South Carolina Code 50-5-1555. Commercial eel taking permits; conditions; penalty
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(A) The department may grant permits to licensed commercial saltwater or freshwater fishermen to engage in the fishery for eels in the waters of this State for commercial purposes. A person taking American eels for commercial purposes must first acquire a permit from the department.
(B) Permits granted under this section may be limited in number and may be conditioned so as to designate seasons, size limits, take or catch limits, hours, areas, fishing methods, type and amount of equipment, and catch reporting requirements.
Terms Used In South Carolina Code 50-5-1555
- Commercial purpose: means :
(a) being engaged in buying or selling fish;
(b) taking or attempting to take fish in order to derive income or other consideration;
(c) using commercial equipment; and
(d) otherwise being engaged in the fisheries industry with the intent to derive income. See South Carolina Code 50-5-15 - Conviction: A judgement of guilt against a criminal defendant.
- Department: means the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources unless otherwise stated. See South Carolina Code 50-5-15
- Fishing: means all activity and effort involved in taking or attempting to take fish. See South Carolina Code 50-5-15
- Person: means an individual, a partnership, a firm, a corporation, an association, or other legal entity. See South Carolina Code 50-21-10
- Take: means to harass intentionally, hunt, capture, gather, harvest, remove, catch, wound, or kill or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, gather, harvest, remove, catch, wound, or kill. See South Carolina Code 50-5-15
- Use: means operate, navigate, or employ. See South Carolina Code 50-21-10
(C) The department may define an approved fyke net for the taking of eels in the waters of this State and may permit and limit its use by means of permits granted under this section.
(D) A person who takes or attempts to take eels for a commercial purpose without first acquiring an eel permit is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than thirty days.