Oregon Statutes 354.430 – Authority of Department of Education; disposition of sale proceeds
The Department of Education may utilize its appropriate personnel and facilities and any funds made available to it:
Terms Used In Oregon Statutes 354.430
- Contract: A legal written agreement that becomes binding when signed.
- Lease: A contract transferring the use of property or occupancy of land, space, structures, or equipment in consideration of a payment (e.g., rent). Source: OCC
- State Treasury: includes those financial assets the lawful custody of which are vested in the State Treasurer and the office of the State Treasurer relating to the custody of those financial assets. See Oregon Statutes 174.100
(1) To stimulate interest by school districts in the appropriate use of educational television and radio and distance learning in the public schools.
(2) To plan and produce suitable educational television and radio and distance learning programs of direct instruction and instructional enrichment for pupils in the public schools.
(3) To cooperate with officials of state-operated educational television and radio stations and providers of distance learning programs in planning and producing suitable programs of direct teaching and instructional enrichment for the public schools.
(4) To assist local school districts in planning suitable programs of educational television and radio and distance learning for the public schools, and to cooperate with officials of state-operated educational television and radio stations and providers of distance learning programs in producing such programs.
(5) To employ personnel and pay expenses for services, materials, equipment and supplies necessary for the administration of ORS § 354.410 to 354.430.
(6) To contract for and pay for professional services utilized in the development and production of programs for educational television and radio and distance learning.
(7) To purchase, rent, lease or contract for use of filmed, taped or otherwise recorded educational television and radio or distance learning programs from available sources and to sell programs or to exchange them for others of a similar nature.
(8) All moneys received under subsection (7) of this section shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of the Department of Education and shall be used exclusively for the purposes authorized by this section. [1961 c.535 § 5; 1965 c.100 § 454; 1967 c.570 § 1; 1989 c.285 § 3]