§ 48:3-1 Unjust or unreasonable discriminations or classifications of rates; “board” defined
§ 48:3-2 Unjust or unreasonable regulations
§ 48:3-2.1 Interest on utility overpayments
§ 48:3-2.2 Notice to customers
§ 48:3-2.3 Assessment of late charge on unpaid utility bill, conditions
§ 48:3-3 Improper service; refusal or withholding of service
§ 48:3-3.1 Refusal to furnish service for nonpayment of bill by previous occupant prohibited
§ 48:3-4 Undue preferences
§ 48:3-4.1 Reduced fare for transporting persons over age 65
§ 48:3-5 Capitalizing franchises or contracts for consolidation
§ 48:3-6 Gratuities to public officials
§ 48:3-7 Utility property transactions
§ 48:3-7.1 Certain contracts between public utilities and corporations or persons owning or controlling utility stock; approval of board; disapproval
§ 48:3-7.2 Loans to corporations or persons owning or controlling public utility stock; approval of board required
§ 48:3-7.3 Investment of depreciation fund in certain securities; approval of board
§ 48:3-7.4 Depreciation fund investments kept in state
§ 48:3-7.5 Disposition of certain depreciation fund investments; board may order
§ 48:3-7.6 Balance of depreciation fund to be deposited within state
§ 48:3-7.7 Certain railroads exempt
§ 48:3-7.8 Regulations applicable to public utilities
§ 48:3-7.9 Designation of agent
§ 48:3-7.10 Superior Court, chancery division, to enforce compliance
§ 48:3-7.11 Service of process to produce records
§ 48:3-7.12 Railroads and railway express exempt
§ 48:3-7.13 Transportation of motor vehicles, trailers, etc.; unlawful agreements and charges; violation as misdemeanor
§ 48:3-9 Security transactions
§ 48:3-10 Sale or transfer of stock unless authorized by board prohibited; exceptions
§ 48:3-11 Article to govern granting of consents; “street” defined
§ 48:3-110 Definitions relative to certain electric generation facilities
§ 48:3-111 Connection with distribution network
§ 48:3-111.1 Electric public utility, authorize, installation, operation, meter collar adapter, conditions; definitions
§ 48:3-112 Net metering, rate
§ 48:3-113 Standby charge
§ 48:3-114 Findings, declarations relative to certain solar energy projects
§ 48:3-115 SREC-II program
§ 48:3-116 Development of small solar facilities incentive program
§ 48:3-117 Solicitation process for awarding contracts
§ 48:3-118 Requirements for solar electric power generation facilities receiving SREC-II grants
§ 48:3-119 Siting criteria required to commence operation
§ 48:3-12 Petition; contents
§ 48:3-13 Notice; publication
§ 48:3-14 Notice; contents
§ 48:3-15 Grant by ordinance; fifty-year limit
§ 48:3-16 Acceptance of ordinance granting consent to be filed
§ 48:3-17 Construction; exceptions
§ 48:3-17a Public utility pole or underground facility placement; municipal consent required; procedures, enforcement
§ 48:3-17.1 Presumption from occupancy; action for removal of poles barred in 10 years
§ 48:3-17.2 Definitions
§ 48:3-17.3 Recording of grants; effect as constructive notice
§ 48:3-17.3a Notice of development applications
§ 48:3-17.4 Effect of act on previously granted easement rights
§ 48:3-17.5 Effective date
§ 48:3-17.6 Authority to take property
§ 48:3-17.7 Necessity; application; notice and hearing; rules and regulations
§ 48:3-17.8 Taking of state property prohibited
§ 48:3-17.9 Definitions
§ 48:3-17.10 Notice to landowner before entry
§ 48:3-17.11 Definitions relative to public utility infrastructure projects
§ 48:3-17.12 Notification of infrastructure project plan to local unit, local utility service area; examination of underground utility facility
§ 48:3-17.13 Notification of public utilities; examination of underground utility facility
§ 48:3-17.14 Rules, regulations
§ 48:3-18 Agreements
§ 48:3-19 Municipal consent
§ 48:3-20 Powers, rights and franchises not impaired
§ 48:3-20.1 Franchise not to lapse on death of holder; transfer by estate with consent of board
§ 48:3-20.2 Designation of agent to act for estate
§ 48:3-21 Sale of property and franchises of gas, water, or gas and water companies; purchasers constituted corporation; powers
§ 48:3-22 Filing certificate of organization; copy as evidence
§ 48:3-23 Sale of railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge or plank road company; purchasers constituted corporation; powers
