a motor vehicle or off-road vehicle, including the spare tire of such vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Tow dolly: means a trailer equipped with one or more axles designed to connect to a tow bar on the rear of a motor vehicle that is used to tow another vehicle and is not a type of towable equipment as defined in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Towable equipment: means equipment that is permanently affixed to or integrated upon a trailer intended for use when the trailer is not traveling on a road and where its capability for road travel or transport of other property is incidental or secondary to the primary operational purpose of the equipment including but not limited to towable signage, message boards, generators, lighting tower masts, speed monitoring and traffic cameras, air compressors, water pumps, crash attenuators, or road maintenance equipment such as a pothole patcher or a chipper brush. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Toxic air pollutant: means an air pollutant which, based on scientifically accepted data, is known to cause or can reasonably be anticipated to cause either directly or indirectly through ambient concentrations, exposure levels, bioaccumulation levels, or deposition levels, adverse effects in humans, including but not limited to:

    (i)  Cancer;

    (ii)  Mutagenic, teratogenic, or neurotoxic effects;

    (iii)  Reproductive dysfunction;

    (iv)  Acute health effects; and

    (v)  Chronic health effects. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2053

  • Trade secret: means any confidential formula, pattern, process, device, information, or compilation of information, including chemical name or other unique identifier, that is used in an employer's business, and that gives the employer an opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use it. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2363
  • Traffic: means pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, and other conveyances either singly or together while using any highway for purposes of travel. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Traffic control device: means all signs, signals, markings, and devices, not inconsistent with this Chapter, placed or erected by authority of a public body or official having jurisdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Traffic control signal: means a type of highway traffic signal, manually, electrically or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Trailer: means every single vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers wholly on its own structure, drawn by a motor vehicle which carries no part of the weight and load of the trailer on its own wheels and having two or more load carrying axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Trailer: means every single vehicle without motive power designed for carrying property or passengers wholly on its own structure, drawn by a motor vehicle which carries no part of the weight and load of the trailer on its own wheels and having one or more load carrying axles including but not limited to utility trailers, boat trailers, recreational trailers, semitrailers, livestock trailers, tow dollies and dump trailers, and excluding towable equipment as defined in this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Transcript: A written, word-for-word record of what was said, either in a proceeding such as a trial or during some other conversation, as in a transcript of a hearing or oral deposition.
  • Transfer: means a transaction that creates custodial property under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • Transfer facility: means any transportation-related facility designed and constructed to be used exclusively for the handling of regulated hazardous wastes including loading docks, parking areas, storage areas, and other similar areas where shipments of hazardous waste are held during the normal course of transportation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Transportation: means the movement of hazardous wastes from the point of generation or storage to the point of treatment, storage, or disposal by any means of commercial or private transport. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Traumatic head injury: means an insult to the head, affecting the brain, not of a degenerative or congenital nature, but caused by an external physical force that may produce a diminished or altered state of consciousness which results in an impairment of cognitive abilities or physical functioning. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:2632
  • Treatment: means any method, technique, or process, including neutralization, designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of any hazardous waste so as to neutralize such waste or render it nonhazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery or storage, or reduced in volume. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Treatment: means an active effort to accomplish an improvement in the mental condition or behavior of a child or to prevent deterioration in his condition or behavior as it relates to drug or alcohol abuse. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:1079.12
  • Treatment works: means any plant or other works which accomplishes the treating, stabilizing, or holding of wastes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2073
  • Trial: A hearing that takes place when the defendant pleads "not guilty" and witnesses are required to come to court to give evidence.
