1. All municipalities with a population of more than one hundred thousand inhabitants located entirely within a county of the first classification with a charter form of government which contains all or part of a city with a population of three hundred fifty thousand or more inhabitants with publicly owned treatment works required to operate national pretreatment programs may adopt all necessary ordinances for compliance with federal and state pretreatment requirements and federal and state water pollution control laws and regulations, and shall exercise primary authority to adopt, modify, and repeal, and to administer and enforce ordinances with respect to:

(1) The establishment, construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, operation, and maintenance of its sewer systems and treatment facilities;

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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 249.820

  • State: when applied to any of the United States, includes the District of Columbia and the territories, and the words "United States" includes such district and territories. See Missouri Laws 1.020

(2) Industrial users discharging into its sanitary and storm sewer system or treatment facilities; and

(3) The establishment, operation, administration, and enforcement of a publicly owned treatment works pretreatment program consistent with state and federal pretreatment standards, including inspection, monitoring, sampling, permitting, and reporting programs and activities. The municipality may, in addition to any pretreatment standards imposed under this section, require of any user of its treatment facilities such other pretreatment, inspection, reporting programs for industrial wastes as it deems necessary to adequately treat such wastes.

2. The ordinances adopted by the municipalities pursuant to subsection 1 of this section shall be applicable and enforceable by administrative, civil, or other action within any territory served by its sewer systems or treatment facilities and against any industrial user, subdistrict, district, or municipality who shall directly or indirectly discharge wastewaters or permit discharge of wastewaters into the municipal sewer systems or treatment facilities.

3. The authority granted to the municipality by this section is in addition to and not in derogation of any other authority granted pursuant to the constitution and laws of Missouri, any federal water pollution control act, or the rules of any agency of federal or state government.

4. The term “industrial user”, as used in sections 249.820 and 249.822, means any nondomestic source of discharge or indirect discharge into the district’s wastewater system which is regulated under section 307(b), (c), or (d) of the Clean Water Act, or any source listed in division A, B, D, E, or I of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, or any solid waste disposal operation such as, but not limited to, landfills, recycling facilities, solid or hazardous waste handling or disposal facilities and facilities which store or treat aqueous wastes as generated by facilities not located on site and which dispose of these wastes by discharging them into the district’s wastewater system.