Ohio Code 2151.33 – Temporary care – emergency medical treatment – reimbursement
(A) Pending hearing of a complaint filed under section 2151.27 of the Revised Code or a motion filed or made under division (B) of this section and the service of citations, the juvenile court may make any temporary disposition of any child that it considers necessary to protect the best interest of the child and that can be made pursuant to division (B) of this section. Upon the certificate of one or more reputable practicing physicians, the court may summarily provide for emergency medical and surgical treatment that appears to be immediately necessary to preserve the health and well-being of any child concerning whom a complaint or an application for care has been filed, pending the service of a citation upon the child’s parents, guardian, or custodian. The court may order the parents, guardian, or custodian, if the court finds the parents, guardian, or custodian able to do so, to reimburse the court for the expense involved in providing the emergency medical or surgical treatment. Any person who disobeys the order for reimbursement may be adjudged in contempt of court and punished accordingly.
Terms Used In Ohio Code 2151.33
- Adult: means an individual who is eighteen years of age or older. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Child: means a person who is under eighteen years of age, except that the juvenile court has jurisdiction over any person who is adjudicated an unruly child prior to attaining eighteen years of age until the person attains twenty-one years of age, and, for purposes of that jurisdiction related to that adjudication, a person who is so adjudicated an unruly child shall be deemed a "child" until the person attains twenty-one years of age. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Complaint: A written statement by the plaintiff stating the wrongs allegedly committed by the defendant.
- Counseling: includes both of the following:
(a) General counseling services performed by a public children services agency or shelter for victims of domestic violence to assist a child, a child's parents, and a child's siblings in alleviating identified problems that may cause or have caused the child to be an abused, neglected, or dependent child. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Custodian: means a person who has legal custody of a child or a public children services agency or private child placing agency that has permanent, temporary, or legal custody of a child. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Dependent: A person dependent for support upon another.
- Guardian: A person legally empowered and charged with the duty of taking care of and managing the property of another person who because of age, intellect, or health, is incapable of managing his (her) own affairs.
- Guardian: means a person, association, or corporation that is granted authority by a probate court pursuant to Chapter 2111 of the Revised Code to exercise parental rights over a child to the extent provided in the court's order and subject to the residual parental rights of the child's parents. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Juvenile court: means whichever of the following is applicable that has jurisdiction under this chapter and Chapter 2152 of the Revised Code:
(a) The division of the court of common pleas specified in section 2101. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Person: means an individual, association, corporation, or partnership and the state or any of its political subdivisions, departments, or agencies. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Private child placing agency: means any association, as defined in section 5103. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Settlement: Parties to a lawsuit resolve their difference without having a trial. Settlements often involve the payment of compensation by one party in satisfaction of the other party's claims.
- Shelter: means the temporary care of children in physically unrestricted facilities pending court adjudication or disposition. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Temporary custody: means legal custody of a child who is removed from the child's home, which custody may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the court or, if the legal custody is granted in an agreement for temporary custody, by the person who executed the agreement. See Ohio Code 2151.011
- Writ: A formal written command, issued from the court, requiring the performance of a specific act.
If the emergency medical or surgical treatment is furnished to a child who is found at the hearing to be a nonresident of the county in which the court is located and if the expense of the medical or surgical treatment cannot be recovered from the parents, legal guardian, or custodian of the child, the board of county commissioners of the county in which the child has a legal settlement shall reimburse the court for the reasonable cost of the emergency medical or surgical treatment out of its general fund.
(B)(1) After a complaint, petition, writ, or other document initiating a case dealing with an alleged or adjudicated abused, neglected, or dependent child is filed and upon the filing or making of a motion pursuant to division (C) of this section, the court, prior to the final disposition of the case, may issue any of the following temporary orders to protect the best interest of the child:
(a) An order granting temporary custody of the child to a particular party;
(b) An order for the taking of the child into custody pursuant to section 2151.31 of the Revised Code pending the outcome of the adjudicatory and dispositional hearings;
(c) An order granting, limiting, or eliminating parenting time or visitation rights with respect to the child;
(d) An order requiring a party to vacate a residence that will be lawfully occupied by the child;
(e) An order requiring a party to attend an appropriate counseling program that is reasonably available to that party;
(f) Any other order that restrains or otherwise controls the conduct of any party which conduct would not be in the best interest of the child.
(2) Prior to the final disposition of a case subject to division (B)(1) of this section, the court shall do both of the following:
(a) Issue an order pursuant to Chapters 3119. to 3125. of the Revised Code requiring the parents, guardian, or person charged with the child’s support to pay support for the child.
