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Terms Used In Missouri Laws 411.100

  • Director: the director of the Missouri department of agriculture or his designated representative. See Missouri Laws 411.026
  • Grain: all grains for which standards have been established under the United States Grain Standards Act (Sections 71 to 87 of Title 7, United States Code), and any other agricultural commodities, seeds and vegetable oils prescribed by the director by regulation, except the term "grain" shall not include those commodities deemed not to be grain pursuant to section 411. See Missouri Laws 411.026
  • Person: means and includes any individual, firm, partnership, exchange, association, trustee, receiver, corporation, cooperative, society, public body, political subdivision, or any other business or commercial entity or organization of any kind whatsoever, and any member, officer or employee thereof. See Missouri Laws 411.026
  • United States: includes such district and territories. See Missouri Laws 1.020

No person shall be eligible to hold the office of chief inspector or inspector unless he has passed the examinations of the United States Secretary of Agriculture required for the issuing of a license to inspect and grade those grains designated by the director for which standards are provided under the provisions of an act of Congress known as “The United States Grain Standards Act”.