  • Tridum axle: means any three consecutive axles whose centers are more than forty inches but not more than ninety-six inches apart, and are designed to equalize the load between axles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Tridum axle weight: means the total weight transmitted to the road by a tridum axle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Trolling motor: means any self-contained unit composed of an electric motor, propeller, and controls that may be affixed to a boat and that acts as a source, but not typically the primary source, of propulsion for the boat. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Truck: means every motor propelled single vehicle for the conveyance of property or things for hauling purposes and having one front steering axle and one rear or load carrying axle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Truck-tractor: means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load drawn. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Trust account: A general term that covers all types of accounts in a trust department, such as estates, guardianships, and agencies. Source: OCC
  • Trust company: means a financial institution, corporation, or other legal entity authorized to exercise general trust powers. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • Truth in Lending Act: The Truth in Lending Act is a federal law that requires lenders to provide standardized information so that borrowers can compare loan terms. In general, lenders must provide information on Source: OCC
  • Turning path: means the path of a designated point on a vehicle making a specified turn. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Turning track width: means the radial distance between the turning paths of the outside of the outer front tire and the outside of the rear tire which is nearest the center of the turn. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Tutor: means a person appointed or qualified by a court to act as guardian of a minor's property or a person legally authorized to perform substantially the same functions, including but not limited to a curator. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:751
  • two-thirds of the members: when used in connection with a vote by the respective members of the council, the Board of Liquidation, or the governing authority of any public entity, shall mean a majority or two-thirds of the members of the respective bodies holding office at the time such a vote is taken, as the case may be. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1032
  • Type I license: means a license held by a residential home that is owned or operated by a church or religious organization that does not wish to be licensed as a Type IV center. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Type IV license: means the license held by any publicly or privately owned specialized provider. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403
  • Ultimate purchaser: means the first person or corporate entity, other than a dealer purchasing in his capacity as a dealer, who in good faith purchases a new motor vehicle for purposes other than resale. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Ultimate purchaser: means , with respect to any new motor vehicle, recreational product, or specialty vehicle, the first person, other than a dealer purchasing in his capacity as a dealer, who in good faith purchases such new motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles for purposes other than resale. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Unavailable: means either that a vacancy in office exists and there is no deputy authorized to exercise all of the powers and discharge the duties of the office, or that the lawful incumbent of the office including any deputy exercising the powers and discharging the duties of an office because of a vacancy and his duly authorized deputy are absent or unable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:1403
  • Unemployment compensation information: means unemployment compensation claim or payment information from the administrator of the Louisiana Employment Security Law. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Unit: means a part of the condominium property subject to individual ownership. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:1121.103
  • Unlisted number: means an active telephone number which is not published in a telephone directory. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:841
  • Unpaid debt: as used in this Chapter means the total of the amount financed, loan finance charges, default charges, and delinquency charges including the amount due at the time of default plus all interest which may accrue from the time of default until the entire balance is paid. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 9:3516
  • Unsafe and unsound condition: means the inability of an association to meet its withdrawal requests or the association having violated its charter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Urban: means an area within the boundaries of an urbanized area, as that term is used by the United States Census Bureau, that includes at least forty-five thousand people. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4751
  • Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone: means an area within a political subdivision that is comprised of individual properties designated as urban agriculture preserves by the political subdivision for farming purposes. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 3:4751
