The state board of pharmacy shall appoint a home medical equipment services advisory council for the purpose of advising the board on issues relating to providing home medical equipment services. The advisory council shall consist of not more than seven individuals knowledgeable in the provision of home medical equipment services.

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Terms Used In Ohio Code 4752.24

  • Home medical equipment: means equipment that can stand repeated use, is primarily and customarily used to serve a medical purpose, is not useful to a person in the absence of illness or injury, is appropriate for use in the home, and is one or more of the following:

    (1) Life-sustaining equipment prescribed by an authorized health care professional that mechanically sustains, restores, or supplants a vital bodily function, such as breathing;

    (2) Technologically sophisticated medical equipment prescribed by an authorized health care professional that requires individualized adjustment or regular maintenance by a home medical equipment services provider to maintain a patient's health care condition or the effectiveness of the equipment;

    (3) An item specified by the state board of pharmacy in rules adopted under division (B) of section 4752. See Ohio Code 4752.01

  • Home medical equipment services: means the sale, delivery, installation, maintenance, replacement, or demonstration of home medical equipment. See Ohio Code 4752.01
  • state: means the state of Ohio. See Ohio Code 1.59

Not later than ninety days after the effective date of this section, the board shall make initial appointments to the council. Members shall serve three-year staggered terms of office in accordance with rules adopted by the board.

With approval from the director of administrative services, members may receive an amount fixed under division (J) of section 124.15 of the Revised Code for each day the member is performing the member’s official duties and be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing those duties.