§ 48:3-24 Meeting of purchasers for organization of new corporation; procedure; stock and bonds
§ 48:3-25 Certificate of organization; filing; prior liens not affected
§ 48:3-26 Number of directors of new company
§ 48:3-27 Railroad, canal or turnpike lying partly within and partly without state
§ 48:3-28 Receivers or trustees for insolvent companies; appointment; sale or lease of property
§ 48:3-29 Sale or lease of property and franchises by receiver; exception
§ 48:3-30 Time-tables to conform to standard time
§ 48:3-31 Passes to officers and employees and their families; “employees” defined
§ 48:3-32 Free transportation of police; deduction from franchise tax
§ 48:3-33 Service dogs permitted on bus, public utility
§ 48:3-34 Transportation as one fare
§ 48:3-35 Overcharges; penalty; recovery
§ 48:3-36 Ticket agents; certificate of authority; selling without certificate; penalty
§ 48:3-37 Redemption of unused tickets
§ 48:3-38 Police for railroad, street railway, canal or steamboat companies
§ 48:3-42 Identification badges; necessity for employees for collections or reading meters
§ 48:3-43 Size, form of badge
§ 48:3-44 Issuance of new identification badge
§ 48:3-45 Improper use of public utility employee identification badge, fourth degree crime
§ 48:3-46 Failure to issue identification badge by public utility; penalty
§ 48:3-47 Failure to wear identification badge; penalty; collection of penalties
§ 48:3-48 Notification of customers
§ 48:3-49 Short title
§ 48:3-50 Findings, declarations relative to competition in the electric power and gas industries
§ 48:3-51 Definitions relative to competition in certain industries
§ 48:3-52 Electric public utilities, unbundled rate schedules
§ 48:3-53 Provision of retail choice of electric power suppliers
§ 48:3-54 Offering of customer account services on regulated basis
§ 48:3-55 Competitive service to retail customers requires board approval
§ 48:3-56 Board shall not regulate, fix, prescribe certain aspects of competitive services
§ 48:3-57 Electric public utility to provide basic generation service; Retail Margin Fund, use; report
§ 48:3-58 Gas public utilities, unbundled rate schedules
§ 48:3-59 Requirements for electric public utility after retail choice
§ 48:3-60 Societal benefits charge by public utility; “Universal Service Fund.”
§ 48:3-60.1 Imposition of certain charges by gas public utilities prohibited
§ 48:3-60.2 BPU to provide equal opportunity for certain types of funding incentives for businesses
§ 48:3-60.3 Credit against societal benefits charge permitted
§ 48:3-60.4 Certain energy incentives available Statewide
§ 48:3-61 Market transition charge for stranded costs
§ 48:3-62 Authorization for issuance of transition bonds
§ 48:3-63 Proceeds of transition bonds not considered income to utility; tax consequences of sale of assets
§ 48:3-64 Bondable stranded costs rate orders
§ 48:3-65 Orders become irrevocable upon issuance
§ 48:3-66 State pledge to holders of transition bonds; orders not pledge of State’s credit
§ 48:3-67 Customers assessed for transition bond charges
§ 48:3-68 Effectiveness of bondable stranded costs rate order
§ 48:3-69 Recourse against issuer only
§ 48:3-70 Electric public utility to maintain records of transition bond charges
§ 48:3-71 Issuance of transition bonds; security
§ 48:3-72 Transfer of bondable transition property
§ 48:3-73 Successor to electric public utility
§ 48:3-74 Application for bondable stranded costs rate order not required
§ 48:3-75 Expedited judicial review of bondable stranded costs rate orders
§ 48:3-76 Bondable transition property constitutes an account
§ 48:3-77 Charges for sale, delivery of power to off-site customer
§ 48:3-77.1 Utilization of locally franchised public utility electric distribution infrastructure
§ 48:3-78 Electric power supplier license
§ 48:3-79 Gas supplier license
§ 48:3-80 Investigative powers of board relative to suppliers
§ 48:3-81 Revocation, suspension, refusal to issue, renew supplier’s license
§ 48:3-82 Additional remedies
§ 48:3-83 Violations, penalties
§ 48:3-84 Rights, remedies, prohibitions; cumulative
§ 48:3-85 Consumer protection standards
§ 48:3-86 “Slamming” prevention; penalties
§ 48:3-87 Environmental disclosure requirements; standards; rules