(b) Issue an order requiring the parents, guardian, or person charged with the child’s support to continue to maintain any health insurance coverage for the child that existed at the time of the filing of the complaint, petition, writ, or other document, or to obtain health insurance coverage in accordance with sections 3119.29 to 3119.56 of the Revised Code.
(C)(1) A court may issue an order pursuant to division (B) of this section upon its own motion or if a party files a written motion or makes an oral motion requesting the issuance of the order and stating the reasons for it. Any notice sent by the court as a result of a motion pursuant to this division shall contain a notice that any party to a juvenile proceeding has the right to be represented by counsel and to have appointed counsel if the person is indigent.
(2) If a child is taken into custody pursuant to section 2151.31 of the Revised Code and placed in shelter care, the public children services agency or private child placing agency with which the child is placed in shelter care shall file or make a motion as described in division (C)(1) of this section before the end of the next day immediately after the date on which the child was taken into custody and, at a minimum, shall request an order for temporary custody under division (B)(1)(a) of this section.
(3) A court that issues an order pursuant to division (B)(1)(b) of this section shall comply with section 2151.419 of the Revised Code.
(D) The court may grant an ex parte order upon its own motion or a motion filed or made pursuant to division (C) of this section requesting such an order if it appears to the court that the best interest and the welfare of the child require that the court issue the order immediately. The court, if acting on its own motion, or the person requesting the granting of an ex parte order, to the extent possible, shall give notice of its intent or of the request to the parents, guardian, or custodian of the child who is the subject of the request. If the court issues an ex parte order, the court shall hold a hearing to review the order within seventy-two hours after it is issued or before the end of the next day after the day on which it is issued, whichever occurs first. The court shall give written notice of the hearing to all parties to the action and shall appoint a guardian ad litem for the child prior to the hearing.
The written notice shall be given by all means that are reasonably likely to result in the party receiving actual notice and shall include all of the following:
(1) The date, time, and location of the hearing;
(2) The issues to be addressed at the hearing;
(3) A statement that every party to the hearing has a right to counsel and to court-appointed counsel, if the party is indigent;
(4) The name, telephone number, and address of the person requesting the order;
(5) A copy of the order, except when it is not possible to obtain it because of the exigent circumstances in the case.
If the court does not grant an ex parte order pursuant to a motion filed or made pursuant to division (C) of this section or its own motion, the court shall hold a shelter care hearing on the motion within ten days after the motion is filed. The court shall give notice of the hearing to all affected parties in the same manner as set forth in the Juvenile Rules.
(E) The court, pending the outcome of the adjudicatory and dispositional hearings, shall not issue an order granting temporary custody of a child to a public children services agency or private child placing agency pursuant to this section, unless the court determines and specifically states in the order that the continued residence of the child in the child’s current home will be contrary to the child’s best interest and welfare and the court complies with section 2151.419 of the Revised Code.
(F) Each public children services agency and private child placing agency that receives temporary custody of a child pursuant to this section shall exercise due diligence to identify and provide notice to all adult grandparents and other adult relatives of the child, including any adult relatives suggested by the parents, within thirty days of the child’s removal from the custody of the child’s parents, in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 671(a)(29). The agency shall also maintain in the child’s case record written documentation that it has placed the child, to the extent that it is consistent with the best interest, welfare, and special needs of the child, in the most family-like setting available and in close proximity to the home of the parents, custodian, or guardian of the child.
(G) For good cause shown, any court order that is issued pursuant to this section may be reviewed by the court at any time upon motion of any party to the action or upon the motion of the court.
(H)(1) Pending the hearing of a complaint filed under section 2151.27 of the Revised Code or a motion filed or made under division (B) of this section and the service of citations, a public children services agency may request that the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation conduct a criminal records check with respect to each parent, guardian, custodian, prospective custodian, or prospective placement whose actions resulted in a temporary disposition under division (A) of this section. The public children services agency may request that the superintendent obtain information from the federal bureau of investigation as part of the criminal records check of each parent, guardian, custodian, prospective custodian, or prospective placement.
(2) Each public children services agency authorized by division (H) of this section to request a criminal records check shall do both of the following:
(a) Provide to each parent, guardian, custodian, prospective custodian, or prospective placement for whom a criminal records check is requested a copy of the form prescribed pursuant to division (C)(1) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code and a standard fingerprint impression sheet prescribed pursuant to division (C)(2) of that section and obtain the completed form and impression sheet from the parent, guardian, custodian, prospective custodian, or prospective placement;
(b) Forward the completed form and impression sheet to the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation.
(3) A parent, guardian, custodian, prospective custodian, or prospective placement who is given a form and fingerprint impression sheet under division (H)(2)(a) of this section and who fails to complete the form or provide fingerprint impressions may be held in contempt of court.