Ohio Code 3701.84 – Plan for reduction of tobacco use
(A) The department of health shall prepare a plan to reduce tobacco use by Ohioans, with emphasis on reducing the use of tobacco by youth, minority and regional populations, pregnant women, medicaid recipients, and others who may be disproportionately affected by the use of tobacco. The department shall make copies of the plan available to the public.
Terms Used In Ohio Code 3701.84
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- state: means the state of Ohio. See Ohio Code 1.59
(B) The plan shall do both of the following:
(1) Take into account the increasing use of electronic health records by health care providers and expanded health insurance coverage for tobacco cessation products and services;
(2) Require the department to collaborate with community organizations in the urban and rural communities specified in rules adopted under section 3701.142 of the Revised Code for the purpose of helping them succeed in securing grants from the moms quit for two grant program created under Section 289.33 of Am. Sub. H.B. 64 of the 131st general assembly and other tobacco cessation grant programs.
(C) The plan may provide for periodic surveys to measure tobacco use and behavior toward tobacco use by Ohioans.
(D) The plan may describe youth tobacco consumption prevention programs to be eligible for consideration for grants from the department and may set forth the criteria by which applications for grants for such programs will be considered by the department. Programs eligible for consideration may include:
( 1) Media campaigns directed to youth to prevent underage tobacco consumption;
( 2) School-based education programs to prevent youth tobacco consumption;
( 3) Community-based youth programs involving youth tobacco consumption prevention through general youth development;
( 4) Retailer education and compliance efforts to prevent youth tobacco consumption;
( 5) Mentoring programs designed to prevent or reduce tobacco use by students.
(E) Pursuant to the plan, the department may carry out, or provide funding for private or public agencies to carry out, research and programs related to tobacco use prevention and cessation. If the department provides such funding, the department shall establish an objective process to determine which research and program proposals to fund. When appropriate, proposals for research shall be peer-reviewed. No program shall be carried out or funded by the department unless there is research that indicates that the program is likely to achieve the results desired. All research and programs funded by the department shall be goal-oriented and independently and objectively evaluated annually on whether it is meeting its goals. The department shall contract for such evaluations and shall adopt rules under Chapter 119 of the Revised Code regarding conflicts of interest in the research and programs it funds.
The department shall endeavor to coordinate its research and programs with the efforts of other agencies of this state to reduce tobacco use by Ohioans. Any state agency that conducts a survey that measures tobacco use or behavior toward tobacco use by Ohioans shall share the results of the survey with the department.
(F) The department may adopt rules under Chapter 119 of the Revised Code as necessary to implement this section.