§ 48:3-87.1 Application to construct offshore wind project
§ 48:3-87.2 Approval of project by board
§ 48:3-87.2a Findings, declarations
§ 48:3-87.2b Definitions
§ 48:3-87.2c Qualified offshore wind project, elect, retain, incremental federal tax benefits
§ 48:3-87.2d Eligible qualified offshore wind project, retain, incremental federal tax benefits, file, compliance
§ 48:3-87.2e Severability
§ 48:3-87.2f Eligible qualified offshore wind project, retain, incremental federal tax benefits, report
§ 48:3-87.3 Findings, declarations relative to nuclear energy
§ 48:3-87.4 Definitions relative to nuclear energy
§ 48:3-87.5 Information included with application; certification
§ 48:3-87.6 Study by BPU to evaluate efficacy of program
§ 48:3-87.7 Severability
§ 48:3-87.8 Energy storage analysis; report
§ 48:3-87.9 Public utility to reduce use of electricity, natural gas in territory
§ 48:3-87.10 Study to determine optimal voltage; benchmark energy and water use for certain commercial buildings
§ 48:3-87.11 “Community Solar Energy Pilot Program”; rules, regulations
§ 48:3-87.12 Application, approval process
§ 48:3-87.13 Rules, regulations for “Dual-Use Solar Energy Pilot Program.”
§ 48:3-87.14 Definitions; recycled, recovered materials manufacturing facility, exemption from renewable energy portfolio standards obligations
§ 48:3-88 Status of municipal systems, rural electric cooperatives, definition
§ 48:3-89 Aggregator contracts; bundling restriction; tax treatment
§ 48:3-90 Registration of private aggregator
§ 48:3-91 Government aggregator
§ 48:3-91.1 Written contract for procurement of certain electric and gas services for State or local government or aggregator
§ 48:3-91.2 Request for inclusion in proposed contract
§ 48:3-91.3 Determination of best contract for services; alternative forms of bidding; administrative fee
§ 48:3-91.4 Provision in contract for additional locations, facilities of government
§ 48:3-91.5 Regulations
§ 48:3-91.6 Contracts for provision of alternative electrical energy systems; inclusion of local units in State contract, certain conditions; definitions
§ 48:3-92 Government energy aggregation programs
§ 48:3-93.1 Establishment, operation of government energy aggregation program
§ 48:3-93.2 Rules, regulations relative to government energy aggregation
§ 48:3-93.3 Contributions to campaign committees, candidates, office holders; restrictions; enforcement
§ 48:3-94 Operation of government energy aggregation program
§ 48:3-95 Rule adoptions by board
§ 48:3-96 Standards for inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement of electric equipment, facilities
§ 48:3-96.1 Electronic billing, payment by BPU customers, certain circumstances
§ 48:3-97 Construction of act relative to DOT, DEP
§ 48:3-98 Effective date; retroactivity
§ 48:3-98.1 Electric, gas public utilities energy efficiency and conservation programs, investments, cost recovery; terms defined
§ 48:3-98.2 Findings, declarations relative to a long-term capacity agreement pilot program to promote construction of qualified electric generation facilities
§ 48:3-98.3 Initiation, completion of schedule to support commencement of LCAPP
§ 48:3-98.4 Challenged provisions; final resolution
§ 48:3-98.5 Switching between certain providers
§ 48:3-99 Definitions relative to energy efficiency
§ 48:3-100 Applicability of act
§ 48:3-101 Rules, regulations establishing minimum energy efficiency standards
§ 48:3-102 Compliance of new products with standards, time
§ 48:3-103 Procedures for testing energy efficiency of new products
§ 48:3-104 Periodic inspections of distributors, retailers
§ 48:3-105 Investigations of complaints; violations, penalties
§ 48:3-106 Further regulations
§ 48:3-106.1 Definitions
§ 48:3-106.2 School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund
§ 48:3-106.3 Modifications to law, regulation that may interfere with expedited award
§ 48:3-106.4 SSBVEEVR program
§ 48:3-106.5 Administration of School and Small Business Noncompliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance Program
§ 48:3-106.6 Rules, regulations
§ 48:3-107 Program for certification of persons who install renewable energy devices in buildings; fee schedule; rules, regulations
§ 48:3-108 Standard request for proposal
