Utah Code 53-2a-207. Expenditures authorized by “state of emergency” declaration
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Terms Used In Utah Code 53-2a-207
- Commissioner: means the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety or the commissioner's designee. See Utah Code 53-2a-102
- Director: means the division director appointed under Section 53-2a-103 or the director's designee. See Utah Code 53-2a-102
- Disaster: means an event that:(5)(a) causes, or threatens to cause, loss of life, human suffering, public or private property damage, or economic or social disruption resulting from attack, internal disturbance, natural phenomena, or technological hazard; and(5)(b) requires resources that are beyond the scope of local agencies in routine responses to emergencies and accidents and may be of a magnitude or involve unusual circumstances that require response by government, not-for-profit, or private entities. See Utah Code 53-2a-102
- Energy: includes the energy resources defined in this chapter. See Utah Code 53-2a-102
- Political subdivision: means a municipality, county, special service district, or special district. See Utah Code 53-2a-203
- State of emergency: means a condition in any part of this state that requires state government emergency assistance to supplement the local efforts of the affected political subdivision to save lives and to protect property, public health, welfare, or safety in the event of a disaster, or to avoid or reduce the threat of a disaster. See Utah Code 53-2a-102
(1)(a) The director may use funds authorized under this part to provide:
(1)(a)(i) transportation to and from the disaster scene;
(1)(a)(ii) accommodations at the disaster scene for prolonged incidents; and
(1)(a)(iii) emergency purchase of response equipment and supplies in direct support of a disaster.
(1)(b) The commissioner may authorize the use of funds accrued under Title 53, Chapter 2a, Part 10, Energy Emergency Powers of the Governor Act , only if the governor declares a state of emergency as provided under this part.
(2) These funds may not be allocated to a political subdivision unless the political subdivision has demonstrated that it is beyond its capability to respond to the disaster and that no other resources are available in sufficient amount to meet the disaster.