Ohio Code 2152.42 – Superintendent and other employees of facility
(A) Any detention facility established under section 2152.41 of the Revised Code shall be under the direction of a superintendent. The superintendent shall be appointed by, and under the direction of, the judge or judges or, for a district facility, the board of trustees of the facility. The superintendent serves at the pleasure of the juvenile court or, in a district detention facility, at the pleasure of the board of trustees.
Terms Used In Ohio Code 2152.42
- Bond: includes an undertaking. See Ohio Code 1.02
- Person: includes an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, and association. See Ohio Code 1.59
- Property: means real and personal property. See Ohio Code 1.59
Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before commencing work as superintendent, the person appointed shall obtain a bond, with sufficient surety, conditioned upon the full and faithful accounting of the funds and properties under the superintendent’s control.
The superintendent, under the supervision and subject to the rules and regulations of the board, shall control, manage, operate, and have general charge of the facility and shall have the custody of its property, files, and records.
(B) For a county facility, the superintendent shall appoint all employees of the facility, who shall be in the unclassified civil service. The salaries shall be paid as provided by section 2151.13 of the Revised Code for other employees of the court, and the necessary expenses incurred in maintaining the facility shall be paid by the county.
For a district facility, the superintendent shall appoint other employees of the facility and fix their compensation, subject to approval of the board of trustees. Employees of a district facility, except for the superintendent, shall be in the classified civil service.
(C) During the school year, when possible, a comparable educational program with competent and trained staff shall be provided for children of school age who are in the facility. A sufficient number of trained recreational personnel shall be included among the staff. Medical and mental health services shall be made available.