(1) As used in this section:

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Terms Used In Oregon Statutes 215.255

(a) ‘Biofuel’ has the meaning given that term in ORS § 315.141.

(b) ‘Facility for the processing of farm products’ means a facility for:

(A) Processing farm crops, including the production of biofuel, if at least one-quarter of the farm crops come from the farm operation containing the facility; or

(B) Slaughtering, processing or selling poultry, poultry products, rabbits or rabbit products from the farm operation containing the facility and consistent with the licensing exemption for a person under ORS § 603.038 (2).

(c) ‘Processing area’ means the floor area of a building dedicated to farm product processing. ‘Processing area’ does not include the floor area designated for preparation, storage or other farm use.

(2) A county may allow a facility for the processing of farm products as a permitted use under ORS § 215.213 (1)(u) and ORS § 215.283 (1)(r) on land zoned for exclusive farm use, only if the facility:

(a) Uses less than 10,000 square feet for its processing area and complies with all applicable siting standards; or

(b) Notwithstanding any applicable siting standard, uses less than 2,500 square feet for its processing area.

(3) A county may not apply siting standards in a manner that prohibits the siting of a facility for the processing of farm products under subsection (2)(a) of this section. [2019 c.410 § 2; 2023 c.81 § 2]


215.255 was added to and made a part of ORS Chapter 215 by legislative action but was not added to any smaller series therein. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.


[Amended by 1955 c.652 § 3; repealed by 1957 s.s. c.11 § 4 (215.261 enacted in lieu of 215.260)]


[1957 s.s. c.11 § 5 (enacted in lieu of 215.260); repealed by 1963 c.619 § 16]