Nevada Revised Statutes 242.211 – Fund for Information Services: Creation; source and use
1. The Fund for Information Services is hereby created as an internal service fund. Money from the Fund must be paid out on claims as other claims against the State are paid. The claims must be made in accordance with budget allotments and are subject to postaudit examination and approval.
2. All operating, maintenance, rental, repair and replacement costs of equipment and all salaries of personnel assigned to the Office must be paid from the Fund.
3. Each agency using the services of the Office shall pay a fee for that use to the Fund, which must be set by the Chief in an amount sufficient to reimburse the Office for the entire cost of providing those services, including overhead. Each using agency shall budget for those services. All fees, proceeds from the sale of equipment and any other money received by the Office must be deposited with the State Treasurer for credit to the Fund.