§ 48:3-109 BPU designated as responsible agency
§ 48:3-120 Report to Governor, Legislature
§ 48:3-121 Qualified solar electric power generation facility, tolling event, deadline, extension, conditions; definitions

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Terms Used In New Jersey Statutes > Title 48 > Chapter 3 - Unjust or Unreasonable Discriminations or Classifications of Rates; "Board" Defined

  • Affidavit: A written statement of facts confirmed by the oath of the party making it, before a notary or officer having authority to administer oaths.
  • Amendment: A proposal to alter the text of a pending bill or other measure by striking out some of it, by inserting new language, or both. Before an amendment becomes part of the measure, thelegislature must agree to it.
  • Amortization: Paying off a loan by regular installments.
  • Appeal: A request made after a trial, asking another court (usually the court of appeals) to decide whether the trial was conducted properly. To make such a request is "to appeal" or "to take an appeal." One who appeals is called the appellant.
  • Appellate: About appeals; an appellate court has the power to review the judgement of another lower court or tribunal.
  • Appropriation: The provision of funds, through an annual appropriations act or a permanent law, for federal agencies to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. The formal federal spending process consists of two sequential steps: authorization
  • Assets: (1) The property comprising the estate of a deceased person, or (2) the property in a trust account.
  • Attachment: A procedure by which a person's property is seized to pay judgments levied by the court.
  • Bankruptcy: Refers to statutes and judicial proceedings involving persons or businesses that cannot pay their debts and seek the assistance of the court in getting a fresh start. Under the protection of the bankruptcy court, debtors may discharge their debts, perhaps by paying a portion of each debt. Bankruptcy judges preside over these proceedings.
  • collector: when used in relation to the collection of taxes or water rents or other public assessments, includes all officers charged with the duty of collecting such taxes, water rents or assessments, unless a particular officer is specified. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Common law: The legal system that originated in England and is now in use in the United States. It is based on judicial decisions rather than legislative action.
  • Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
  • Concurrent resolution: A legislative measure, designated "S. Con. Res." and numbered consecutively upon introduction, generally employed to address the sentiments of both chambers, to deal with issues or matters affecting both houses, such as a concurrent budget resolution, or to create a temporary joint committee. Concurrent resolutions are not submitted to the President/Governor and thus do not have the force of law.
  • Continuance: Putting off of a hearing ot trial until a later time.
  • Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
  • Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
  • Corporation: A legal entity owned by the holders of shares of stock that have been issued, and that can own, receive, and transfer property, and carry on business in its own name.
  • Damages: Money paid by defendants to successful plaintiffs in civil cases to compensate the plaintiffs for their injuries.
  • Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
  • Devise: To gift property by will.
  • Donor: The person who makes a gift.
  • Escrow: Money given to a third party to be held for payment until certain conditions are met.
  • Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case for one side or the other.
  • Fair market value: The price at which an asset would change hands in a transaction between a willing, informed buyer and a willing, informed seller.
  • Fiscal year: The fiscal year is the accounting period for the government. For the federal government, this begins on October 1 and ends on September 30. The fiscal year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; for example, fiscal year 2006 begins on October 1, 2005 and ends on September 30, 2006.