  • Urban district: means the territory contiguous to and including any street which is built up with structures devoted to business, industry, or dwelling houses situated at intervals of less than one hundred feet for a distance of a quarter of a mile or more. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Used marine dealer: means any person whose business is to sell, or offer for sale, display, or advertise used marine products, or any person who holds a license from the commission and is not excluded by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used marine product: means a marine product, the legal title of which has been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used marine product facility: means any facility which is owned and operated by a licensee of the commission and offers for sale used marine products. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle, which has been previously titled to an ultimate purchaser as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Used motor vehicle: means a motor vehicle, recreational product, or specialty vehicle, the legal title of which has been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used motor vehicle dealer: means any person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or other entity who, for a commission or with intent to make a profit or gain of money or other thing of value, buys, sells, brokers, exchanges, rents with option to purchase, auctions at retail or public, offers, or attempts to negotiate a sale or exchange of an interest in used motor vehicles and who is engaged wholly or in part in the business of buying and selling used motor vehicles, whether such motor vehicles are owned by such person and whether the motor vehicles are sold from a dealership location or via any form of advertising, including but not limited to the Internet. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Used motor vehicle dealer: means any person whose business is to sell, or offer for sale, display, or advertise used motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles, or any person who holds a license from the commission and is not excluded by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used motor vehicle facility: means any facility which is owned and operated by a licensee of the commission and offers for sale used motor vehicles, recreational products, or specialty vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used motor vehicle salesperson: shall include anyone who is actively engaged in the sale, offering for sale, or negotiations to sell a used motor vehicle, including those engaged in management or finance and insurance, and who for compensation of any kind operates as a broker or is compensated for any referral of a prospective buyer to a used motor vehicle dealer. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:781
  • Used motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle: means a motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle, the legal title of which has been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle dealer: means any person whose business is to sell, or offer for sale, display, or advertise used motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles, or any person who holds a license from the commission and is not excluded by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used motorcycle or all-terrain vehicle facility: means any facility which is owned and operated by a licensee of the commission and offers for sale used motorcycles or all-terrain vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used oil: means any oil, whether refined from crude oil or synthetic oil, that has been used and as a result of such use, is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Used oil collection facility: means automotive service facilities, governmentally sponsored collection facilities, or other facilities, which in the course of business accept for disposal of five gallons or less of used oil from the general public, all as is more fully set forth by rule, and which store used oil in tanks or containers approved by the department. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Used recreational vehicle: means a recreational vehicle, the legal title of which has been transferred by a manufacturer, distributor, or dealer to an ultimate purchaser. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used recreational vehicle dealer: means any person whose business is to sell, or offer for sale, display, or advertise used recreational vehicles, or any person who holds a license from the commission and is not excluded by Subparagraph (b) of this Paragraph. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Used recreational vehicle facility: means any facility which is owned and operated by a licensee of the commission and offers for sale used recreational vehicles. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • User fees: Fees charged to users of goods or services provided by the government. In levying or authorizing these fees, the legislature determines whether the revenue should go into the treasury or should be available to the agency providing the goods or services.
  • Usury: Charging an illegally high interest rate on a loan. Source: OCC
  • Variable Rate: Having a "variable" rate means that the APR changes from time to time based on fluctuations in an external rate, normally the Prime Rate. This external rate is known as the "index." If the index changes, the variable rate normally changes. Also see Fixed Rate.
  • Variance: means a special authorization granted to a person for a limited period of time which allows that person a specified date for compliance with a requirement pursuant to the provisions of this Subtitle. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2004
  • Vehicle: means every device by which persons or things may be transported upon a public highway or bridge, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Vehicle: means any motor vehicle, specialty vehicle, or recreational product subject to regulation by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Venue: The geographical location in which a case is tried.
  • Verdict: The decision of a petit jury or a judge.
  • Veto: The procedure established under the Constitution by which the President/Governor refuses to approve a bill or joint resolution and thus prevents its enactment into law. A regular veto occurs when the President/Governor returns the legislation to the house in which it originated. The President/Governor usually returns a vetoed bill with a message indicating his reasons for rejecting the measure. In Congress, the veto can be overridden only by a two-thirds vote in both the Senate and the House.
  • Victim: means :

