§ 161.162 Definitions
§ 161.163 Highway Project Review
§ 161.164 Final Layout Approval Process
§ 161.165 Commissioner Action; Interstate Highways
§ 161.166 Commissioner Action; Other Highways
§ 161.167 Reimbursement of Expenses
§ 161.178 Transportation Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Assessment

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Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes > Chapter 161 > FINAL ROUTE LAYOUT AND PLAN

  • Allegation: something that someone says happened.
  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • children: includes children by birth or adoption;

    (9) "day" comprises the time from midnight to the next midnight;

    (10) "fiscal year" means the year by or for which accounts are reckoned;

    (11) "hereafter" means a reference to the time after the time when the law containing such word takes effect;

    (12) "heretofore" means a reference to the time previous to the time when the law containing such word takes effect;

    (13) "judicial sale" means a sale conducted by an officer or person authorized for the purpose by some competent tribunal;

    (14) "minor" means an individual under the age of 18 years;

    (15) "money" means lawful money of the United States;

    (16) "night time" means the time from sunset to sunrise;

    (17) "non compos mentis" refers to an individual of unsound mind;

    (18) "notary" means a notary public;

    (19) "now" in any provision of a law referring to other laws in force, or to persons in office, or to any facts or circumstances as existing, relates to the laws in force, or to the persons in office, or to the facts or circumstances existing, respectively, on the effective date of such provision;

    (20) "verified" when used in reference to writings, means supported by oath or affirmation. See Minnesota Statutes 645.45

  • Commissioner: means the commissioner of human services unless otherwise indicated in this chapter. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03
  • Facility: means :

    (1) a licensed or unlicensed day care facility, certified license-exempt child care center, residential facility, agency, hospital, sanitarium, or other facility or institution required to be licensed under sections 144. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03

  • Family assessment: means a comprehensive assessment of child safety, risk of subsequent maltreatment, and family strengths and needs that is applied to a maltreatment report that does not allege sexual abuse or substantial child endangerment. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • Immediately: means as soon as possible but in no event longer than 24 hours. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03
  • Investigation: means fact gathering conducted during:

    (1) a family investigation related to the current safety of a child and the risk of subsequent maltreatment that determines whether maltreatment occurred and whether child protective services are needed; or

    (2) a facility investigation related to duties under section 260E. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03

  • Maltreatment: means any of the following acts or omissions:

    (1) egregious harm under subdivision 5;

    (2) neglect under subdivision 15;

    (3) physical abuse under subdivision 18;

    (4) sexual abuse under subdivision 20;

    (5) substantial child endangerment under subdivision 22;

    (6) threatened injury under subdivision 23;

    (7) mental injury under subdivision 13; and

    (8) maltreatment of a child in a facility. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03

  • Neglect: means the commission or omission of any of the acts specified under clauses (1) to (8), other than by accidental means:

    (1) failure by a person responsible for a child's care to supply a child with necessary food, clothing, shelter, health, medical, or other care required for the child's physical or mental health when reasonably able to do so;

    (2) failure to protect a child from conditions or actions that seriously endanger the child's physical or mental health when reasonably able to do so, including a growth delay, which may be referred to as a failure to thrive, that has been diagnosed by a physician and is due to parental neglect;

    (3) failure to provide for necessary supervision or child care arrangements appropriate for a child after considering factors as the child's age, mental ability, physical condition, length of absence, or environment, when the child is unable to care for the child's own basic needs or safety, or the basic needs or safety of another child in their care;

    (4) failure to ensure that the child is educated as defined in sections 120A. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03

  • Person: may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate, and to partnerships and other unincorporated associations. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
  • Physical abuse: means any physical injury, mental injury under subdivision 13, or threatened injury under subdivision 23, inflicted by a person responsible for the child's care on a child other than by accidental means, or any physical or mental injury that cannot reasonably be explained by the child's history of injuries, or any aversive or deprivation procedures, or regulated interventions, that have not been authorized under section 125A. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03
  • Report: means any communication received by the local welfare agency, police department, county sheriff, or agency responsible for child protection pursuant to this section that describes maltreatment of a child and contains sufficient content to identify the child and any person believed to be responsible for the maltreatment, if known. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03
  • Reporter: Makes a record of court proceedings and prepares a transcript, and also publishes the court's opinions or decisions (in the courts of appeals).
  • Sexual abuse: means the subjection of a child by a person responsible for the child's care, by a person who has a significant relationship to the child, or by a person in a current or recent position of authority, to any act that constitutes a violation of section 609. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03
  • Significant relationship: means a situation in which the alleged offender is:

    (1) the child's parent, stepparent, or guardian;

    (2) any of the following persons related to the child by blood, marriage, or adoption: brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, first cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, grandparent, great-grandparent, great-uncle, great-aunt; or

    (3) an adult who jointly resides intermittently or regularly in the same dwelling as the child and who is not the child's spouse. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03

  • state: extends to and includes the District of Columbia and the several territories. See Minnesota Statutes 645.44
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Threatened injury: means a statement, overt act, condition, or status that represents a substantial risk of physical or sexual abuse or mental injury. See Minnesota Statutes 260E.03