  • Fixed Rate: Having a "fixed" rate means that the APR doesn't change based on fluctuations of some external rate (such as the "Prime Rate"). In other words, a fixed rate is a rate that is not a variable rate. A fixed APR can change over time, in several circumstances:
    • You are late making a payment or commit some other default, triggering an increase to a penalty rate
    • The bank changes the terms of your account and you do not reject the change.
    • The rate expires (if the rate was fixed for only a certain period of time).
  • Foreclosure: A legal process in which property that is collateral or security for a loan may be sold to help repay the loan when the loan is in default. Source: OCC
  • Fraud: Intentional deception resulting in injury to another.
  • Injunction: An order of the court prohibiting (or compelling) the performance of a specific act to prevent irreparable damage or injury.
  • Interest rate: The amount paid by a borrower to a lender in exchange for the use of the lender's money for a certain period of time. Interest is paid on loans or on debt instruments, such as notes or bonds, either at regular intervals or as part of a lump sum payment when the issue matures. Source: OCC
  • Joint committee: Committees including membership from both houses of teh legislature. Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation.
  • Jurisdiction: (1) The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when two courts have simultaneous responsibility for the same case. (2) The geographic area over which the court has authority to decide cases.
  • Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
  • Liabilities: The aggregate of all debts and other legal obligations of a particular person or legal entity.
  • Lien: A claim against real or personal property in satisfaction of a debt.
  • month: means a calendar month, and the word "year" means a calendar year. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Mortgage: The written agreement pledging property to a creditor as collateral for a loan.
  • Mortgagee: The person to whom property is mortgaged and who has loaned the money.
  • Nolo contendere: No contest-has the same effect as a plea of guilty, as far as the criminal sentence is concerned, but may not be considered as an admission of guilt for any other purpose.
  • Oath: A promise to tell the truth.
  • oath: includes "affirmation. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Obligation: An order placed, contract awarded, service received, or similar transaction during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.
  • Oversight: Committee review of the activities of a Federal agency or program.
  • Partnership: A voluntary contract between two or more persons to pool some or all of their assets into a business, with the agreement that there will be a proportional sharing of profits and losses.
  • person: includes corporations, companies, associations, societies, firms, partnerships and joint stock companies as well as individuals, unless restricted by the context to an individual as distinguished from a corporate entity or specifically restricted to one or some of the above enumerated synonyms and, when used to designate the owner of property which may be the subject of an offense, includes this State, the United States, any other State of the United States as defined infra and any foreign country or government lawfully owning or possessing property within this State. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Plea: In a criminal case, the defendant's statement pleading "guilty" or "not guilty" in answer to the charges, a declaration made in open court.
  • Real property: Land, and all immovable fixtures erected on, growing on, or affixed to the land.
  • real property: include lands, tenements and hereditaments and all rights thereto and interests therein. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Recourse: An arrangement in which a bank retains, in form or in substance, any credit risk directly or indirectly associated with an asset it has sold (in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles) that exceeds a pro rata share of the bank's claim on the asset. If a bank has no claim on an asset it has sold, then the retention of any credit risk is recourse. Source: FDIC
  • registered mail: include "certified mail". See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Remainder: An interest in property that takes effect in the future at a specified time or after the occurrence of some event, such as the death of a life tenant.
  • Service of process: The service of writs or summonses to the appropriate party.
  • State: extends to and includes any State, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Statute: A law passed by a legislature.
  • Subpoena: A command to a witness to appear and give testimony.
  • sworn: includes "affirmed. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • territory: extends to and includes any territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia and the Canal Zone. See New Jersey Statutes 1:1-2
  • Trustee: A person or institution holding and administering property in trust.
  • Uniform Commercial Code: A set of statutes enacted by the various states to provide consistency among the states' commercial laws. It includes negotiable instruments, sales, stock transfers, trust and warehouse receipts, and bills of lading. Source: OCC
  • Variable Rate: Having a "variable" rate means that the APR changes from time to time based on fluctuations in an external rate, normally the Prime Rate. This external rate is known as the "index." If the index changes, the variable rate normally changes. Also see Fixed Rate.