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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes 17B:24-2

  • Annuity: A periodic (usually annual) payment of a fixed sum of money for either the life of the recipient or for a fixed number of years. A series of payments under a contract from an insurance company, a trust company, or an individual. Annuity payments are made at regular intervals over a period of more than one full year.
  • Beneficiary: A person who is entitled to receive the benefits or proceeds of a will, trust, insurance policy, retirement plan, annuity, or other contract. Source: OCC
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
  • person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals, unless restricted by the context to an individual as distinguished from a corporate entity or specifically restricted to one or some of the above enumerated synonyms and, when used to designate the owner of property which may be the subject of an offense, includes this State, the United States, any other State of the United States as defined infra and any foreign country or government lawfully owning or possessing property within this State. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
a. Any minor not less than 15 years of age may, notwithstanding such minority, contract for annuities or for insurance, or affirm by novation or otherwise pre-existing contracts for annuities or insurance, upon his own life, body or health, or upon the life, body or health of another person in whom the minor has an insurable interest.

b. Any minor not less than 15 years of age may, notwithstanding such minority, acquire ownership of and exercise every right, privilege and power with respect to or under any contract of annuity or insurance upon the life, body or health of such minor or of another person, whether or not such contract was applied for by such minor.

A minor shall be deemed competent to receive and give full acquittance for any payment made by any insurer under the provisions and options of, or under a settlement agreement arising from, any contract of annuity or insurance in which a minor has acquired any interest, or is a beneficiary as follows:

(1) As to a minor not less than 15 years of age–a payment or payments in aggregate not exceeding $2,000.00 in any 1 calendar year, or,

(2) As to a minor not less than 18 years of age–a payment or payments in aggregate not exceeding $5,000.00 in any 1 calendar year;

provided that prior to any such payment to a minor the insurer has not received at its home office written notice of the appointment of a duly qualified guardian of the property of the minor. A minor shall not be deemed competent to alienate the right to or to anticipate or commute such payment. A minor shall not by reason of his minority, be entitled to rescind, avoid or repudiate such a contract or any exercise of a right, privilege or power, or acquittance given, thereunder; except that a minor not otherwise emancipated shall not be bound by any unperformed agreement to pay, by promissory note or otherwise, any premium on any such annuity or insurance contract.

c. The provisions of this section shall not be deemed as requiring any insurance company making such payment to determine whether any other insurance company may be effecting a similar payment to the same minor.

L.1971, c. 144, s. 17B:24-2