                (a) Any person who suffers personal injury, death, or catastrophic property loss as a result of a crime committed in this state and covered by this Chapter. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1802

  • Victim: means any person who suffers death, injury, or catastrophic property damage as a result of the defendant's crime, or any person who is otherwise eligible to have a judgment or reparations award satisfied from a defendant's escrow account as provided for by this Chapter, or any legal representative thereof, but does not include any person denied eligibility for a reparations award by Chapter 21 of this Title. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1851
  • Victim advocate: work with prosecutors and assist the victims of a crime.
  • Victim Impact Statement: A written or spoken statement by the victim or his or her representative about the physical, emotional, and financial impact of a crime on the victim. The statement is given to the court before sentencing.
  • Video programming: means programming provided by, or generally considered comparable to programming provided by, a television broadcast station. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Video programming: means programming provided by, or generally considered comparable to programming provided by, a television broadcast station. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Video service: means video programming services provided by a video service provider through wireline facilities located at least in part in the public rights of way without regard to delivery technology, including internet protocol technology. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Video service: means any video programming service provided through wireline facilities located at least in part in the public rights-of-way without regard to delivery technology, including internet protocol technology. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Video service provider: means any entity providing video service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1363
  • Video service provider: means any entity providing video service. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1611
  • Wage record: means wage record information reported to the state by employers on a quarterly basis as provided in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:561
  • Waste: means any garbage, refuse, sludge from a waste treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, or agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not include solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage, or solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits under La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2173
  • Waste: means all nonproduct outputs from all environmental media, even though they may be within permitted or licensed limits. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2293
  • Waste management: means any of the various methods or means of reducing waste which are applied after the waste is generated or is outside of the location where waste is generated. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2293
  • Waste reduction: means in-plant practices that reduce, avoid, or eliminate the generation of hazardous or solid waste so as to reduce the risks to human health and the environment. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2293
  • Waste site: means a landfill, pit, pond, lagoon, or other pollution source that contains hazardous wastes, including such surrounding property necessary to contain and impound the site and to secure or quarantine the area from access by the general public. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2223
  • Waste tire: means a whole tire that is no longer suitable for its original purpose because of wear, damage, or defect. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Waste tire collection center: means a site where used tires are collected from the public prior to being offered for recycling. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Waste tire generation: means the replacement of an unserviceable tire with a serviceable tire. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Waste tire material: means recovered material produced from whole waste tires which have been processed, unless abandoned or otherwise improperly disposed of in a manner that subjects the material to solid waste regulations. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Waste tire processing facility: means a site where equipment is used to cut, burn, or otherwise alter whole waste tires so that they are no longer whole. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • Wastes: means any material for which no use or reuse is intended and which is to be discarded. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2073
  • wastes: means those elements or compounds defined or identified as hazardous wastes pursuant to the Louisiana Hazardous Waste Control Law, La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2223
  • Water cooperative: means any nonprofit water utility cooperative or corporation that is wholly owned by water user members and eligible to receive financing from a lending entity. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 45:1601
  • water pollution: includes but is not limited to any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to waters of the state from any source, or any addition of any pollutant or combination of pollutants to the waters of the contiguous zone or the Gulf of Mexico from any source other than a vessel or other floating craft which is being used as a means of transportation. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2073
  • Water treatment device: means any instrument or contrivance sold at retail for residential use and designed to be added to the plumbing system of a water supply intended for human consumption to improve that water supply by any means including, but not limited to, filtration, purification, distillation, or conditioning. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 40:700
  • Watercraft: means any contrivance used or designated for navigation on water, including but not limited to a personal watercraft as defined in La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Waters of the state: means both the surface and underground waters within the state of Louisiana including all rivers, streams, lakes, groundwaters, and all other water courses and waters within the confines of the state, and all bordering waters and the Gulf of Mexico. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2073
  • Weights and standards mobile police officer: means an employee of the office of state police of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, public safety services, with responsibilities and duties as provided by La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Weights and standards stationary scale police officer: means an employee of the Department of Transportation and Development, authorized to enforce the provisions of La. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • White goods: means inoperative and discarded refrigerators, ranges, water heaters, freezers, microwave ovens, and other similar domestic and commercial large appliances. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 30:2412
  • wholesaler: means any person, resident or nonresident, who in whole or in part sells or distributes vehicles or new, remanufactured, reconditioned, or rebuilt motor vehicle motors to dealers, or who maintains distributor representatives. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Wide area network: means a data processing/communications network or system generally utilizing common carrier facilities to link geographically dispersed local area networks to other local area networks or computer systems. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 39:1752
  • Width: means the total outside transverse dimension of a vehicle including any load or load holding devices thereon but excluding approved safety devices and tire bulge due to load. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1
  • Withdrawal value: means the amount credited to the shares of a member or to a savings or demand account, less lawful deductions therefrom, as shown on the records of the association. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 6:703
  • Wrecker: means any motor vehicle equipped with a boom or booms, winches, slings, tilt beds, or similar equipment designed for towing or recovery of vehicles and other objects which cannot operate under their own power or for some reason must be transported by means of towing. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 32:1252
  • Writ: A formal written command, issued from the court, requiring the performance of a specific act.
  • Writ of certiorari: An order issued by the Supreme Court directing the lower court to transmit records for a case for which it will hear on appeal.
  • Youth: means a person not less than sixteen years of age nor older than twenty-one years of age. See Louisiana Revised Statutes 46:1403