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Terms Used In Michigan Laws 290.643

  • Additive: means any substance in gasoline other than gasoline but does not include approved blending components, other than lead, sodium, and phosphate components, introduced at refineries or terminals as octane or product quality enhancers in quantities of less than 1% of volume. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • AKI: means an index number arrived at by adding the motor octane number and the research octane number, then dividing by 2. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • American society for testing and materials: means an international nonprofit scientific and educational society devoted to the promotion of knowledge of the materials of engineering and the standardization of specification and methods of testing. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Biodiesel: means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Biodiesel blend: means a fuel comprised of a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel, suitable for use as a fuel in a compression-ignition internal combustion diesel engine. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Department: means the department of agriculture. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Diesel fuel: means any liquid other than gasoline that is suitable for use as a fuel or a component of a fuel in a compression-ignition internal combustion diesel engine. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Director: means the director of the department of agriculture or his or her authorized representative. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Gasoline: means a volatile mixture of liquid hydrocarbons generally containing small amounts of additives suitable for use in spark-ignition internal combustion engines, and commonly or commercially known or sold as gasoline. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Hydrogen fuel: means a substance containing the chemical formula H2 that exists as a colorless, odorless, and highly flammable gas except at low cryogenic temperatures or when highly compressed that is gaseous or liquefied and suitable for use in a fuel cell or hydrogen fuel vehicle. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • MON: means a knock characteristic of gasoline determined by use of standard procedures on a motor engine. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • Oxygenate: means an oxygen-containing, ashless, organic compound, such as alcohol or ether, that may be used as fuel or fuel supplement. See Michigan Laws 290.642
  • state: when applied to the different parts of the United States, shall be construed to extend to and include the District of Columbia and the several territories belonging to the United States; and the words "United States" shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • United States: shall be construed to include the district and territories. See Michigan Laws 8.3o
  • vapor pressure: means the vapor pressure of gasoline or gasoline oxygenate blend as determined by ASTM test method D6378 or D5191 or an ASTM method approved by the department. See Michigan Laws 290.643
    (1) The director shall establish standards pursuant to this act to ensure the purity and quality of gasoline and diesel fuel sold or offered for sale in this state.
    (2) The director shall establish standards for the amount and type of additives allowed to be included in gasoline and diesel fuel.
    (3) The director shall establish standards for the grading of gasoline, including, but not limited to, subregular with a minimum 85 AKI, regular with a minimum 87 AKI and a minimum 82 MON, midgrade 88 with a minimum 88 AKI and a minimum 82 MON, midgrade 89 with a minimum 89 AKI and a minimum 83 MON, premium with a minimum 90 AKI, premium 91 with a minimum 91 AKI, premium 92 with a minimum 92 AKI, premium 93 with a minimum 93 AKI, and premium 94 with a minimum 94 AKI.
    (4) The director shall establish standards for vapor pressure as specified by the American society for testing and materials, except as otherwise required to conform to federal or state law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in section 10d, the director shall establish the vapor pressure as 9.0 pounds per square inch (psi) for retail outlets during the period beginning June 1 through September 15 of each year, except for dispensing facilities in counties where the director establishes the vapor pressure as 7.0 psi or 7.8 psi in the year 2007 and thereafter. As used in this act, “vapor pressure” means the vapor pressure of gasoline or gasoline oxygenate blend as determined by ASTM test method D6378 or D5191 or an ASTM method approved by the department.
    (5) In establishing additive and grading standards the director shall adopt the latest standards for gasoline established by the American society for testing and materials and shall adopt the latest standards for gasoline established by federal law or regulation. The standards established by the director shall not prohibit a gasoline blend that is permitted by a valid waiver granted by the United States environmental protection agency pursuant to the fuel or fuel additive waiver in section 211(f)(4) of part A of title II of the clean air act, 42 USC 7545, and the ethanol waiver of 1.0 psi in section 211(h)(4) of part A of title II of the clean air act, 42 USC 7545, if the gasoline blend meets all of the conditions set forth in the waiver. Beginning June 1, 2003, the director shall not permit the use of the additive methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in this state.
    (6) The director shall establish standards pursuant to this act to ensure the purity and quality of diesel fuel sold or offered for sale in this state. No later than June 1, 2009, the director shall make available for public comment proposed standards to ensure the purity and quality of diesel fuel that is biodiesel or a biodiesel blend, including, but not limited to, a biodiesel blend designated as B20.
    (7) Any firm offering hydrogen fuel for sale in this state shall first register with and obtain approval from the department. Registration shall include a complete list of the fuel specifications the product is to meet and the sites where the product is offered for sale to the general public.
    (8) Standards established pursuant to this section shall be by rules promulgated pursuant to the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to 24.328.