Minnesota Statutes 473.313 – Master Plans
Subdivision 1.Adoption.
Each park district located wholly or partially within the metropolitan area, and each county in the metropolitan area not wholly within a park district, shall prepare, after consultation with all affected municipalities, and submit to the Metropolitan Council, and from time to time revise and resubmit to the council, a master plan and annual budget for the acquisition and development of regional recreation open space located within the district or county, consistent with the council’s policy plan.
Subd. 2.Council review.
Terms Used In Minnesota Statutes 473.313
- area: means the area over which the Metropolitan Council has jurisdiction, including only the counties of Anoka; Carver; Dakota excluding the cities of Northfield and Cannon Falls; Hennepin excluding the cities of Hanover and Rockford; Ramsey; Scott excluding the city of New Prague; and Washington. See Minnesota Statutes 473.121
- council: means the Metropolitan Council established by section 473. See Minnesota Statutes 473.121
- Park district: means a park district created under chapter 398. See Minnesota Statutes 473.121
- Policy plan: means a long-range comprehensive plan of the Metropolitan Council. See Minnesota Statutes 473.121
- Regional recreation open space: means land and water areas, or interests therein, and facilities determined by the Metropolitan Council to be of regional importance in providing for a balanced system of public outdoor recreation for the metropolitan area, including but not limited to park reserves, major linear parks and trails, large recreation parks, and conservatories, zoos, and other special use facilities. See Minnesota Statutes 473.121
The Metropolitan Council shall review with the advice of the commission, each master plan to determine whether it is consistent with the council’s policy plan. If it is not consistent, the council shall return the plan with its comments to the municipalities, park district or county for revision and resubmittal.